hard to be a caveman (dark souls 2 first timer thread)

its ten years after dark souls 2, and even though i imported a copy of demons souls from korea before it came out here with all the good class names i never really played it, or ANY fromsoft game that follows demons souls lineage. i am a cookie and cream purist usually. but i saw a post about being vehemently against playing the game becuase toups said it was good and i was like 'well i have double ODD, im gonna play a dark souls game now" and veronica kept telling me about this dark souls two youtuber who just argues with haters that havent even played the game and i was like 'you know what i should play the one everyone fights about. thats a good start to this series, the mean one that people hate"

heres the youtuber veronica likes timestamped explaining backstab hitboxes becuase I STILL HAVENT LANDED ONE BUT NOW IM GONNA, BECAUSE IM EDUCATED



so im playing dark souls 2

im out of the tutorial area and trying to learn how to not aggro 5 enemies at once and lose half my health before i venture out of a river area with a really cute giant frolicking in the water

STUPID THREAD RULES - dont tell me another souls game did it better. comparisons are fine but if you try to get me to play another one of these games you are missing my point! im playing dark souls 2 scholar of the first sin edition and THAT IS THAT. you can tell me about other souls games just if anyone says PLAY THIS INSTEAD i will explode. i will frankly explode all over the computer and it will short out and you’ll never hear from me again and my blood will be on YOUR HANDS

the therad is called hard to be a caveman because veronica likes using clubs and we make caveman noises at eachother and im currently reading hard to be a god and so the thread title is born

IF YOURE PLAYING OR WANT TO PLAY THIS GAME FOR THE FIRST TIME COME POST IN THIS THREAD I KNOW @VastleCania AND @iguferon HAVE BEEN MORAL SUPPORT FOR ME BY ALSO DIVING INTO THIS FOR THE FIRST TIME but if you’ve been putting it off and like me, just want to fit into some conversations a little bit more (at the meetup i saw souls games like 4 times? at least and i sat next to @COINTELBRO and was like oh what dark souls is this and he was liek ITS DEMONS SOULS and i felt so stupid!! but he wasnt mean he was like you can tell because of all those curvy flourishes on the UI) then this is the thread for you!

apologies in advance for all the things im about to say that have been said here 47893858348 times. ive never read a word about dark souls 2 on any sb forum before. i think ive only really read about elden ring

well i made the thread so now i actually have to stick with this shit


note that your character starts out as way more of a gimp in this one than in any other souls game, like every starter build is conspicuously awful in at least one way. cleric is possibly the best one because it starts with the mace which is a god-tier weapon (and a metal club), but they can only use it two-handed until they level up their strength. swapping between a Mace and a Spear can easily take you through the whole game

looking forward to your observations on this, the weirdest, grossest souls game (bloodborne is sometimes gross but it has a lot more dignity about it)


Dark Souls 2 is actually the best Castlevania game ever released for the Nintendo 64 that was also a sequel to Belmont’s Quest.



im playing dark souls 2 scholar of the first sin edition

Some would say you’re still not playing Dark Souls II

EDIT: Couldn’t resist!


first time i played this i was kinda disappointed and annoyed cause this is the one that embarassed me the most, but somehow playing kings field 4 and then returning to this, i realized it’s actually good. but also still annoying. it’s somehow a kings field game rather than souls except not and i love that it’s the odd one out because i actually do want many very different variants of the thing i never get enough of.

also i love playing tekken against the game, it’s so good at that compared to all the others. the fists in dark souls 3 feel like i’m flailing around at the air in front of enemies who really couldn’t give a damn about my showboating.

in dark souls 2 i run in and keep doing three punch combos and dodging and its unfortunately really funny seeing another player fully decked out with proper weapons and armor learning to fear a non-armored woman with heavy gloves. i’m sorry for having fun being the bully but fromsoft should’ve stopped me if they didn’t want that to happen


dark souls 2 is great i’m surprised anyone who likes the series dislikes it… i think they are all pretty good tho. even if you accept the premise that it’s worse than any miyazaki-directed game (which i disagree with) is it not self-evidently much better than the dozens of other “soulslikes” ppl churn out… i am kind of a fangirl for the series tho i just often think there seems to be more like Vision and Artistry or w/e in one fragment of some of these games than the entirety of others


not trying to be mean or start a thing, but can we not use gimp?

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I just think it’s great that From decided to follow the NES tradition of “2” being the fuckin weird wacky one that tries to depart from what Gamers decided was great about the first one, thus pissing off the Gamers. Pretty sure all people of taste now acknowledge that 3, while good, is kind of tired, and the weakest effort in the series.

I have noticed that the gays seem to rizz up 2 the most… much to think about…


3, Bloodborne, and Elden Ring are the only ones I ever finished, lol.

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i feel very strongly that 2 is great because it’s almost completely emotionally distinct from the first dark (and demon’s)

all the mechanical tweaks and experiments are fascinating and compelling, but the greatest joy of the game is in its particular emotional affect. as others have mentioned, the closest emotional analogue here is the king’s field and shadow tower games, rather than demon’s or dark 1.

3 seemingly has everything in place to be the “best” one, but somehow feels emotionally flat in comparison. maybe it’s trying to re-capture some feelings from demon’s or dark 1, or maybe it’s just not novel enough to be able to pierce me in that way


im thinkin about the tree men


I’m tempted to fire this dumb thing up in solidarity. I’ve never finished a From game. I know that won’t change if I start this one.


well I don’t know if I’m gonna finish either I’m just gonna do my best


my impression is that dark souls 3 doesn’t really expand on the narrative in an interesting way like 2 does


im so down with the idea of Dank Bowls 2 being your first souls game hell yeah ill start a playthrough too why not i love 2!!!

the #1 thing i tell people new to 2 in particular is human effigies quickly stop being rare, so dont worry about dying a bunch & having to use one (i mean obviously dont just pop one the moment you die, your health degrading isn’t really an issue until youve died like 5 times in a row).
Maybe u werent worried!! people usually are, because they heard from a million gamers that this is HARDCORE and they worry this means “you will run out of extra lives and be soft locked if you don’t play PERFECTLY” and thats why you can’t trust anyone to talk to you about souls games. EXCEPT ME (and the rest of sb)

also there is 1 guy in all the world who you can sell stuff to (for REALLY mad ducats, 2 dumps more souls on you than any other game in the series) but he relocates the first couple times you find him. so it might be worth hanging onto all your trash you dont want instead of storing it so you can CASH IN when you meet him

caveman style is a great way to play like everything in this game is weak to bonk


I saw that my health kept going down and used one yeah I think it was like 6 deaths deep

I will keep an eye out for Mr. moneybags


I fucking hate those pigs in the well village by the way, I bothered one and was like oops sorry I didn’t mean to be annoying so I ran away to where I THOUGHT was far enoguh and talked to some dope about some covenant and depression shit and then I hear little fuckin oink noises and there’s THREE OF THEM CHASING ME AND HEAD BUTTING ME AND THEY WERE SO HARD TO HIT I killed one and got the other two really low but they got me, the little tiny piggies got me!!

learning how to jump in the tutorial almost made me. quit tho



i love those little shits they also have tons of HP for no reason. we dont go to that corner of town, it belongs to the pigs now