EVO’s whole “speculative biology combined with real zoology and weird new age nonsense, presented in the style of a 4th grade science textbook” thing it has going on is a STRONG aesthetic that I want to see more of.
Only other media I can think of that does this is Ecco the Dolphin.
EVO is one of my three most influential games. Cubivore captures much of the feeling and plays much better but lacks the cool, Tokyo Jungle feels an antecedent but is locked within its genes.
Farming/survival/evolution, the genre. We need more (and I need to pick up Birthdays: The Beginning).
Been craving some 32-bit jank so I’m playing Soul Hackers on the 3DS. Much like FF7, it’s one of those games where it’s very apparent that the developers didn’t know how much stuff to put in the game or how to best use the 3D. I think this might be my new favourite era of videogames.
played a Taiwanese 2d horror-ish game called detention, thought it was p good? really fkn good sound design, story has a wonky element but is generally pretty solid. a nice use of my time
Seriously though, even though I think there’s some way of getting it outside of Oz, from what I have played of it so far it is probably not really worth going out of your way for.
It’s a cute game, but mostly it boils down to scrounging for crafting materials and ticking off your to-do list and watching meters fill up.
I am playing Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs because it was free on PS+ this month and it is almost Halloween, despite the fact that I didn’t care for the original. I figured “hey, The Chinese Room seem like decent folks, who cares if everyone seems to like it less than the original?”
I think everyone was right on this one, it does seem to be a lesser experience.