Games You Played Today V: The Phantom Play’n

that one is later, tellah is your only mage at that point :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

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After having read a few posta in the past, I have played Frog Fractions.
Not my thing, I feel this kind of games is a joke rather than a proper game.


i changed my mind because saying stage twice is awkward as fuck now im trying to get ‘pookia took an unlucky hit!’

so when i die everyone can see it in their death window here


edit lol im a town councillor so people just do things for me now i guess

now i can say would you like to play a game of unlucky hit all the time obnoxiously in character


I reached the boss but failed to kill it :sob: 240s is my new high score, and I can pretty consistently get above 100s now. Daphny said they could feel the adrenaline radiating off me.

When you die to the boss, the kill message is “Unified”. Ominous.


I am playing Fatal Frame III: The Tormented. I wanna upgrade my camera but I cannot understand what any of these upgrades actually do.

Max Value: “Displays the maximum amount you can charge your Spirit Power.”
Range: “Displays the range within which you can catch ghosts.”
Sensitivity: “Displays Spirit Power, recharge rate and camera range, depending on charge.”
and a special ability called Store: “Max Spirit Power charge. If you power-up, possible charge amount increases.”

Each upgrade has between 3-5 levels I can purchase. I would think each level would increase the range and charge or w/e but the way it’s phrased seems to imply like I’m upgrading the camera’s capacity to display these values instead of increasing the values themselves?


So good. Took me far too long to get because I completely didn’t do a storyline, but that only made it hit harder for me.


TOP 100 BABEY AWOO. Still no boss kill :sob:

So many posts on the Steam discussion boards are complaining that all movement interactions are bound to a single button (Space).


It’s taking so much restraint not to reply to these with “git gud” because actually binding them all to Space is fucking genius. Hyper Demon crafts so much control nuance with just WASD, Space, LMB, and RMB. But these guys just want the game to conform to their expectations and prevent them from making the wrong decision. Very frustrating attitude to have.


Does space do different things contextually or with different timings (tap, hold, double tap)?


i have never played hyper demon and i am 100% ambivalent about it - i did enjoy devil daggers OK

that said, i am generally pretty frustrated with control schemes that don’t allow you to disambiguate controls

one of the reasons i stopped speedrunning diddy kong racing is because in plane mode, you perform a barrel roll by double-tapping the drift button while holding the control stick either left or right.

from one way of looking at it, this is an elegant, clean solution. from another, this is disastrous and horrible. you have to press the R button at a specific frequency to make it work, while the control stick also controls your turning, the roll cannot initiate until the second tap… and there are buttons available. you can’t re-bind this action.

of course, you can “get good”, but it also just makes the game feel worse, and there’s no recourse.

DKR also ruins your hands so i would’ve stopped anyway, but i generally wish games would just let you remap shit like this. is ambiguation/minimalism in controls really so important mechanically/thematically in hyper demon that you need to restrict people from remapping them? i’m skeptical, but i’ve never played the game.


Contextually, with one hold/negative edge interaction.

  1. On ground - Jump
  2. In air, with movement input - Dash
  3. In air, no movement input or facing straight down and W - Stomp
  4. After a dash - Hold to slide
  5. Release during slide - Jump in direction you are looking

In my opinion, yes. There’s a particular balletic quality to the way you move in Hyper Demon that would be lost through disambiguation. There’s also no “double tap” issue for movement; it’s only tap or hold, with everything else dependent on your state. You can’t dash unless you’re mid-air, and you can’t jump in mid-air, so the space interaction make sense to me. It’s not like Doom Eternal where you can dash on the ground. For sliding, you can only slide after a dash, so holding space after a dash makes the most sense to me.

I could see the argument for disambiguating these controls if they weren’t so locked into specific contexts, but you literally can’t dash without jumping, or slide without dashing, and their inputs aren’t captured by other game systems, so I’m not sure how it would help. I could see a case for making stomp its own button so people don’t make the common mistake of facing “down and away” and getting a dash instead of the stomp they want.

I’m normally very much in favor of control disambiguation - I hate how many modern FPS games don’t have a “slide” keymap and force me to crouch instead! - but I dunno. I don’t think it’d be helpful here, and I think the game would lose some of its undefinable quality to do so.


The chording (whether you’re inputting wasd) and hold are a problem for remapping for accessibility. I don’t think anything is lost for providing the option.

I try to remap everything to tap/toggle and on discrete keys whenever possible to avoid joint pain


I, a scrub, would prefer that stomp was a separate button, but that’s the only change I’d personally make. I have a hard time doing either input, and it feels sort of staccato in an unpleasant way to release all movement keys and then hit space. I also think that the facing mostly-down and dashing appears similar to a stomp and it’s hard for me to tell if/when i’ve been successful in the heat of the moment.

The rest of them make sense to me though - Space is Move With Purpose and the context in which that exists seems appropriate/important


Yeah. The trick for the “facing down” stomp (which is how I do it; I never release movement keys for I MUST SCOOT) is aiming down until you can’t aim down anymore. The black hole that is your drop shadow should be fully in your crosshairs. Then, and only then, will it be a stomp. Otherwise you get a “downward dash”. Which is very useful, but if you want a stomp and you dash instead… oof.

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I feel like they QTEs were used legitimately exactly twice:

The first, unsuccessfully, by Shenmue, when they were an attempt to make an improvised kung-fu action sequence that was choreographed like a movie, but still interactive without also being limited to the canned movements of the game’s VF combat. This is why Shenmue remains one of the few times that you can fail a QTE in a sequence, and get pushed down a different path, but still complete the sequence by the end.

The second, more successfully, by RE4, to overcome a limitation of the previous games. In every Resident Evil game the death of your character, either in immediate combat, or in anticipated future combat due to a scarcity of supplies is always a concern… except in cutscenes. No matter how dramatic the cutscene you are always safe as long as the cutscene was playing. QTEs were a way for the game to kill you inside a cutscene.


Played a chunk of Slime Rancher 2 and it is literally just Slime Rancher 1 But Way Better Looking and Slicker. Which, like: I accept! I’ll play it again. I loved the exploration in the previous game and I’m glad to have a new map to explore.

That said, if you played Slime Rancher 1 and were fine with it, this is really not gonna give you much different. If you never played it, then this is the one to play, because it’s the same but better. That’s pretty much the only insight I have here!


busy playing number one bad game Blizzard TF2 2

or waiting in line to play it

Kiriko is fun and whipping a kunai cross map into someone’s head and watching them drop is way too satisfying

she’s so much fun it makes up for when the tank player picks Doomfist, who had all their limbs broken before release

between waiting for ow2 queues i’ve been emulating a bunch of neo geo pocket colour games, primarily

  • puzzle link
  • baseball stars color
  • ganbare neo poke-kun
  • big bang pro wrestling
  • crush roller

this is like visiting heaven in the queue for hell


Puzzle Link 2 is better, IMO

personally I just go and tidy or other chores or I catch up on whatever garbage YouTube is trying to shove down my throat

and then the queue ends and the suffering begins


In Namco’s Arcade Game Series: Dig Dug on PS4, a score of 48K got me to rank 8600 on the leaderboard. In Hamster’s Arcade Archives: Dig Dug on PS4, my current piddly day 2 score of 72,000pts puts me at 30th on the Hi Score Mode leaderboard (4th highest in the States! the other top 26 are from Japan). : P

But the Namco version is blurry. = p (On the PS Store, Arcade Archives Dig Dug is $7.99; Arcade Game Series: Dig Dug is $3.99 – actually at the moment it’s on sale for $1.99.) But the blur! Even blurrier than their Arcade Game Series: Ms. Pac-Man. And switching back and forth between them, Arcade Game Series: Dig Dug feels like it’s running slightly slower than Arcade Archives Dig Dug.

Archives (left) / Game Series (right)

^ That’s Game Series being too wide for a 3:4 pixel capture, whereas Archives is ever-so-slightly narrower than 3:4, although that may be accounted for by a little extra black space at the bottom. Game Series does this annoying thing where it overlays its “Option button” UI over the bottom right corner of the arcade screen.