hard to be a caveman (dark souls 2 first timer thread)

Oh yeah, that’s definitely a thing in DS 2. I don’t know if the details ever came out but there is definitely a feel that aesthetically speaking they hit a “we just need to get this done” point and… well if it still exist you can check out the release day SB thread to see how people were dealing with the state of the lighting and such.


certain areas (the iron keep especially) look like they barely finished greyboxing the level before they had to ship it so they just put the same castle wall texture on every surface, spammed columns everywhere, and called it finished


oh man I’m so excited for that now (shoutout stalkersoup shoutout technobacon it’s their fault)


I didnt even read it as being rushed or whatever it just stood out as a weird fucked up room. I mean you’re in the isolated tower of a prison and you get down there and there’s just a stone solitary confinement cube guarded by a weirdo bugwoman who is the sole inmate of the ultra prison tower. She’s there because she tried to relight the first flame and she’s just out of reach of a bonfire. It’s cool


The room behind the petrified guy in Lost Bastille with the looney tunes door where you get attacked by like 8 royal guards is the best area in the game so far


i like carefully clean up the room for that encounter every time and it still manages to fuck with me somehow i love it

even better when i forget to deal with one of the mummy guys and they join in

complain about all the "A MILLION GUYS SUDDENLY JUMP OUTPF A CLOSET DS2 encounters all u like theyre fuckin memorable


and they even reprise it for the DLC!


i exhaust those spawns on like every character since they’re just down the corridor from the blacksmith and it’s so fun to stack them up at a chokepoint and poke them with a spear



I’ve decided to play this like a big baby and I picked sorcerer as my class. I’m assuming it’ll be easier to cheese fights now that I have a magical gun. Once I got it, I walked back out of the house, got the troll man stuck on level geometry and zapped him. My eyes twinkled as I saw what I would be doing for the next several dozen hours. I am the dark souls.


I saw that pro wrestler Adam Cole was streaming Dark Souls 2 today and while it is unlikely it is due to this thread (the fact it was Part 8 or so suggests he’s been at it a bit) I like to think there is something in the air and that this makes him a kindred spirit.


maybe it’s the lovely autumnal color palette of ds2… very seasonal rn


areas like heides tower remind me of the oppressive unending daylight of the first in ff14


here i am fatrolling with a present from my bird friends


made progress and immediately turned the game off i think im at the first boss elevator or something but now theres like three big new areas to explore and i cant see any doors because of all the textures and lack of color contrast. like i cant see even with my torch out, things just melt together. this is not a fun feature for me, id love a less textures/more colors mod or maybe ill just turn the brightness up because if theres any kind of busy area i literally cant parse anything. liek maybe its a visual language i have to get used to but im getting used to so many otehr things im too lazy to get used to everything being a shadow with too many textures

like everything else in this game though im sure it’ll be normal and fine in like two hours




I did get my LARGE CLUB for PANCAKING and finished Lost Bastille/Belfry Luna. Having to fight the Pursuer in the puny large club room was insane but I think I finally can kill this guy reliably without summoned help, what an asshole. lol at the tiny phantom fuckers in the bell tower, I assume this is a pvp area if you’re online based on the covenant and whatnot. I also opened the doors in Sinners’ Rise with the Bastille key, which probably would have made that boss fight I did the other day easier, but oh well…it was worth it at least to be able to pancake that locked up Heide knight cuz those dickheads gave me so much trouble once upon a time.

I forgot there was a path that miracle scam artist lady opened so I jumped down the large well (do not mistake with the small well by the mansion) that makes well village so famous and am at the Grave of Saints now. Hard to be a damn caveman…


Mumbling GAVLAN WHEEL, GAVLAN DEAL to myself today like a psychopath




This was probably posted somewhere in the forum before. But I love it so much. Hearing your own voice acting when you die. He’s fairly competent at the game, too!