oh I need to farm souls for grenades I don’t want to get close to people ever again
(I know I will but I want to be the bombing bastard for once)
oh I need to farm souls for grenades I don’t want to get close to people ever again
(I know I will but I want to be the bombing bastard for once)
i would not be nearly as far as i am in this game without firebombs
These games are designed to be beat, they just like to while you do it
I played the shit out of this one when it came out. It’s a rough start but really gets going from the Bastille onwards
should be said it also takes a reaaaalllllly long time for enemies to despawn. like you gotta kill the same enemy a dozen times or so before it stops showing up
oh yeah fuckin, Agility is one of the more controversial/stupid mechanics, it’s worth getting to a comfortable baseline on it asap and even spoiling the breakpoints where your dodge improves, since theyre pointlessly opaque. Here actually i jotted em down forever ago and slipped it into the game box, spoiled if you dont wanna know or care:
Adaptability = Agility = no. of iframes midroll
6 ADP = 85 AGI = 5 iframes
7 ADP = 86 AGI = 7 iframes
9 ADP = 88 AGI = 9 iframes
14 ADP = 92 AGI = 10 iframes
20 ADP = 96 AGI = 11 iframes
24 ADP = 99 AGI = 12 iframes
40 ADP = 105 AGI = 13 iframes
tl;dr 88 Agility is the minimum where your roll starts feeling decent, 96/99 is a good sweet spot, 105 is overkill. Also, Attunement (your magic slot stat) gives about 1/2 a point of AGI so a wizard can do cool flips to make up for her frail body. the Adaptability numbers up there are assuming base Attunement.
I’ve got three guys despawned now haha im the most tedious
Extinction is a great mechanic.
it gets them out of the way!!
the sense of scarcity really evaporates after a few bosses in
i think that it might’ve been possible to make the very first release unbeatable by hunting the guards outside drangleic castle to extinction without opening the door (not sure if bonfire ascetic would work since you haven’t reached that area’s bonfire yet). was immediately patched to make them spawn indefinitely though
edit: i know this because my own anxious mind virus drove me to find the conclusive answer
this post made me feel so much better
I got my first death trying to drop down from the camera-adjustment portion of the tutorial area if that makes you feel better too.
the worst thing about the big sword gank is that you’re like 10 feet away from the shortcut and the boss elevator. the fucking dickhead architect who built all these kingdom of the crystal skull monster closets into walls in drangleic is my enemy. I saw a guy standing inside a hole in the wall just big enough for him in no mans wharf and was like damn how the fuck did you even get in there
jumping feels great in ds2 if you have clicking in the stick bound to one of the back buttons on the 8bitdo. so all I have to do is run and press a button which is a lot nicer
i think almost all of the games in the series are harder at the start than in the middle and the enemies don’t start to catch back up to you in terms of like damage and hp parity with your own capabilities and health pool until towards the end… i also think DS2SOFTS is easily the hardest game in the series especially at the start
i had to get to like level 70 before i felt not completely weak
One of my favorite DS2 memories was absolutely stuffing the main game with a tank build with a greatsword, then going back to those salamanders that are at the bottom of one of the opening areas and they still absolutely just took me apart.
also oh my god this fucking room with the primal bonfire i love that it looks like a mappers first room
I died like 12 times at the pursuer/6 dogs/2 archers courtyard gank shit fest and almost got so frustrated I was gonna take a break but I just pushed through it…
I ended up using a bow to pick off the dogs and the archer you can drop down onto, then fell on the platform to use a firebomb to knock down the other archer platform, so it was just me and the pursuer, and despite me beating this dickhead in a boss fight it’s been awful fighting him every time he shows up so I just ran away until he despawned then continued. Somehow I had way less trouble fighting the Flexile Sentry again in fucking waist deep water when I was going through Sinners’ Rise.
you’re doing so great veronica!!! it turns out my bff is ALSO playing dark souls 2 she thought I started because I saw her playing on discord, what a wonderful coincidence
I have nothing to report yet I started over and actually fought the turtle guys and found a whole bunch of little alcoves I missed the first time BUT I GOT THROGUH THAT RIVER FARMER AREA WITHOUT EVEN GETTING HIT so that’s nice. next time I play I’m making real progress damnit!! I got in a nice time stasis state where I sat down to play and got up and it was 2 hours later