Guys I tried to rewatch Aliens after rewatching Alien

The original AVP - the hard one - is probably the most terrified I’ve ever been at a videogame.

The scene in Aliens where Ramirez puts her boot against the side of an alien’s head to pin it against the wall and blows its face off with her antique 911 justifies whatever other sins the movie committed.

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Oh shit I guess I know now what I’m doing on my birthday

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I assume you mean AVP, the one that came out in 2000 for PC

Er, 1999

(The Jagaur one is supposed to be scurry tho)

Yeah that’s the one.

I’ve also played the Jaguar one and it is also sort of scary but not really as much.


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aliens is a good movie to have running in the background while something else is playing


i feel like i came off as pretty flippant to Terminator 2 in this thread, and i just wanna say that i really do like that movie, it’s probably my favorite James Cameron action blockbuster but i just love everything about the first movie better. it’s a small but gritty little horror movie with a killer synth soundtrack and a perfect sci fi time travel loop and feels really good as it’s own self contained thing.

i know we’ve hashed this out before Cuba, sorry for dragging it up again

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To be clear you were watching the director’s cut right? Where they reinsert all of ripley’s motivation? That she does not have for the theatrical? Question Mark?

I also watched Aliens recently and had a good time with it so between diplo and myself we continue to have the sum total of experiences people can have with a work of fiction.

Guess she don’t like the cornbread either.

I personally liked Aliens after I started interpreting it as “Women (including the alien queen) being more badass and/or pragmatic than the Men who are the threat to them”

ALIEN^3 SPOILERS: sort of liked the third one since it kind of seemed like the most perverse response to the action movie nuclear family stuff of the second. like, iirc half the cast just admits they don’t care about being killed by the alien because they were contemplating suicide anyway??? it kills off the previous film’s handsome guy and small adorable child at the very start and then the other most sympathetic characters are weird neuter convicts and the security guard betrays them all for the sake of his wife and kid and then ripley terminates her alien baby by uh slow motion sinking into lava i guess, i guess this movie was only released a year after terminator 2 so it’s probably a coincidence but still funny. eat shit robo dad. also the last 30minutes in memory are just this totally suspenseless chase sequence around this sort of sand-filled maze filled with the aforementioned people who want to die, sort of like those bits in scooby doo where everyone runs from one doorway to another, which is kind of an engaging piece of self-sabotage in itself.

alien resurrection was ok, i enjoyed the romantic plot between cloned mutant alien lady and the robot, you can tell it’s a canonical action movie romance because they do the wound-cleaning thing scene together (“ah!” “did that hurt?” “…a little”) and then they settle depopulated future apocalypse earth together! don’t know why this isn’t more popular choice.

the alien comics are also kind of endearingly goofy in a very dark horse comics kind of way and some are by jim woodring, of all people?!? recommended if you enjoyed creeping around airvents listening to the npc dialogue in monolith’s avp2.


this is insane to me


'Hey Vasquez, have you ever been mistaken for a man?"

“No, have you?”


“Look into my EYE.”

Did you know the lady who played Vasquez was also John Connor’s foster mom in T2? And that she had a bit part in Titanic? She was also in Star Trek Generations but that’s not a James Cameron movie. For some reason I could have sworn she was also in The Abyss but wikipedia says otherwise.

Alien: Isolation rules but I’ve only managed to play all the way through it once. Not because it’s too scary (though it is quite unnerving and such) but simply because it’s so long and I’m trying to clear it on hard mode and have only made it to level five of like fifteen or sixteen.

I used to have Alien Trilogy on PS1 and it was even in one of those extra large original PS1 cases that made it look like a VHS tape or something but I never played past the second level. It’s pretty good emulated though.

And the PS1 Alien: Resurrection game is quite good as well though I of course haven’t played very far in it either.

This was probably the best thing about the existence of Alien: Resurrection.

Big fan of the Woodring comic that riffs on Moebius art about a diseased chestburster hunted down by security guards in shorts and causing mayhem on a retreat planet for rich folks.

Also like that Stronghold is just one huge shaggy dog story to justify this one panel:

Even before Aliens vs. Predator happened I’m willing to bet the success of the Aliens line of comics out of Dark Horse’s many licences is on account of getting to see various artists do their own take on the alien. Although I guess they kept churning out Star Wars comics until the very end…

There was also a short Terminator line that predated T2 even. I know Frank Miller’s RoboCop Versus The Terminator is probably the most well known thing to come out of it but after having read through them there’s also the stark hyperviolence of Secondary Objectives illustrated by Paul Gulacy, a short mini that opens with a full issue of SWAT cops being gunned down relentlessly then ends with two terminators wrestling in public.

Later that same terminator gets rebuilt and decked out by bikers then disguises itself as a cop.


labyrinth is my favourite if only for that one bizarre sequence where the mad scientist reveals a fantastically mutated maimed humanoid kept alive in some kind of pod, and they go oh no, and then the scientist says “he was my lover”, and they go OH NO. i don’t know why but it always stands out in my head as example of the uncanniness that can come up when you try to implement this sort of charged imagery in that basically dorky alien-pinup-art adventure story format. i always got the impression that pre-deviantart they just got professional artists to doodle these things in whatever way they pleased (alien in tuxedo, alien with a gun) and then any imagery that worked just got churned into comics? but i read uh too many of these comics growing up and the polite talking android aliens were definitely up there with t-1000 and the cockroach guy from men in black as childhood role models.

SPEAKING OF half-integrated deviantart sexual imagery:::: the dark horse predator comics (frequently starring the original character big brother of arnold schwarzenegger’s character from the first movie, who is also an nypd detective who doesn’t play by the rules!) are also really something


Labyrinth was so popular Cryo made an adventure game sequel simply titled A Comic Book Adventure. But they didn’t have the proper rights to the licence and their publisher got sued by Fox because of it.

Check out this cool CG movie they made for it though. 1995!

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that streamlined 1930s Buck Rogers game had the most inane damage system where it was possible just to keep folks stunlocked but there was no damage meter so it didn’t really matter. It was terrible in almost every way

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