I think it’s been confirmed for early Jan, but I am down for some SB Diabla
Worth it.
Yeah! I also left the menu music on while I was doing crap around the house until the PS4 automatically shut off.
The cost of the PS4 version was a little jarring, but then I remembered I pay whatever the import price is for any new release without blinking and it bothered me a lot less. It’s a good game! Will prob also get the physical Vita cart when it releases in Japan in January. Eventually I’m sure I’ll triple-dip on some Steam sale solely to mess with double wide multiple monitor mode.
We should designate an in game arcade machine as the Official SB II Cabinet. I think it should probably be Cabinet 2 in honor of SB Forum II Turbo Champion Edition. Does that collaborative effort thing work across platforms too?
We should probably choose one of the cabs at the very end of the list, as I think most people on the Steam version are just leaving it on 0001 or choosing one near it.
I made a big mistake, Ronnoc. Now I own Diablo 3 on PC and PS4. Now I’ve gotten a level 70 Hardcore character on PC and PS4. All that awaits me is the Real Game, grinding for gear. Help me. HELP ME.
Also yeah we should totally co-op this game sometime.
oh thank god, I thought I was the only one who had D3 on console and PC like a madman (well, I don’t have RoS on PC yet, but yeah). I should already have a 70 HC character because I was dumb enough to platinum the game, so I’m down for that.
has anyone on the cool forum tinkerer team thought of/figured out a way or space to put boring gamertag stuff so we can just expose that stuff to other users instead of doing a wiki or manual trade dealie?
[quote=“notbov, post:47, topic:68”]has anyone on the cool forum tinkerer team thought of/figured out a way or space to put boring gamertag stuff so we can just expose that stuff to other users instead of doing a wiki or manual trade dealie?
I added some fields to the profile page now just for that.
Played a couple hours of Kingdom last night. I really like it on the whole, but I feel like there’s either something I’m missing or something the game’s missing.
Interested to try to spend more time with it, though.
[quote=“HEAVYVIPER, post:45, topic:68”]We should probably choose one of the cabs at the very end of the list, as I think most people on the Steam version are just leaving it on 0001 or choosing one near it.
Oh, does the Steam version auto-default to 0001? For PS4 it seems random, I got something like 38 when I started up.
Open to any suggestions from anybody though! I’ll tentatively still say 0002 just to throw something out there but I can be easily convinced otherwise. I can also update the general STG topic if we decide any different cab, or do a quick little vote. That’s probably the best place to discuss this anyhow!
I don’t even really know how meaningful the community play feature is, or whether there are very visible ways to cooperate. Not even sure whether PC and PS4/Vita (or US-Japan) share the same cabs. But I still think there’s some little sense of wanting to be on the same cab as the rest of the SB crew, if even just for invisible moral support!
Devilian is a F2P Diablo-clone that launched today to the public. it tries to be a bit more action-y than your average Diablo ripoff, but, well, it’s just not all that interesting, especially in a landscape where Path of Exile is both free and deep as fuck and Diablo 3 still feels a way lot crunchier despite being a mostly slower game. oh, and since it’s by the same devs behind Tera, the whole thing is structured like a theme park MMO, so it’s got that against it too. and I can’t play the ranged class without being a little girl with 10 different hair options that all happen to be twintail setups so you kinda lost me there as well.
i sat down last night and popped in silent bomber for the ps1, expecting a decent game but what i got instead was way more than i could have hoped for. do you want to blow up everything? because this is the game for you. all of your attacks are bombs. plant bombs, throw bombs, fire bombs, shock bombs, gravity bombs, bombsbombsbombs
it has a very fluid customization system (you put points into shield strength, lock-on range, or how many bombs you can toss out at once – then you can change how you’ve allocated points at any time!) and different objectives in each mission, so for something as simple as “blow shit up” i’m really really enjoying it. i can’t believe this game did not blow up (heh) back in the day
right now i’m on the final boss, and it is a really, really tough fight. like, i looked online and most people talking about the game say “man, cool game…i never beat it because the final boss was too hard” and i don’t want that to happen to me so i’m about to settle into another session of trying to beat it.
at least the continue screen is really nice – your character is falling through space as stars drift upwards past him while pretty piano plays
Yes! Silent Bomber is one of my favorite psx games. It is a total surprise just how good it is given how no one talks about it
What’s really impressive about this game is that it’s actually worse and less fun than this description makes it sound.
what can I say, I have a high tolerance for Korean MMO jank
Speaking of, I’m still waiting on Lost Ark
playing Final Fantasy XIII
jokes on you, the world moved on to praising Our Goddess now that Lightning Returns is out on Steam
i put in two more attempts this morning at the final boss in silent bomber and finally blew him to bits, yeehaw
then i spent most of the night finishing the story of borderlands 2 with my roommate, those games are waaa-aaa-aay too long for their own good. actually there are a lot of problems with them but i accept it because they serve their purpose as mindless co-op fodder. and, yknow, all the guns you find being randomly generated can lead to some pretty goofy stuff. we picked up resident evil revelations 2 and we’ll be co-op-ing that sometime soon, if i recall correctly the co-op is asymmetrical so i’m hoping it’s still fun for both of us
I’ve been sort of dabbling with warframe, mostly because i always found the art design of the warframes themselves to be weird and cool. their new(?) advanced movement system is full of all kinds of space ninja stuff, but it still seems like all your fancy tricks only work with the environment geometry half of the time.
the progression path is really unclear to me. like there’s just a whole ton of weapons and frames you can buy/build, and there’s a huge chunk where i have everything but one component, and it would be really cool if the game would tell me where I can get it (or if I’ve even unlocked the planet I can get it from and am just barking up the wrong tree). still, i managed to get myself a max level frame and some weapons better than the starting ones. the game is super-dense and i think my desire to figure it all out is what’s holding my interest.
is the entire game walking in a straight line from battle to battle like this, there’s no towns or anything?