Hardware To Be a God

a buddy once said to me “lets move to the canadian wilderness and live like the shirtless kid from primitive technology” and i had a hard time convincing myself not to say yes


I don’t know about you but it’s important that my computers make me have contempt for them proportional to the amount of contempt they have for me


actually what’s like, the good FS for an external HDD used mostly but potentially not exclusively on macos and linux? is it that btrFS or w/e or is NTFS like write-compatible and actually functional respectively

I thought that was exFAT :flushed:

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oh no

in my experience you’ll actually have better luck across platforms with NTFS than anything else

you may still have to enable an extra module for it to be writable on macOS but it takes 2 seconds

btrfs and zfs are both perfectly good at this point (they had a bad reputation early on) but they’re really only useful for big redundant storage (my nas is btrfs)


bless the exiles-in-Canada, always got my back

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Recent discussion reminded me to check on the hard drives in my NAS and

  4 Start_Stop_Count        0x0032   100   100   020    Old_age   Always       -       74
  5 Reallocated_Sector_Ct   0x0033   100   100   010    Pre-fail  Always       -       0
  9 Power_On_Hours          0x0032   021   021   000    Old_age   Always       -       69325
 12 Power_Cycle_Count       0x0032   100   100   020    Old_age   Always       -       67
198 Offline_Uncorrectable   0x0010   100   100   000    Old_age   Offline      -       0
240 Head_Flying_Hours       0x0000   100   253   000    Old_age   Offline      -       69018h+31m+04.750s

They’re in great shape but with almost 8 years of being spun up maybe I should start thinking about replacements


swapped out my psu for a be quiet! last week and no power cycling since, yay


damn, hell freezing over again

good thing OpenGL is the premiere API in Windows


this was probably a good way to steal an Nvidia engineer for $300k just to get some legacy maintenance taken care of. very utilitarian corporate espionage


Classic Japanese bureaucracy. Early to adopt faxes in the 70s, early to adopt websites in 2001, but don’t quite grasp the idea that any changes whatsoever might be needed following that


yeah, I was reading that and thinking about how one of the worst aspects of working on public sector tech here was always the obsession with getting buy-in for something, the perception of which inevitably lagged far behind the speed with which we should’ve been working, and it’s crazy to think that actually extends to other sectors over there


I hope this one is the one with the accurate number because that’s too funny


I know I keep asking it but the exchange rate is So Good Right Now that I probably should if I can get past a Japanese keyboard and well I have a real question:

When we got a laptop from Best Buy for Lady Rude 6 years ago we ended up returning it because you could not set the system language to Japanese. I’d be looking for the opposite in setting windows 10/11 to English. This seems perfectly reasonable but have no idea if Windows still has a dozen idiot tiers that seperate stuff like…system language only in business!

Anyways what is the windows gamer laptop to get. I wanna see them graphics, as I set a disgusting crt filter over fzero GX. Maybe I will do research and go this isn’t worth the Japanese price.

Also got a tate-able monitor with a 4 frame input lag (supposedly) coming today and will absolutely just plug a new laptop into that to edit podcasts once a month.

Yeah I got time for this stuff!

Yeah, you can set Windows 10 to English and set Japanese as a secondary language (which installs the language pack with the fonts etc). I don’t think there’s a significant difference between Windows 10 regional variants anymore, the way OSes work nowadays is that they ask you your primary language the first time you turn it on, and it can also be changed later if someone else picked Japanese before you got to it.

There’s a specific problem with Chrome where it displays kanji in a Chinese font in a system configured like this, which you can fix by messing with the settings as described here. Most/all other software displays kanji fine without any additional tweak.

(Someone else can provide laptop recs, I’m not up to date there.)



Turns out it is impossible to judge a laptop on Japanese internet because none of them have photos of the Japanese keyboard.


realising the big negative of NVMe SSDs is the fact that I’ve yet to see a mini-ITX board with more than one slot, so my usual approach to upgrades of “keep the old drive but move to a new one for booting” is kind of thwarted by it

like I guess I can do the jank thing and attach it over USB 3.x in an enclosure, but still


many ITX boards have another NVMe slot on the back but some cases are dangerously bad about airflow to those drives