hard to be a caveman (dark souls 2 first timer thread)

Well, Village?


dark souls ii: bonk’s revenge


i’m really tempted to go buy a copy of dark souls 2 scholar on ps3 (which is original ds2 w/ the dlc dungeons) which would make probably like the 4th time i’ve played thru the first half at this point… i really need to finish this game atp… perhaps this will be the year i roll the credits on both ds1 and ds2.


daphny is still disparaging majula and called them “the servbot pigs with a million hp”


there is a special reward for grinding those piglets to the point that they despawn. it is the only time in the game that that mechanic appears


all the pigs in this game lead to Easter eggs


I love this weird ass game! I think vanilla and Scholar are both worth playing.

Scholar is HUGE I’ve beaten it a few times and I’m pretty sure there are bosses I’ve never seen.


Deciding to play Dark Souls 2 because it is the “bad” one, then playing the fixed up version of it feels like a minor cheat, but I support you in your mad quest!

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cheating what that is just so weird to say. i didnt say it was the bad game either!!!

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The original version of Dark Soul 2 is the one that was hated, Scholar of the First Sin significantly remixed things around to fix many of the things it was criticized for. They’re bordering on two different games is all, ignore me saying cheating that was probably unfair/too strong.


All the psychos making 10 hour youtube essays about how it sucks are playing Scholar. The game has basically had this weird youtube critic conspiracy against it from the beginning, instead now they complain about how the changed enemy placements or whatever are bad defending a game they didnt like in the first place


oh okay that makes more sense but i havent played any of these games so they’re pretty much the same to me i just want the updated version


I don’t think it’s accurate to construe that DS2 was maligned and then SotFS was not equally hated. I don’t think any version of DS2 won popular favor. And most people who have a received idea that DS2 is bad probably don’t know how extensively different the two versions are.

And having finished both, the changes are not enough to make one game good and another bad. It’s the same thing just, like, Cool Ranch flavor edition.


The biggest thing the original version definitely does better is the Heide knights are unique enemies that do not appear in Heide’s Tower at all. They’re wandering the land & can be found sitting in a few different places. They’ll be just sitting there and won’t attack before you do (eg. there was originally one in the Forest of Fallen Giants sitting in front of the big tree in the courtyard early in the level; that part is full of zombie soldiers playing dead now). There is a not-guaranteed chance they’ll drop unique gear. That rules way more than a bunch of them sitting on their asses near Heide’s Tower, waiting for you to beat a boss to get motivated

i otherwise mostly think Scholar is better tho


I do think the one legit criticism one can make of original DS 2 (which I think is rather good even if I like the others more) is that the enemy placement in stages wasn’t as well considered, and that is the #1 thing Scholar addresses. There was once long ago when I could have sited specific examples, now I’m firmly in “I no longer remember exactly which bit was in which game territory”.


the one thing I can’t get over with DS2 is how ungrounded and unconnected all the environments are. I appreciate that some folks enjoy this arguably dreamlike aspect but one of the things i like about From’s approach to fantasy is how the weird juxtapositions of environment can tell a story and that’s not really a part of DS2. You just go from discrete zone to discrete zone, with the connecting corridors serving as little more than a crevice to crawl through to hide loading. Nothing really builds on anything else (for me) but it also doesn’t lean into the nightmare quality of say, Marathon Infinity’s level design unmoored from time and reality.

Instead its like ‘you go from the white towers zone to the pirate theme park zone to the mario’s lava castle zone’ and the details fade away into somewhat diverting wallpaper instead of an actual environment

I liked the DLC on DS2 more than the base game and that’s probably the only time I have felt that way about fromsoft dlc


crossposting to the sig thread (not actually doing this)


Oh I also liked the memories of giants and the gender coffin. Don’t want to only post tired ‘tulpa doesn’t like ds2’ takes forever


the other Souls games have a sense of place. you can make a map of them in your head that makes sense. they remind me of ICO how even though you get through the castle bit by bit, area by area, it puts in visual work to show you this castle isn’t a bunch of discreet puzzle zones, it’s a castle you’re traversing in a weird order. The Souls games besides 2 do that frequently & they’re super good at it

2 is a bunch of weird individual zones connected to each other kind of arbitrarily, each one has its own small backstory that connects to the bigger story of the game. That’s also basically how Kings Field 3 and 4 are structured, just to solve the mystery why people relate this one to the Field series so much. (also, y’know, vibes)
edit for the record i dont think this is inherently a worse approach!


when i was reading about theming the disconnected sense of place seems to fit in with the disconnected state of mind everything else has