Guys I tried to rewatch Aliens after rewatching Alien

tbf ALIEN$ and its influence are the reasons most of the things in the op are considered cliches now

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but they’re also bad even if nothing ever copied alien$ and only this one movie featured these things

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i guess

i still think there is something kind of ultra punk about taking a movie about the horrors of procreation and using it as the basis for a sequel that glorifies the traditional nuclear family

also paul reiser rules, sorry

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Is this a thing that actually happens besides {Get Away From Her You Bitch}

AlienÂł at its best is a corrective and at its worst at least attempted to close the franchise. If you can, watch the assembly cut.

Also I’m always down for Ripley’s The Passion of Joan of Arc bit.

You do have to wonder if Ridley Scott returning to the franchise just to milk it with lore-mining prequels is a worse outcome than the sequel Neill Blomkamp had to put on hold because of it.

How is it that there hasn’t been attempts at an Aliens vs. Predator cinematic universe yet?

Anyway I’m going to go ahead and recommend checking out The Terminator and even T2 as a better sequel than Aliens if you’re curious for more afterwards.

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i think there are probably about 10 minutes of alien resurrection that are actually really good, but it would take me way too long to decide which ten minutes those were

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It has good shots of boots.

He does

I can’t figure out what was bugging me here about his performance. Maybe it’s the delivery + ADR??? Although it doesn’t seem like his lines were ADR’d… Idk

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No, I love T and T2, making this all the more disappointing

It probably helps that those were his own projects whereas Aliens is him valiantly trying to do something with someone else’s and just not working as well, despite it turning it into such a massive cultural phenomenon.

If anything else, I don’t care for turning an eldritch body horror sexual parasite into a cannon fodder giant bug, and of course that’s mostly what its remembered as now and why the horror aspect is so diluted.

Have you played Alien: Isolation? That turned out pretty well.


I keep forgetting that Jean Pierre Jeunet directed Resurrection between City of Lost Children and Amelie. Crazy.

Add me to the list of people that saw Aliens first and liked it more than Alien until I hit adolescence and developed some modicum of taste.

Idk, I grew up in a military family and the back and forth between the marines was kind of comfortably familiar.

Haven’t played Isolation but it was on my mind while watching the first

It has good Stalked By The Hungry Void feel.

It sounds like the best approach anyone could have to interpreting the movies into a videogame, although still hampered by the problem of how do you sustain tension there when death isn’t permanent and the experience is hours long

I enjoy this game too.

It seems like some of the later DLC content addresses this. I have yet to check them out though.

Sigourney Weaver’s performance in Crew Expendable and Last Survivor especially is pretty good.

The Alien design in Resurrection is cool ya’ll


We wouldn’t have DooM.

Incidentally it’d be cool if this got a source port because it’s an intriguing curio mashup of all three films into one shooter, with Ripley being a Marine now who has to make her way through a colony, a prison and finally the derelict (called boneship in the game) but it’s never going to happen.


Oh hey.

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