Hardware To Be a God

OK instead of buying a whole new computer I replaced my CPU fan with a Noctua today

After fixing the CPU fan I realized the top one of my two case fans was also a little bit rattling. I couldn’t immediately see how to unplug that one so I blocked it with the little plastic straw that came with my dust remover spray

Back to being a perfect desktop computer


My case also has a rainbow-colored “Windows Vista Home Premium” authentication sticker on it. Would a new case have that? I think not.


new cases wouldn’t even have optical drive bays


This annoys me to no end. I understand that most of y’all don’t want 5.25" drive bays but shouldn’t the big ass enthusiast rigs still have them at least?


I’ve been waiting for something like this for twenty years.


@parker they finally just fixed HDR in upstream IINA after like a year or two of it requiring unofficial builds, a week after I had you install an unofficial build to get it, but mine just auto-updated back to upstream which was nice of them, yours should too

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rate my battlestation



I enjoyed sshing to my remarkable to update the idle screen but then I found out it just replaces it with a PNG on every update :frowning:


I am genuinely wondering how much battery life you might be able to get using this for like, light IRC and linux terminal stuff


using my poor 2015 mba for react filth + half a dozen electron apps, it’s not pretty


I’m excited that they might be announcing better multitasking for iOS next week because my wife is using a combination of a Haswell MBA and an M1 iPad Pro at this point and she doesn’t really want to have to get a new macbook on top of that but they’re barely cutting it

really hoping my same-vintage MBP holds out until people start passing on their M1s. provided the SSDs still work i guess, wasn’t that a kerfuffle for for a sec?

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SSD lifetime fears have mostly not materialized. They sometimes catastrophically fail at random like traditional hard drives do, but they don’t have an expiration date unless you’re churning them constantly to mine ChiaCoin or something.

(EDIT: maybe I misunderstood and you’re talking about a particular known defect in that generation of Macs though?)


they are still somewhat more predictable in terms of failure than hard drives (a hard drive is both more likely to fail within a year and more likely to keep working after 20) but for most users it shouldn’t matter too much. I don’t know that I’d use a 5+ year old SSD with unknown history without replacing it.


Agreed, I would never buy a second-hand SSD sold in bulk because it might have been used on a database server.

The genuine concerns about them were always from the real heavy users and they trickled down to the consumer. And it was hard to totally debunk the worries because some consumers heard that and thought to themselves “well I use my computer pretty heavily” not realizing that that is still orders of magnitude less load than a server farm SSD sees


i remember people being like “i used this for like a month and the system info says this SSD’s 2% worn out ergo it’ll be TOAST in a couple years” except with numbers that make sense coz i didn’t pull them out of my arse. it’s probably nothing though


Macos was doing weird shit on m1 macs with virtual memory at some point that had people worried

I don’t think that’s new, macOS has always had weird swap behavior

shocked how badly this has aged using it for more than casual browsing, even making some more conservative choices (alacritty, safari, sublime) in software it still performs like shit

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