Games You Played Today Oratorio Tangram

Journey has something in that moving around on your own feels kinda bad, yet when you can “boost” with another player feels much better. I am not quite sure it was intentional but I think it feeds into what the game is going for.

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@Sakurina latest video got me in the mood for Magical Drop, so I’m playing the Data East comp on Wii :slight_smile:


You done did it this is what we’re talking about in the car on the way to SBMU2k17

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its a bunch of horseshit that you cant guard break shielding hollows in dark souls 2

i wrote a bunch of other stuff but then i remembered what an insanely boring topic this is and that i actually never want to talk to anyone about it again. weird game, controls like shit, still dont know how to feel about it, blah blah blah

edit: ok no i had a decent point here i just deleted it because depression: the game enforces deliberateness in a way i dont much care for. it feels like the most effective way to fight 90% of the time is to wait for your enemy to swing 3-6 times, then hit them exactly once before dodging. its really acutely noticeable coming off one of the other games, even in 1 you can be more fluid and rely on twitch instincts once you have enough skill. i think that level of forced patience on the players part is kinda disrespectful! unless i’m just playing it “wrong”? which i very well could be.

in any case im restarting my PS live account (the whole reason i even picked up 2 again was to co-op with my lil bro, who just bought it) so if anyone has 2/3/Blood on PS4 hmu for jolly co-operation


Went through all the effort to get to the true final battle and end up winning with two 2-chains


If your twitch skills are very high, the most effective way to fight in every Souls game is to parry everything that’s parryable. Note: I’m terrible at parrying, but I’ve noticed Twitch streamers play that way.

Opted- against my better judgement, in hindsight- to give Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus a shot.

Haven’t even gotten off the airship and I’ve already died more times than I care to remember.

First do stealth kills until you get caught. Then dual wield guns and never stop moving.

i am pretty good at parrying in most of the games but ive never figured the timing out in 2 :frowning:

parrying in Bloodborne’s really fun because it has the same high risk factor, but the regain balances it so if you get hit while trying, you can get that health back if you succeed. And you get more Blood Souls for pulling it off (this is actually true in all the games, there’s an overkill mechanic)!

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Even aside from regain, parrying is lower risk in bloodborne because it’s earlier in the enemy attack animation and it’s also a really brief animation (one of the only noncommitting actions in the entire series, really). They clearly wanted to encourage it heavily in contrast to Souls proper where I think most players hardly do it.

My favorite little trick in Bloodborne is to use blood bullets next to the first enemy from the bonfire and then parry him to regain the health, for completely free bullets.


The story mode is relatively short, I guess (I found it to be exactly the right length) but there are like 8 zillion alternate game modes.

Ah, I forgot what a pain the ass Anor Londo is before you open up the shortcut to O&S

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I don’t have time. The dungeons are hit or miss, from fun to frustrating. I’m at the haunted house, where I gave up on the game the first time.

It bugged on me after casting Estoma, meaning that the spell lasted until I powered the game off, unstead of ending at the next moon cycle. It was much more fun this way.

Can’t believe how atmospheric Panzer Dragoon Saga is. Look at those skies and dithering waterfalls
Panzer Dragoon Saga-0009Panzer Dragoon Saga-0001


Good lord, I hope actual optical rangefinders aren’t as headache inducing as the M60A1’s in Steel Armor: Blaze of War.

Especially fun trying to converge the images of what you’re aiming at when it’s both moving and you have a bunch of shit all around at different distances that will stay doubled up and helps obscure things. I’d probably rather straight eyeball it. Fortunately unless you’re playing super hardcore with the realism settings the game lets you just middle click a target and put the appropriate range into the (mechanical) ballistic computer, though it takes a second or two to for the range to get put in and there’s no lead calculation so it’s still not max convenience. Plus despite the ballistic computer there’s no stabilizer, which is what you get when you use the T-62, though it too is a bit dated and can’t quite keep up with larger movements.

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IIRC those sections there are not that dissimilar to the game your avatar is featured in. : )

I liked the general plot of that game, just the right amount of mystical elements via the Azran stuff. The next game is more generic anime fare, unfortunately.

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this is the most blood-potioned post ive ever seen
and deservedly so

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I forgot to mention that I actually played Oratorio Tangram for the first time last week. There was a great moment of awe when I realized you could scroll up and down through the mech hangers and not just left and right.