I was in an ideal situation where the game declared “you will not win.” And decided the obly way to win was to quit playing forever. Even though right now the game is givi-no.
I quit.
I was in an ideal situation where the game declared “you will not win.” And decided the obly way to win was to quit playing forever. Even though right now the game is givi-no.
I quit.
It starts becoming a wee bit too hostile to the freeloaders for my taste due to one-shot potentials off player/NPC haters the further in you go. The experience was great! Highly recommend giving a go to anyone that has a PS4 and an internet connection. Just bail when you aren’t feeling it anymore.
I appreciate the sense of danger and desperation found at times in Let It Die. When I don’t think I’m going to be able to make it to the next elevator or the previous one, knowing that there will be consequences if I fail. Minor video game consequences, of course, but it’s something.
To a lesser degree, it reminds me at times of being on my way to Flamelurker, not confident that I will even make it, and almost devoid of hope that I will prevail if I do manage to reach him. I probably won’t even survive long enough to learn something for the next attempt. Nothing even in the other Souls games has quite matched that for me, but I like it when things come close.
on a related note, i’m about to start demon’s souls for the 3rd time in 3 years but this time i am going to persist and beat it and not give up!! never made it farther than killing maybe 3 bosses.
i believe in you! It took me forever to get past the first few guys and now im at the penultimate boss
i usually play let it die really intensely for a week or two, then i stop and don’t play it at all for a few months.
i think a lot of why i go back is that it’s one of the most aesthetically perfect games there’s ever been. i’ve said it before, but i really wish they’d do what’s been done with the spelunker ftp game and release a $30 version that excises the ftp stuff (though i guess that would also need a total redesign and reworking of the raiding section of the game, or possibly even its excision)
holy shit Binary Domain has the best cast ever.
And now I have another headache in Steel Armor, one that is 100% definitely the sim’s fault, the wonders of poor pathfinding leading half my platoon to be laid low by a bridge (setting aside from a realism issue of taking 40 ton tanks across that sort of bridge):
Though one more tank had already crossed upstream (probably far enough away to avoid temptation) and got shit done all by themselves while this clusterfuck was happening at least.
@parker you were right, that scene when Elena is in the hotel :’(
But everyone was right this game sure does start to feel like a slog, it’s been hours of “your princess is in another castle!”
I’ve been sick and laying in bed for about 3 days now, so I’ve dumped about 10-12 hours into Disgaea 5 when I’m not sleeping. I’m jumping from the second game to this one, so the amount of features is somewhat overwhelming. But that’s exactly what I like about Disgaea. I’m about 25 hours in.
I spent about 30 minutes killing a clone of a level 75 orc (most of my characters were level 30 at that point). I also had the revelation that I could combine characters in the item world to level them up, then capture them, so now I’ve got a crew of like 15 lvl 80+ characters. I am only using them for researching other netherworlds though, as I’ve become very attached to my 12 person crew.
I have a tendency to ignore the pre-made characters in favor of making my own, not sure why exactly, but it means that I never use Overload skills. Oh well. The only pre-made characters I am using are Seraphina and Killia. Everyone else can languish at level 30 or below.
I’m only on Chapter 6. I find the campaign missions to be somewhat irritating at times, so I’ve mostly been levelling up so I could smash the campaigns easily. I’ve got 4 more items I want to level up then I’ll probably blast through the next couple of chapters.
The only thing that’s a bit of a bummer is that this game is significantly easier than Disgaea 1 or 2. The item world in particular is much smaller. I’m used to the individual levels being 2-4 times the size with twice as many enemies. I guess it makes sense though, since they also changed it so you can’t skip floors to level up an item. It’s much breezier overall in any case. Either that or I’m just better at Disgaea than I used to be.
I’ll probably get to about 100 hours and then burn out, as usual. We’ll see! So far it’s my most played game on my Switch, probably.
The FREE 4 PS+ PS4 WORMS has a campaign tutorial and your worm’s little go-getter voice comes out of your controller speaker and my cat does not like this.
why did you give DUNGEON PUNKS away for free sony it is not good
maybe it would seem better if I had not recently played through the capcom D&D beat em up that probably inspired it and which does not look like paper dolls floating in a sea of only the most deviant arts but
I’ve made it an after-work ritual to walk to the mall and play DDR EXTREME, and it’s been really great, honestly. In the entire year that I’ve lived in Minnesota, I hadn’t found a single DDR machine until I moved here, and I haven’t played in several years, anyway. So basically, I’m extremely rusty and currently stuck in the 7-8 range for single, and 4-6 for double.
The machine is free-play, and I’ve already gotten to know some of the workers there, so it feels really nice to have a motivator to simultaneously be active and social. There’s also a PIU 2015 machine in the Dave & Buster’s, but it costs Real American Dollars to play, and it’s Pump It Up and not DDR. So I dunno about that, but I might give it a shot when my paychecks start to come in.
Extreme is the best DDR anyway
Sorry but that’s not how you spell Supernova
I have that as my second place but mostly because the cabinets I’ve had access to had timing that was off, if you play it on a good cab though, it’s definitely up there
Max 2, Extreme and Supernova each have my favorite tracks in the series, so it’s kind of frustrating lol
yo fuck yes I’m here for this!!!
I grew up on a steady diet of max 2 and extreme. I spent nearly every weekend from 5th grade to 8th grade at the mall playing ddr and initial d.
extreme is the shit. my goal when I started the game in elementary school was to pass a 10, and I remember finally clearing sakura heavy. I was so stoked. I also passed max 300 heavy, paranoia survivor heavy, and p sure maxx unlimited heavy and the legend of max heavy. and bag, was bag a 10? I never passed psmo
I still play once a year or so to see if I’ve still got it, I normally play a set of a -> sync -> max 300 and I can somehow still pass max 300 heavy after all these years so I’m stoked on that
I’m really glad new ddr is finally raising the skill ceiling, but pursuing it doesn’t interest me. but I’m so stoked I have all these memories of working for years to finally consistently clear 10s
thanks for bringing up those happy memories. if I lived in yr area I’d totally meet up and play w you regularly just for the hell of it
Apotheon: The Metroid game rich in erect penis