Super Hot VR will change your life. I never would have believed VR would amount to shit if I hadn’t experienced it myself.
I’m bummed I forgot my contacts and didn’t get to play
Shoulda toughed it out with your specs, nerd. No pain no gain.
I could feel em bending and if my glasses change position on my face more than like one degree my left eye hurts for a week
I almost fell over about 6 times playing Super Hot VR. I kept trying to lean on tables. Pretty incredible.
I’ve been messing around with R-Type the past few days since Dimensions is a PS+ game this month (already owned R-Types but this version let’s you directly play any stage you reached). On one hand, it has a bunch of ideas/gimmicks for its stages and I dig a lot of the art design. On the other hand, it has a very severe case of “Gradius syndrome” with some areas that feel just terribly balanced if you don’t have a Force with you.
It makes you feel like a Matrix Neo God. It helped that I was good at it even relative to others (I crushed some levels it took shrug and booj like a zillion tries to get through), but I think basically anyone playing it would get the same feeling.
Nothing, however, compares to shrug using rubber dildo morningstars to crush the heads of naked musclebeefmen. I saw into many souls at sbcon, but only one with this much clarity.
It’s so much easier to get through levels when you’ve seen someone else do them, though. I had that realization when I was playing after shrug. But yes, the feeling of just being a TruMatrixNeoGod is so much fun.
My favorite thing was cutting bullets in half with a knife
I bought this immediately when it came out and had a very negative impression of it. I concluded that I would never want to play that version again and uninstalled it. But now I don’t remember exactly why. Maybe I should try it again. I think the visual design and music seemed off to me, and even when I switched to the original aesthetics it wasn’t quite right.
My favorite was discovering the powers of the hammer. Cuba knew about the hammer going in, so that had to make life better for him, but HOLY SHIT THAT WAS THE MOMENT I BECAME THE GODDAMN ONE. Like full on Neo-just-fucking-self-actualized-and-get-ready-Smith-because-WHHHOOOA. It was the best. Then just tapping bullets out of the air? totally a THING.
To be fair to my own apotheosis, I actually started out beating the final few levels, then went back.
You know what, next sbcon we should have a Super Hot VR competition, where people judge for Style Points. Or something.
I watched km make some shapes early on and they were definitely Opulent
Sad to say Panzer Dragoon Saga gets on JRPG anime autopilot halfway through and never recovers. They completely obliterate the vague sick ass storytelling from the first two games (and first two discs of this one) and the illusion that the world is huge and varied in order to make it fit into some chosen one save the world stuff that should be a crime to put in any game.
It also gets inexplicably ugly and even easier as it goes. The dungeons turn into a bunch of infinite corridors that belong to a confusing larger area with enemies that die with one hit. The battle swirl is just a 100% white screen right in your face, so you’re in the corridor bored out of your mind, probably lost, then a flashbang wakes you up for you to press any button so the monster can die.
And I’m not an expert, but I’m pretty sure the localization is bad. Just from watching a bunch of anime in my teens and having a repertoire of sentences like “do your best” and “this is the final mission” and “i love you” I could tell they were inserting some shit that the characters weren’t really saying. Near the end the protagonist says a huge ship is “as big as Vaiman’s ass”, referencing a fat character from earlier. He says that, in my Moebius Nausicaa fairy tale game.
I mean, .
@boojiboy7 and @Father.Torque both duck behind cover far too much which is cheating and banned as such by the geneva convention
It’s not called Super Cool for a reason!
From what I can gather there are aspects of the porting that are inaccurate compared to the original version, and for those that are familiar with said original it is rather noticeable and annoying. I personally have only passing familiarity with R-Type (I screwed around with it in MAME a decade or so back) so none of that really bugs me.
I played R-Types immediately afterwards and nothing dramatic jumped out, but said version seemed to cut off the very top and bottom of the stages and did not let you play any stage of your choosing so I’ll likely stick with the Generations version. Most people who have both do seem to agree with you though.
Oh shit, I am all in for this. If we can get some new levels none of us have played, and we can’t watch each other play them, that would make it even better. Get some true SUPER. HOT. action.
Hey, the one level that was getting you had no cover at all, and therefore, I ducked behind nothing to beat it. I just dodged a lot of bullets and later found out the joy of the PURE HAMMER, the One True Super Hot weapon.
been playing battlefield 1 as my timewasting shooter and when it’s fun it’s really fun, but if I play it for too long I get really annoyed at the weapon inaccuracy
roommate bought a copy too so we could play together and that has been very enjoyable. idc if it requires two consoles two tvs and two copies of the game, I’m still gonna couch co-op
when he first got it we had to deal with this though:
I said a lil bit ago that I’d platinum horizon zero dawn, and I did. abt 4 days after I got it. the combat wasn’t as deep as I had hoped and I wish the world had been as varied as the first two areas made it seem like it would be, but despite that it made 100%ing an open world game pretty enjoyable which is high praise. I’ll probably try the dlc next year but rn the thought of more snow areas makes my brain numb.
I got guilty gear xrd just because the art is sick, and fuck this game is so fkn intricate. I’m playing through arcade mode with everyone to see who feels good to play as and I think millia might be it for me, but I still have a couple of characters to go. I don’t think I’ll ever be good at it, but it’d be cool to be able to knock out a lot of the single player stuff. plus I bought sign instead of revelator so there’s nobody to play with online anyway
I keep wanting to play pokemon but then I keep remembering how easy it is and it puts me off. trying to decide between playing final fantasy vii and final fantasy ix. I bought demons souls because I have tried to beat it on three separate occasions and gave up each time, but I’ve soloed every boss in every souls game (except yharnam bc I didn’t know she existed) besides this one so I’m determined to finally have this one under my belt too. haven’t started yet though.
i wanna play nier and then nier atomato, I thought about playing the drakengard games first but I’m trying to be good to myself and love myself so instead I just watched plot summaries of the drakengard games on youtube. the person who made them was pretty gross and I gave a thumbs down to every video
I fell in love with Gran Turismo sport when I played the beta but after putting 60 hours or so into it and 100%ing the single player stuff I need more content and I’m bored of it which is really disappointing
I think that trophies/achievements are a wonked invention but I’ve been having a really hard time focusing on stuff without exterior guidance lately, and using trophies as goals and milestones to reach during my game-playing-time has been helping me focus more and relax.
I like playing video games
I am so bad at Puyo that it’s making me want to quit playing
A few weeks ago a Japanese PP2 player called me “D+/C-” rank and in PuyoVS my ranking dropped from 900 to 675
I miss when my interest in this game was “Oh boy, a cool puzzler!” instead of “God damn it I split my piece and completely flubbed a harassment that cost me the few frames it would have taken to finish my tail and perfectly counter my opponent”