Games You Played Today V: The Phantom Play’n

Didn’t know that; from what I can see on GameFAQs and Wikipedia it was IK+ that went to PS1, not IK, and only in the EU.

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The sequel FIST II took the mechanics and shoehorned them into an action adventure kinda thing, it didn’t really work though. Sure felt spooky thanks to the music though.


got sidetracked from my resident evil progress when i realized that i had never actually played …iru! i went expecting it to be one of those slasher movie as a game deals, given the japanese high school setting. you know, the kind of game where the students are getting murdered and you can tell from a mile away that the faculty are the ones doing it.

and that’s mostly true

but i was surprised when iru turned out to be a lovecraft game. not like how bloodborne was a lovecraft game, but actually referencing his work and using his settings and monsters.

game itself is fine. short adventure game that’s really only killed by the tedium of constant backtracking and some pixel hunting.


Oh Ryu Ga Gotoku Isshin has a god damn dungeon crawler in it. It also has a farm mini game and too much crafting. The dungeon game has like gacha elements? I gotta equip cards?

Y’all better hope they fix the mission structure because the original game is run across the map in the one way you can over and over and over while being bombarded with sidequests.

And like all the side shit is kind of required to get equipment to improve your weapons.

And this one has the friendship system but god seeing that bar barely increase because I ate half the menu of a restaurant is disheartening. Not even sure what any of it does.

And the story continues to just barely go over my head. As is Kiryu joined the Kyoto Swat Team/Murder Squad to find the guy that murdered his oya-bun. The first rule of Murder Squad is you gotta murder and he keeps being confronted with situations where he doesn’t murder, one of the other Murder Squad members suddenly does the murder and he’s like woah what the fuck. “Kiryu you are in Murder Squad. You have to murder. Also you can never quit Murder Squad if you quit we murder you. And we hate traitors. You understand that Kiryu? We hate traitors. And people from Tosa. Fucking hate people from Tosa. You don’t know anyone from Tosa do you Kiryu?”

I keep seeing “You are suddenly transported to the last game you played’s world? What is it?” Chain mail posts. Restoration era Japan fucking sucks. People get killed with Samurai swords all the fucking time.

Haruka is like cut-off from the plot in this one so real curious how they are gonna make her kidnapped.


the more I play neon white the more I love it. the level design is just sublime, like even playing a level just once it’s already imprinted in my brain in a way that I feel like I haven’t felt since I was a kid. for me it’s basically what mirror’s edge promised to be. just feels so good to play.


Balan Wonderworld (PS5) - legitimately the most interesting game I’ve played on the PS5. Fascinating and incoherent, but somehow more respectful of the player than most games. Balan Bout is both the worst part of the game, and its thematic soul. 10/10, art

Maneater (PS5) - pretty slick. Leave raytracing off, frame rate is obnoxiously unstable with it on. Odell Lake on Apple][ vibes. That, plus murdering swimmers lol

Earth Defense Force: World Brothers (PS4) - very decent western EDF spin-off. Not as good as EDF5, but much snappier and more accessible. Split screen works great

Deathloop (PS5) - I was never too into the vibe of Dishonored, but this one is more my speed. The banter is actually funny, got some laughs out of me. Very good so far, one of the better PS5 games


Finished 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim last weekend and waiting for my best friend to catch up so we can talk about the game without spoiling each other crazy.

Got a Japanese copy of Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere in this week, and I spent an hour just watching the attract mode with good scanlines on in awe. Namco was at the top of their game on the PS1.

Otherwise I’m getting nuked in Rivals of Aether tournaments every week and having a great old time as I wait for Fire Emblem Engage to show up


im at the volgin fight in mgs3, sen’s fortress in dark souls, and the brute base in digital devil saga as far as the 3 games im playing go… i think sen’s fortress is probably a decent point to put dark souls on a short hiatus bc when u get there there’s really no objective you have besides beating the fortress and i’ll focus on finishing mgs3 and dds1… after those 2 i think ill probably play vagrant story and ffxii izjs concurrently and then get back to Playstation 3ing by finishing dark souls and mgs4 and replaying metal gear rising and i wanna play ffxiii. i know this post is just like “i like final fantasy, dark souls, and metal gear solid” (solid snake, and lightning, are the coolest!!!) im just on the bus to work and i would significantly rather be at my apartment playing videogames yknow


Also the internet tells me this game is 16 hours long and I’ve spent at least 6 hours with it over the weekend on top of previous play time and not even half-way through.


I have never played Crysis and maybe my new Nvidia 3060 and 32 gigs of ram is capable of playing it at full tilt. so I’m installing the cursed EA Play app. Also because The Saboteur is also on gamepass, I have a copy but the disc is missing!!! augh!!!

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Having a Crysis, which is to say, setting everything to “Very High” and not giving a fuck ah hahaha. I played about 30 minutes of this game. I am not sure if I am going to finish it.

Battle bus looks different

This game has a seemingly generic “aliens invaded but we’re going into a jungle to get The Bad Guys (north koreans?) first” which is basically the plot to Predator. But this has more of a Sci-Fi original vibe to it. Even back in 2007 I was like “You’re in a multibillion dollar secret exo suit and you’re going up against a bunch of North Korean conscripts with AK47s this doesn’t seem fair even when the numbers are stacked against you”. A big selling point of the game was using “maximum strength” to throttle a dude and throw him at other dudes, and his pained face is right up in the camera the whole time. It felt gross in a way I couldn’t articulate at the time

I think the “drop in from above” stuff must have been incredibly impressive back in 2007 when this came out. Wow is that a long time ago lmao.

The foliage is what I’m here for. I remember the original Far Cry being almost exactly the same: you wash up on a tropical beach and your new graphics card is supposed to handle massive foliage and tree coverage. Like Far Cry, this game also has a section where you go over a rise and have to mark enemies with your binoculars before starting an assault on a beachside shack teeming with enemies. As you progress through the first part of the game, the sun gradually comes up and starts to light the jungle around you, and it’s very impressive. Unfortunately it’s interrupted by clumsy firefights and kind of basic combat encounters.

Does it “Hold up?” all these years later? It feels a bit like playing Half Life 1 in 2005. You can see bits where the game aged poorly, the sort of a crummy plot and setting holding things together. The gameplay of switching between modes is kind of clunky. You don’t hold right click to ADS, you toggle it, and you have to hold sprint to run instead of it being a toggle. You can’t mantle and climb edges. I think there were a lot of movement mechanics that I miss having. There was a big thing about having every object be a physics object, to the point where there was a separate expansion card (REMEMBER PHYSX!?) that well heeled gamers could get. Then mercifully nVidia bought them and rolled the tech into their cards so I wouldn’t have to get a separate physics processing unit.

I might keep playing it. I remember my roommate playing it back in the 00’s and the final boss is literally pumping bullets into this huge alien boss for about 15 minutes until it dies. There is a VTOL flying level that looked fun I might try to get to that might be worth playing.


Crysis is very good imo




they’re right tho




so there’s this scientist, and, get this—

The old something awful let’s play of half life from the perspective of an OSHA inspector would have been a better story for the game but half life 1s story is fine. I always appreciated that the government response to government hubris is to shoot everyone and then nuke their remains its very american. what do they DO at black mesa though like i want to see more of their awful unsafe experiments before the really big bad one, but of course thats only cuz of the strength of the games story and narrative


All I can fuck with these days is Wordle and crossword puzzles tbh


I’m liking it a lot more the more I get into it. The levels this far are all based around open areas that are semi linear, but a lot of encounters are based around settlements and villages so you can approach combat in a way that’s a lot more sandbox-y. The combat encounters are improving a lot more too. There’s one section where you’re attacked by tanks and I was like “well, I need rocket launchers now” and the game provided some rocket launchers, which is correct game design.

This village combat encounter in particular is actually really well done IMO, you have multiple entry points into the village you can pick (three?) and assaulting it takes some effort. It doesn’t feel like the game is holding your hand and failure feels like you over extend yourself, rather than run up against some arbitrary quicktime event you missed. The game feels very systems driven, in that the level designers define an area and let the AI do it’s thing.

It’s a very pretty game too! I think the daylight progression as the game goes on is a very nice touch, makes things look dynamic.

edit: lol lmao I shouldn’t have implied HL1’s story was “crummy”. It’s fine, it’s better than Crysis’s story.

edit 2: ah one gripe about this game. you get a really nice starting gun but literally nobody in the game drops ammo for it, the only way you get it is when one of your AI squad mates dies horribly at the hands of the aliens and they vaporize their suit, leaving their ammo and gun. You can use it for maybe one or two encounters before you have to drop it and pick up AK47 ammo for the rest of the level. The ammo economy in the first part of the game is a bit rough but after clearing enough you get enough ammo to keep going.


it wont be a real crysis playthrough until you grab a guy by the throat or maybe a chicken and toss it through a shack that instantly explodes into debris on impact