Games You Played Today Oratorio Tangram

the thing about Chinese Room is they’ve never actually made anything worth the minimal effort required to play through it?!


alright it’s sealed i’ll platinum horizon zero dawn

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Aaaaaaaa i didn’t know it was out aaaaaaaa

Installing it now aaaaaaaaaaaaaa


I actually did co-op through that with someone years ago based on the enthusiasm from SB (one of the few things I did play during my years of not playing much). I liked it quite a bit, but maybe not as much as some people on here seem to. Though I hear it’ll be at the Meetup, so maybe you can teach me true Dog Days appreciation there.

Thanks for the Nier advice, all. I’m not dying to play Automata right away and I was always interested in the original, so I think I’ll try to figure out how to play it first.



Is KK wearing a white shirt or was he always naked
Doubting my memory a bit here

I think always naked, it just didn’t seem out of place because he’s always sitting down?

Yeah, because he always had his guitar with him as his “clothing.”

it’s a bummer because mordor is obviously way more invested in interrogating the progress quest part, which is definitely the more intractable part of that game design, but obviously I don’t have to tell you how central to the appeal the aesthetic and the batman (or lack thereof) are in practice

Yeah, Mordor/War are about generating systemic, neat narratives out of repeatable open-world combat; the primary concern in making these games is how to stretch limited mechanics to dozens of hours without expensive content. Bethesda’s answer is low-polish adventure modules, CD Projekt just blows everyone away with very hogh-quality narrative content (expect this to become the dominant answer as Horizon and this year’s Assassin’s run with this, to lesser results).

Horizon has probably the best Western Monster Hunter-lite combat and a world that eventually opens into Avatar: Last Airbender-mood worldbuilding. The main character, a modern young lady in a fantasy world, is a great hook-she gets to respond to every bit of exposition with, “Why? Why is the world like that? Why can’t I do that?” Fits well as a game character and a lady adventurer. Sidenote–the narrative director for that was the narrative director on Shadow of Mordor; he left because he couldn’t convince our creative director away from hitting traditional dude main character tropes.

Oh, also play SoW if you want the best combat systems in this limited style, the deepest progression, the most systems-heavy game. It appeals to me but it lacks the negative space you find in other open-world games; time to explore, to look, to be quiet.

Why is the lady skin locked behind paid dlc this time you jerk



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Armor sets for the main character meant replaceable skins were a backlogged feature until later…skinning feature is due for DLC 3 (I have a few tasks related to the UI right now), hopefully the Blade skin is free with the release.

We done goofed!

: (

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I thought you were talking about Marvel hero Blade until I googled to see why there was a Marvel cross promotion with Shadow of War.

That would be a hell of a mod for the PC version of the game.

Total conversion replace the main guy with Blade and all the orcs with vampires.

can I pay to turn shelob back into a fucking giant spider :waynestare:


I believe in the reasons for it (the narrative conversations were all pretty good, it balances several things and provides opposition for many of the character moves to have her embodied) but the tech to make her shift between forms was dropped and the cutscene direction jumps around enough that it doesn’t play like it does on the page, sorry. Mostly you see her from the perspective of man easily manipulated by every ancient power in the land; he’s built to be a numnuts so you sympathize with the cranky ghost.

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Keep your perversions to yourself