I can't believe today was a good play (Games you played today)

I am split between “WayForward” and “did they give Kyoko a backstory about being expelled from middle school for stealing basketball hoops in a bizarre callback to a mechanic from Nekketsu! Street Basket: Ganbare Dunk Heroes”, which is kind of a weird thing to do when the secret boss in the same game calls Shin Nekketsu Kouha: Kunio Tachi no Banka (the game with Misako and Kyoko on the cover) obscure

also finding out the last 1% to 100% completion is recruiting everyone





the callbacks are tbh the best part of the writing, tho, also, the ending is one big callback and I still hated it even after having it explained to me

really like that the reward for beating the secret boss is an item for multiplayer, even though you kinda have to beat the game and do one of the secret hunts to activate them

so it’s for New Game+ coop

it’s fucking weird

anyway, current life goals are tricking someone into playing coop with me and seeing if I can do a fresh run in under an hour

…a life well lived

play with me

looking at a yakuza 7 trailer led me to looking at what other yakuza games are on sale led me to looking at the arcade games they let you play in each of them led me to discovering that final showdown is apparently really easy to run perfectly in RPCS3 (as in you can do it with an overclocked 2500k or a comparable CPU, unlike some titles) as of fairly recently so that’s neat


got the 100%

I’m out


so like…is there something to this game, or is it like all the other Wayforward games i’ve played and not been able to fully enjoy?

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apologies for twitter link but it’s where i embedded the clip

GTFO is really good. no matchmaking so you have to have a group to play with. very tense cooperative stealth game that feels like L4D if every enemy had the witch AI. every run, even if you fail, you feel like you’re learning and getting better. no progression mechanics. it’s fucking great

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ah, I read the marketing as “filling the Left 4 Dead gap”. It’s specifically stealth-based? Can you do 2-player? making me jones for doing System Shock 2 co-op

the bizarre chaos of ss2 co-op/deus ex mp is exactly the kind of feeling games that have no business being MP but have a mode anyway need to be channelling

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it’s so fragile, a monofilament line of scary and clumsy co-op between a pit of just absolute failure and angry ordering on the other hand

I think the biggest problem in doing multiplayer in those games is when they jam in linear play modes; it’s not level-based, it’s open, large, continuous, and a game that can fail that badly needs shorter bites and ways to tolerate absolute disaster and allow people to get back to screwing around and testing their bounds

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I remember legitimately hollering at the monitor the second I saw system shock 2 man’s 3rd person animations with the wrench in MP

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1-4 players, no scaling (1 person doing a level and 4 people doing a level will get the same experience in terms of enemy density, items, etc). You can duo or solo if you wish, but it’s agonizingly hard on later missions.

Specifically stealth-based. The basic enemies - Sleepers - are sensitive to light and movement, but not vision. You can get right up next to them without them noticing, which is the ideal way to progress because a single charged melee swing will kill all enemies except the Giant.

If you move too quickly or while they are suspicious (represented by extremely loud gooshy heartbeats and the monster writhing around), they will aggro to you, and if you don’t stunlock or kill them right away, they will scream and aggro the whole room, which is a huge drain on your resources.

There are specific horde events - represented by “This will trigger an alarm!” - where enemies swarm your position from a specific direction. You can close and reinforce doors ala Killing Floor 2 to buy time, which is very useful because killing enemies during a horde only spawns more until the alarm is disabled.

There’s also a terminal system you can use to find items, and environmental awareness is super important. All level chunks are demarcated as “zones”, and info you get from terminals tells you which zones objectives are in. Plotting a route through the level on the fly is important, as is understanding the layout so you can retreat to more defensible positions.

I’m really enjoying it, despite the difficulty, because every time I play I feel like a cool sneaker hacker man, and I learn more about the nuances of the enemy AI. Like how the Sleeper AI design is intended to cause you to panic the moment you make a single mistake, but if you keep your cool after alerting a Sleeper, you can prevent the room aggro. It also has a huge focus on making the best out of a bad situation with limited resources, since you’re basically never topped off on ammo and the item distribution is relatively stingy unless you’re either sneaking or meleeing every enemy.

Really great game. The perfect level of tension in a co-op game.


last night I played wattam in the tub by:

  • previously adding a shortcut to the wattam executable to my steam library
  • using the moonlight app on my phone to send a WOL packet to my desktop
  • taking off my phone case and attaching my gamevice
  • opening the steam link client to navigate to and launch wattam
  • playing wattam; having a nice time
  • attempting to exit the game, which hung, though steam was still broadcasting, and I didn’t want my computer to sit there at 100% utilization in the other room or bother my wife, so I then had to open prompt to ssh on my phone to my windows desktop, which I had previously configured with bitvise ssh server to allow me to start git bash sessions over ssh (the only way I’m aware of doing this), then combining dos and
    linux syntax to do tasklist | grep wattam followed by taskkill -f -pid [output], which I previously established is something I’m able to do
  • reopening the steam link app to close the connection

I am, once again, absolutely certain that I am the only one in the world who has set up this series of edge cases properly to work for what I want to do (saying nothing of my impeccable wifi)


I don’t like baths


Got to the point in sunless skies where I can retire my captain because he’s been working for both the revolutionaries and the establishment and has gotten rich as fuck in the process. But I still wanna finish a couple of officer’s storylines and fully fund the direct relay from Albion to Eleutheria , so I guess I’ll keep plugging away at it.

I’ve got a huge recent backlog of games that I’ve only put 15-20 mins into each (Sekiro, DMC 5, Momodoro) but I just can’t stop playing this. I wish I’d have known that it was even better than sunless seas when it came out

i finished yakuza 6. i know there’s some problems with how old fashioned “the struggles of manly men” the story is, but i still loved it.

with this and sword and fairy 6, it’s like we’re living in a golden age of rpgs with excellent stories and characters