I can't believe today was a good play (Games you played today)

“darcsen” is a hilarious name too

“I have a weakness to, uh, swarthies?”

also bold of them to have an explicitly jewish analogue in a game where there’s an entirely separate ancient race of chosen people


glad we cleared up whether or not judaism is lineal in the sense that it can be transferred to objects occupied by a jew

“as the most successful fanfic writer of the 2030s, I have to ask you: where did you get the idea to make the khajiit so fixated on soup, and why do you think it’s had such strong resonance?”

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me: ah, a moment at my job where I can sit down and drink my mocha and take a moment to consider a myriad of things

brain: so, I was thinking, in River City Girls

me: please no, stop

brain: enemies don’t get knocked down unless you finish the string or use a heavy attack, so two players could just jab lock a boss, right

me: I-

brain: I want to try this out after work

me: okay, but who am I going to convince to do this with me

brain: you own multiple controllers, right

me: please no, why

I will never be free of this curse


bov I’m not actually good at beat em ups so I’m gonna default to you: how do you rate rcg amognst other modern games in the same genre in this dystopian future where we have to accept that moves must be unlocked by leveling up or buying them (or in the case of rcg, both)

after the amount of brain power I have devoted to this game in the past week, I feel that I can no longer be impartial about it

for instance, did you know that Abobo’s blocking routine doesn’t activate until you knock him down

the walljump-special cancel stuff can be used to get out of bounds and skip locked-in fights and all of these are in Ocean Heights

every playable character is garbage except for Kyoko because her handstand kick special is the destroyer of bosses

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which character can do a frankensteiner


who do you think

it’s fucking Kyoko

she has all the good moves (even the ones you don’t need to buy because you only need a third of the purchasable moves to get things done) and all the good tech

guess what, she’s the only character who can do this

I’m at the point where I feel confident saying these have been placed purposefully, especially considering there’s a skip when you first enter Downtown where you just do a running jump from where you exit from and bam, skip a fight



this is what happens when you perform a dab without irony, you became too powerful for the world to handle you.

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Shocked how little Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes said. Like I heard there was a lot of commentary for Shadows of the Damned but uhh…real weird erasure of Massimo Guarini the actual director of the game.

Also lots of references to The Silver Case a game I stopped playing because a woman apologized for being a bitch because she was on the rag.

Much like the humor of TSANMH I am going to complain about this post having too many words and not enough budget and call that comedy, commentary, and a personality.


been on a quake binge

playing it on nightmare difficulty I feel like the game has aged exceptionally well, and taken as a whole I think it’s overall a better, tighter, and more interesting game than doom. I beat the main campaign and I don’t think I ever played through any of the fourth episode as a child when it first came out. it was a delight experiencing all of those super intense, labrynthine structures for the very first time in 2020!

moved on to the scourge of armagon mission pack and while it’s not quite as polished I’m impressed by how amibitious it is narratively. feels like a stopgap between quake and quake 2 in the best possible way. I guess on some level some of these flashy set pieces are responses to the ahead of its time stuff happening in duke nukem 3D, which was a much more cinematic and dynamic narrative game despite using a more primitive engine. but it’s really cool to see that approach to visual storytelling married with quake 1 engine aesthetics.

are the other mission packs this good?


that one gif where Steve Carell slaps a table and says “thank you”


Can’t speak to any of the official mission packs but there are a whole shitload of fan made map packs that are hella great. Look up Arcane Dimensions, Warpspasm, Rubicon Rumble Pack, Dimension of the Past (This is the pack MachineGames of Nuefenstein fame did recently, the “fifth episode”), just to name a few.

There’s an overhaul mod called Quake 1.5 that tweaks everything a bit and gives the whole thing a fresh face.

Quake mods and map packs are as fun of a rabbit hole to go down as the Doom ones.

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something something ziggurat vertigo and mario 64 tick tock clock are inverted faces of each other


I played the two on Steam In 2017. I remember the second one being worse than the campaign and MP1 but still good. I think I more played them for the bonus levels which are real crazy.

Had a great time with Quake but was somewhat tired of the monster interaction by the end so didn’t look into the fan community.

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why did id ditch the horror angle and just do a sci fi shooter for quake 2

everything about the first quake is so much more compelling aesthetically and dovetails perfectly with the game’s design ethos

it’s so weird that quake 2 is still sort of held up as this defining moment in first person shooter design. it’s so boring and sterile compared to the original.


Dunno I remember I kinda liked the idea of aliens that basically reproduce by throwing other lifeforms into some meatgrinder to produce biomechanical monstrosities. At least that’s what I gathered the game was about in my cutscene-less pirated copy.

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yeah I mean that’s cool and all I just think the original quake has aged remarkably well as a cliche-free take on lovecraft horror

if someone were to make “quake V” today as a throwback to the original they’d probably mess it up anyway.