Games You Played Today V: The Phantom Play’n

Why do you think I love skunny


[Compilation] Super-88 Pack (Disk 07)

sifting thru bootleg pc88 comps in my quest to play “Super Dangeon”…

well… while i’m waiting…

particularly enjoyed this one, where you play as a hand, trapped in a brick chamber, forced to nudge your way through various sokoban puzzles or explode. i can’t tell if there’s a time limit, so i mostly ignored the puzzles, and just prodded blocks around a bit. it had a pleasant and leisurely atmosphere. I both felt sympathy for the predicament of the hand, yet enjoyed the imagery of ambling about the brick chamber.

Remarkably choppy + flashing characters. Figured out the buttons “1” and “3” moved you left and right, but then would always die.

BODON… GOMAN… RED EGG… who are they… and what are they doing in the Monster House?
Everything moves awkwardly fast- the one time I won it was because of erratic enemy AI. One bonus is the highscore has “MAPPY” at #5

Anyway… on to
Well, the whole thing is constricted and stuffy. The walls are heavily segmented, like crawling a large intestine. They grow significantly larger only when you’re standing on the same tile- the game slowly draws the viewport every step. This resulted in confusing situations where I’d accidentally walk past a hall I wanted to turn into, holding down forward to minimize the long period between redrawing frames, but only realizing the turn I wanted once it grew larger, leading me to turn around and spend several more seconds every time I’d misunderstand where I stood.

There was some very cute ascii art illustrating the scene on certain tiles. I ended up wandering around several floors, enjoying the sense of confusion, and won an encounter with a monster somehow. Beyond a monster, it had a witch, a queen, and a flight of stairs, so I am willing to qualify this as having all the qualities of an Essential Dungeon. “Super” indeed. 10/10


Skunny’s favourite food is “sticky nut pudding”


i have to finally take the L and admit Mega Man X6 sucks


drowning in skunny juice


Sensible World of Soccer '96/'97 (PC)

Seems to be regarded as the height of a popular British game series which, as a US Amiga owner, I always saw mentioned in revered tones in my dwindling magazine but never encountered in the few stores carrying Amiga games in my major metropolitan area. Charming match presentation and appealingly simple controls, but your AI team mates are clueless about off-the-ball movement and no character short of a world-class striker can keep the ball at their feet while turning, or kick it past a goalie.

So, get a team with a world-class striker, ping-pong the ball up-field to them via lightning-fast tap passes–hoping your players happen to be lurking in roughly orthogonal positions

–and fire a solo shot upon which the opposing team’s goalie AI may or may not elect to pounce. Opposing team attempts same vs your goalie AI

; repeat until whistle. A “90 minute” match shoots by in 4 minutes of real time.

The passing seems to be key but the very fleeting exchanges

and heavy reliance upon one-note AI aren’t encouraging of further practice. After a few hours vs the CPU, I could win if I played a world champion team vs a third-division team from a smaller country, so I guess I’ve pretty much mastered it. [_[

Career mode is handy for providing a succession of matches–I started by trying to work my way up in the Albanian league, which went very poorly–but aside from the matches–messy

ping-pong affairs with very non-world-class players, in my case–it consisted mainly of swapping out injured players,

a tedious and confusing chore I wish I could have opted to automate. Minimal feedback on player status is provided, with the game seeming to assume that you have memorized every shortcut key, abbreviation, and largely identical tiny player. I was a terrible coach.

The game is $2-6 from and runs in a 640x480 DOSBox screen. I couldn’t get it to recognize my Windows-compatible Hori Real Arcade Pro V PS3/PS4 arcade stick, so I used the Windows 3rd-party “JoyToKey” utility to map the 4 movement keys and single action key to the stick, and that worked fine.


i’m not sure how obvious it makes it, but i recall that use of aftertouch (curling the ball after you kick it) was important on the amiga version. certainly the physical motion for curling the ball into the corner of the net is burnt into my brain. but also it was useful for directing long balls.


played hundreds of hours of the mega cd port of sensible soccer, via a magazine cover disc ‘demo’ that was indistinguishable from the full game, now i have the menu theme in my head:

there’s something weirdly charming about the early cd system games where it’s just the cart with some redbook audio and a couple of fmvs for the sake of it


It doesn’t make it obvious at all, but I’d read about it in the pdf manual and some FAQs and did manage to do it a few times; the input window is really narrow, and it doesn’t really curl, just alters the trajectory by a few degrees within the first ten feet or so of the ball’s travel. Seemed underwhelming. I didn’t notice the AI doing anything more than that but it’s possible I was missing it. For me, scoring a ripper into the top corner seemed completely dependent on happening to have a world-class striker doing the shooting. My semi-amateurs in the Albanian league could only hope to dink it sort of in the goal’s direction, to be immediately hoovered by the goalie AI.

Oh that’s some darkly smooth menuing. It would have helped to have had that to sooth me while having to swap out more injured soccer bros before being allowed to go to the next match in the Albanian league. The DOS version has NO menu music. 8P


It does suck but it does have a Ninja Armor for X. The game has this weird romhack feel to it especially on the back end levels that I find oddly endearing despite have no qualms with classifying it as the trash it is.


Finally completed Rondo of Blood after 20+ years with Richter after 19 continues and I will maintain that I backflipped every one of his fireballs expertly (which is massively easier than just learning the Warp-Laugh timing)

This now registers as a personal achievement because, if memory serves, I have only ever made it to Frankenstein with Maria/Easy Mode

How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love Richter Belmont was my biggest hurdle in all, but I did grow fond of his little neutral-forward jump and the mostly-useless backflip to style out level completion. Given my profound attachment to SCIV I have now since gained a richer appreciation of the tank moveset after many years of Failing To Beat Castlevania 1 as a child

Makes me consider the SMB vs World/Commitment vs Nuance jump physics and how I seem to be quite taken with the latter now. Either that or my motor skills are aging


gave Prodeus a shot, didn’t love it, felt way too derivative of Doom 2016 without being able to impress quite as much on a technical or an adrenaline level, and as eternal already demonstrated, that’s pretty shaky ground to build on

apart from Immortality, have I played a game for more than an hour or so since Elden Ring? feels like not really


i thought it was funny that it evoked Doom 2016 so much for me that i kept trying to futilely vault up ledges


Nightmare of Mensis is making me fear & hate enemies again. waiting exactly 0.1 seconds too late to chug a sedative for the fifth time, “Fuck”


surprised i never posted about this game, i despised it lol

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code vein was fun up until the point where progress seems to be bugged or something? i’m told to go back to a previously expored area and explore it some more.

i find nothing new, so i look at gamefaqs, which tells me to interact with a statue. i go to the statue, and there’s no interaction point on or near it.


Pac-Man Arrangement Arcade Ver. in Pac-Man Museum+ (PS4)

I think it got to me after a while! There’s so much going on in the detailed pixel animation. And those stairs in stage 4 or whatever are darned tricky! Such variable execution speed too, dunno if it’s due to constantly varying levels of slowdown from the sprite animation or what; that and the just weirdness gives the thing an off-balance, unpredictable, mysterious feel; it kinda sucked me in but afterwards I felt like I needed to play regular ol’ smooth-running Pac-Man to restore my equilibrium!

S’cool when you can grab that fifth ghost when he appears in glasses and panicking–free power pellet, in effect, and it delays his being able to combine with another ghost to turn into a super-powered giant.

Still not close to the (top 100 only) leaderboard–need 140K or something. : P

Get the shillelagh to turn the ghosts into 1000 point prezzies; you can also eat their eyes afterwards I think:

I like the original Pac-Man maze being in here:

Jump pads are confusing!

World 2 isn’t quite as colorful as worlds 0 and 1 but now you have to deal with TWO super-giant ghosts at once:

Even the name entry screen is swimming in sprite animation!

I unlocked this guy who just struts around your video arcade under his mortar board : P


To add to the shitshow that is the Overwatch 2 launch, I’ve made an amazing discovery that was corroborated for me once I knew what to search online.

It felt like I was getting disconnected from matches in every game where I was performing better than average. The most recent time it happened, I got an achievement for 4 kills with an ult, and realized that literally every other time I’ve been disconnected it was quickly followed by an achievement.

Getting achievements on Xbox (i.e. doing too well) literally disconnects you from the game. Incredible!


firstly: congrats. rondo owns extremely hard.

doesn’t that backflip have i-frames? i seem to remember the delicious feeling of turning away from an enemy in order to dodge backwards through their attack. i don’t think it’s ever explained or tutorialised though. i never used the “fencing” action (holding the attack button to walk back and forth without turning around) during my playthrough cos i didn’t know about it.


Will test once I’m neither drunk or hungover (& working) but the realest challenge (for me) will be proved in a no-continue run in service of the Truest Gittest of Guds

EDIT: must avoid Kanji Curse Eyeball because that fucker can go wrong so quick

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