I can't believe today was a good play (Games you played today)

I mean, if I got kicked in the nuts that many times, I might not be thinking straight

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he’s probably thinking straight cause if you mis-space the string, he galaxy brains you and swings behind him and you catch his head on yours

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wasnt there a gameboy game where you possess different people? not ghost trick, like actual gameboy

avenging spirit!!

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it’s very expensive now

oh my god the exact same thing works against the last boss

same setup

same spacing

same string

I love this game


I saw a streamer play RCG and when they got to Abobo they found out how to cheese with the blow back attack (the dab with kiyoko) and kiting bosses. This looks more speed strat worthy.

I played about 90 minutes of it in the original Japanese and the slowness of every action took it’s toll real fast.

Also Geist on the Gamecube. This one is interesting because it’s co-developed by Nintendo and you can take over pretty much anything, including inanimate objects. Feels like the FPS version of Mario Odyssey, at least in description. I found it to be pretty bad when I actually played it though.

and Cactus’ Psychosomnium where the protagonist dies and you take over other characters at least 3 times

In Banjo Tooie there’s a mode that they took out where player two takes over enemies, and whenever player 1 kills an enemy they take over the next nearest one, that’s a thing

Anyway I feel like “switching to a bunch of different characters on the fly” is not exactly common, but definitely has been around for a long time,.

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i really love her music

Played I.Q. Final for the first time seriously last night before bed, and it is the closest a puzzle game has gotten to leaving a “Tetris effect” (the phenomenon, not the game) impression in my brain since Tetris itself. It feels like the kind of game that feels really satisfying to optimize your solutions in. I definitely want to play some more of this soon.

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Streamed some Totally Accurate Battle Simulator, and y’know what? It’s a pretty fun game. It’s like a big stupid puzzle, but instead of there being “multiple solutions” it seems like the developers were like “I’m sure they’ll figure something out” and just let the players do whatever the fuck they want.

I find that, as I age, I just want games that let me do whatever stupid shit pops into my brain. Not GTA style, I don’t want to “Blow up cars full of prostitutes” or whatever. I just want to be able to smash my action figures together, in hi-def, with ragdoll physics. And also I want half my action figures to be things like Raptor Riders and Pirate Queens and One Of Those Parade Dragons From China But It Shoots Fire Now


You may soon be joining those of us who frequently have this running through our heads:


played a few hours of anodyne on a whim today (haven’t touched 2) and apparently my opinion of videogames is such that if a character so much as mentions swiss chard i’m like wow this game has great writing


This mode was also in Perfect Dark, I think it was called ‘Counter-Op’. I think I played it briefly with a friend but it was never as good as regular deathmatch


Oh yeah I think that’s what they based the Devil Bottles mode on

i’m trying to get to my playstation rank (juggernaut) in tekken 7 on pc. think i’m getting there.


Beat Rondo today; starting having real trouble around Stage 5, and all the stages after that keep that high level of difficulty.

Dracula is pretty repetitive/tedious/boring to fight, though, which is strange because the quality of the other bosses is pretty high. Maybe they ran out of time!

I would like rcg more if it was more horny tbh but even then that doesn’t save it from it’s godawful patented wayforward writing. it’s full of character designs I enjoy but I can’t get past alll the stupid selfaware jokes it has. goose game has better writing


literally the story could be told through it’s fun vocal tracks but instead they make a silly story that’s so pointless I would have lost interest by the 2nd stupid npc you run into if the whole thing wasn’t catered towards me, the beat em up defender


wayforward outsources it’s art which is why its games always looks good iirc but they can’t afford to outsource the story to better writers