Games You Played Today Oratorio Tangram

don’t ever get good at any games


There’s a level later on with 3 dudes with pistols facing you, they don’t run up on you to get in melee range, and you only get 3 knives. So I took one in each hand and started chopping up bullets Edward Scissorhands style

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So many moments in that game are just FUCK YES I CAN moments.

I think you used a man for cover which is still cover and still banned under INTERNATIONAL SLOW MOTION WAR LAW

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That is in the PC version. In the VR version, you just gotta duck a lot and get up fast on the center guy and grab his gun before the second series of shots get fired.

It seems like y’all had a Vive, but Robo Recall is also a great VR game for looking and feeling cool. The best action is plucking projectiles (which travel abnormally slow for the sake of cognizability) out of the air to throw back. The rest of the game goes at maybe 2/3 the speed of a console FPS so it can be upsetting and overwhelming in a way Superhot isn’t.

The stage 7 checkpoint in R-Type is bullshit of the highest order. Fortunately Dimensions gives you the option to restart at the beginning of a stage if you decide to continue (I am not a shmup master, so if I can finish within two continues I feel that is fair according to old NES rules) which feels like half a cheat, but I must have tried playing from that checkpoint almost a hundred times and I did not reach the boss once. As a point of comparison, if I start from the beginning of the stage and can make it to that same point I’ll make it to said boss about fifty percent of the time.

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In the mobile rhythm game Ride Zero I still haven’t figured out what Supporters do, despite how helpful the game’s tutorial is.


Finally beat my birthday tradition of Sonic 2 on the plane back.

It was the IOS version. The touch screen controls were hateful garbage. Only reallly a problem in Flying Battery’s boss. And Mystic Ruins boss because you couldnt see the fucking screen.

Getting to see Hidden Palace was an absolute treat. Hiding it in The Pit from Mystic Cave was a scream.


Tried a bit of Binary Domain. Kind of sad that it’s a cover shooter. The character mobility is pretty good, and if you could dodge freely the same way you can dodge out of cover, it’d be great. Unfortunately it sort of forces you to stay behind cover. Thinking of going for normal difficulty instead so I can actually enjoy mobility and be more aggressive, since it’s not like on the hardest difficulty it’s particularly hard: as long as you stay behind cover and play popamole, it’s fine, just tedious.

Cover shooters are sad.

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You ever play the Wanted game? It’s not very good but I really wish that was the direction cover shooters had taken.

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player unknown’s battlegrounds is just so good. oh my, i just adore it. i can’t play anything else nowadays!


the thrill of “hunting and being hunted”! the solid shooting! the factor of luck! all these weird people from all around the world you end up playing with by doing auto-matched squads! so so so good.

i suck a lot at it and the game runs like garbage / has a lot of seemingly unfixable bugs on my notebook.

still though!

I was telling people about this at SBCon, aside from the ill-advised slow-mo sequences I thought the game was pretty snappy

bullet curving??

Bullet curving solves the problem of being down to one enemy sitting around waiting for them to stick their head out, so yes


space marine also solved the cover shooter problem… by not being a cover shooter

Space Marine owns, yeah, but the weird thing is it plays similar to Dead to Rights: Retribution which was

I mean, pretty similar. Space Marine’s real secret is that it’s a crowd control twin stick shooter

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I quit Let It Die.



I’ve found myself wondering whether I will install the game again when they add more floors. Probably I should follow your lead and leave it alone.