They turned everything into a goddamned cartoon
Looks like I’m joining everyone who has the opinion that Cameron’s ‘Action-Movie’ touch was a mistake
They turned everything into a goddamned cartoon
Looks like I’m joining everyone who has the opinion that Cameron’s ‘Action-Movie’ touch was a mistake
I watched the whole series for the first time a few years ago, and whenever I stated my opinion that each one was a step down from the previous one, I recieved scoffs for implying that the second one wasn’t head and shoulders above the rest.
I thought the first was a pretty great movie, all things considered, but the second was terrible and formulaic. This is apparently heresy!
The third I found simply unremarkable, whereas the True Believers considered it an absolute travesty, and therefore my ambivalence was, again, heresy.
I felt that the fourth was utter garbage. I recieved no pushback on this
You are braver than I
I stopped watching this about forty mins in to preserve the first movie’s mystique (also bc the tone was so offputting). Going further along and getting more divulgences is the absolute last thing I want with this sort of fiction, even though I’m already kind of aware of some of the later world-building efforts, or whatever you want to call them
The first movie is amazing. I almost cried after any terrible thing happened
Who’s excited for A V A T A R S
I’ve always challenged anyone who defended Aliens to justify a scene from later in the film: where the Alien Queen gets on a very slow elevator and rides it up to where Ripley is and it wasn’t for some reason meant to be cartoonish self parody
Alien was a good, suspenseful, mysterious, atmospheric sci-fi horror movie.
Aliens was a mediocre, dumbed-down action flick.
Alien 3 was just that sort of boring 90s “gritty realism” schlock that neither impresses nor offends. The driest white bread.
Alien Resurrection was an affront to the very foundations of my sense of quality. In every way that 2 was bad compared to 1, 4 was even worse in comparison with 2. Imagine, then, how absolutely unsurprised I was, later, to find out that Joss Whedon was involved.
what would videogames be like if the alien series never existed. would all the scifi games be buck rogers rip offs instead or what
star wars?
I always forget about star wars cause I don’t care about it
they should make a flash gordon reboot with that colin kapernick guy
but keep the 30s style silver rocket ships, that’s important
did you know that one of the (many) things that made tsr, the original d&d company, fail was that the heiress of the buck rogers media empire took over the company and kept trying to revive popular interest in the franchise?
there was also at least one SSI Goldbox game adapting Buck Rogers.
Oh wow we should talk about that hilarious Aliens RPG with the stupid ballistic modeling
good for her for trying to keep the dream alive
she also sent her idiot cousin to hollywood to try and get another dnd tv show or movie or something made and he was even worse at it than gygax was (though he did make that 70s buck rogers tv show iirc).
Starship Troopers accomplished everything Aliens is remembered for, but is way better and didn’t completely undermine another superior film in the process.
it’s an alright action movie and is undeniably influential but it tries super hard to undercut all the best parts of the first movie and i kinda resent that?? (i call this the Terminator 2 Problem)
I have played and beaten the Genesis version of it and it is pretty darn OK. Not good, but kinda fun despite itself. You get an AI buddy named SCOT.DOS.
Alien 3 is better than ALIENS
The XXVc pen and paper RPG is amazingly cool though (if you like 2nd Edition AD&D). The Genies are all super weird but not in a completely goofy Gamma World way.
Never played that later streamlined 1930s style Buck Rogers game though.
I’ll be the guy
Aliens is good
I saw Aliens first, and then when I saw Alien I was very disappointed that it didn’t have more shooting and people saying cool stuff in it. So I think it just depends which way around you see them.
I haven’t watched Aliens since I was 12 and facehuggers creep me out more than ever so I probably won’t ever rewatch it again