Games You Played Today Oratorio Tangram

the greatest composition of all music

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Honestly, you can ask the same question of whether or not you should play Drakengard before Nier. And so on. Dont worry about it. I didnt get all the endings in Nier and aaaahhh I dont give a fuck Im waiting for a sale on PSN and then Iā€™ll play Automata without the entire context bec_ause_ Im A Clever Lil Lady, I Can Fill in the Gaps


My best scores are just because I went back and refined my solutions on some earlier puzzles. Doing so paid off if my scores were some of those that caused Birch to get mad at a video game.

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Before I clicked the video I thought Bulk and Skull was a reference to Super Ted

Sometimes I get like, half your cycles and I go, ā€˜I guess Wourme hasnā€™t returned to this level yet > : (ā€™

Do you ever work forever on one and then suddenly realize that itā€™s not even going to work? And that it will work if you cut out most of the convoluted stuff youā€™ve added? This just happened to me. I couldnā€™t bring myself to simply dismantle my bad solution, so I copied it.

My errors tend to be more fundamental than ā€˜too convolutedā€™

yeah that happens to me wourme!

Why are you in Tomb of Giants before Blighttown, especially on your second playthrough? Did you forget thereā€™s a locked fog gate at the bottom you need to beat O&S to open? (also little in the way of useful treasure that I can remember) In my later playthroughs I did the Tomb of Giants dead last, after getting the lighted helmet from Izalith.

I got stuck in Tomb of Giants (also Ash Lake) before getting bonfire warping, but that was on my first playthrough. That place is basically a trap for overeager early-game explorers venturing where they already know theyā€™re not supposed to be.

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This is so true it is scaryā€¦ not that Iā€™d know anything about it personally >_>


Well I couldnā€™t really remember what was there and thought why the hell not.

So exactly that, yes.

Also I guess I was feeling a bit too sure of myself since my cleric is sporting a +5 divine halberd with 30 faith.


Sounds like my errors. Also I need more Steam friends that play Opus Magnum.

EDIT: AUGH Birch youā€™ve got a single cycle on me in Health Tonic.

I am the cycle queen.

Thatā€™s what I find most fun to optimize, anyways

I didnā€™t remember EVO: Search for Eden was so goddamn boring so Iā€™m playing that. Thereā€™s a lot of dialogue in the game. Sometimes the animals will warn me thereā€™s a boss in the next screen before I bite and eat them. Here, check out my amphibian guy


cool guy

Apropos of little Iā€™ve just learned a tangram is an actual thing

The constellation of games I imagined needed to exist beforehand in order for something as weird as EVO to get made was one of the many wonders of videogameland back in the olden days

realizing none of those games ever actually existed has just made EVO even more remarkable


I read somewhere that EVO was actually a sequel to an FM Towns Marty RPG, weirdly enough.

Edit: never mind, it was for PC-98! And thereā€™s a recent translation!

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the strange thing is if anything the game that came before it is even weirder!


nuzlocking pokemon silver is pretty fun