Games You Played Today Oratorio Tangram




why didnt you guys tell me about mario galaxy 2

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This phone Animal Crossing just feels like a bunch of glass tapping. Itā€™s like Animal Crossing with a bunch the creativity stripped out. If you just want a cute thing for you phone I guess itā€™s okay though?

because even though the level design is actually fun and challenging the doodads are just exhausting

They pretty much reduced all interaction with the animals down to laundry lists of stuff to collect. Like you donā€™t even need to have spoken to them once or even be in the same area to know what stuff they want.
It is basically a much simplified version of the main games, only they replaced a lot of the personality with generic play-to-win mobile guff.
Itā€™s still an okay time waster though, hopefully after some extra features are added it will feel a little less flat

Yeah, Iā€™m still curious to see where it goes once peoplesā€™ campsites start getting more diverse.

I donā€™t even bother with doing villager errands in New Leaf, so this all feels pretty odd.

Iā€™m more spoiled for games the past couple of weeks than I have been in a long, long time. Between Destiny 2, Mario Odyssey, Opus Magnum, and Disgaea 5, I could play video games for a month at the expense of every other thing.

Finally beat EVO. I turned into a gigantic bird and, after listening to what the Tyrasaurus had to say, chose the non-violent path, which I believe is the gameā€™s Good Ending


a follower INTO EXTINCTION imo :waynestare:

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I remember getting stuck on a bee boss in this game when I played it many years ago. I liked the concept a lot, but ultimately set it aside and never picked it up again.

Deus Ex: Invisible War was a mistake.

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It was barely playable at the time, held up by the novelty of unrestrained ragdoll physics breaking in interesting ways, but I canā€™t imagine thereā€™s anything worthwhile there now.

I tell you what after Uncharted 4 I may need a very long recovery period before I can play another cover shooter.


I recently replayed that game on Crushing difficulty and it was possibly the most frustrating gaming experience I had in years

things Invisible War had Going For It:

-it was very purple

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I remember in Invisible War somehow managing to get a multitool to infinitely clone itself on the ground, and picking up an item that had a description like ā€œIf you can read this, a bug has occurred!ā€


select button
If you can read this, a bug has occurred!


i think the britney spears spy ai sidequest was ok

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Just completed Super Mario Odyssey.

Itā€™s better than most collectathons (barely), but thatā€™s about all I can give it.

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