Games You Played Today Oratorio Tangram

actuallyvover the course of making that post, i think i decided i just like the despawn mechanic ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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finally getting into Phantom Pain since it was free for PS+. it feels good to be in a Metal Gear Game again, sneaking around

update: I still suck at sneaking around

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secret world legends is having a halloween event

i decided to join the costume festivities

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scholar was my first dark souls experience. I couldnt get far an ended up selling it. I… am weak

yesterday I woke up at noon, started playing gran turismo sport at 1 pm, and kept playing until 5 am. 16 hours lmao

and I have today off too 8)


please remember to take regular breaks.

also don’t drive cars whilst playing videogames without wearing your seatbelt, or whatever that warning is that all driving games seem to have for some reason.


This reminds me of my first play session with Gran Turismo 3 A-Spec when it launched in 2001. It was 18 hours.


Feels perfect, like snapping through a fresh carrot. A satisfying snack game.

Framerate falters with 3D enabled, perhaps better on the New 3DS, otherwise turn it off.

Most compelling Kirby thing since Epic Yarn.

I’ve also been playing through the bundled first party levels in 3DS Mario Maker and enjoying it. Would like to play through the respective full games with each of the mode’s tweaked physics and feel and popup sound effect goofs.


I’ve been getting back into playing games after not playing much at all for quite a few years. (I threatened that I was going to do this in another thread and no one tried to stop me. I thought for sure I could rely on SB to dissuade me from playing games, but now it’s too late!)

Joking aside, I’ve been having a pretty damn good time so far. I played through Thumper based on the involvement of Brian Gibson from Lightning Bolt and it didn’t disappoint. Pretty tough, but as intense and visceral as I was hoping it’d be. It was really satisfying when I’d get to a boss level and think “There is no way I will ever beat this,” then 10 attempts later start to see how it could possibly be done by someone more skilled than me, then 20 attempts later beat it.

I’m sure these are old news, but I also really enjoyed the Titanfall 2 and new Doom campaigns. I was really impressed by the level design and how fluid the complex movement felt in the T2. I played Doom in 3 chunks separated by 6+ months each, so I’m not too sure how well it all hung together, but I was definitely having a lot of stupid fun whenever I got to play it again.

I borrowed MGSV and the new Nier from my brother, so I’ll probably go for one of those next. Should I play the original Nier before playing the new one? If so, is there an easy way to play it on PS4?


there’s a pretty significant payoff at the end of nier 2 if you’ve played the first one, but it’s not at all essential.

nier 1 is both great and not, it’s kind of up to you

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I’m playing Opus Magnum and I’m not sure anything in video games this year has made me as mad as spending half an hour on a puzzle only to see how much better my friends list did on the high score table.


Yo play Dog Days.

I found Bulk and Skull in The Evil Within 2.

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I know what Felix means but you should really play it. Not to prepare for Nier 2 or anything, which I haven’t played. But even if the not-great parts infuriate you it’s a game so worth playing I can’t not recommend it to anybody.


just added you on steam so you can see how poorly i do at this game (the only other person i have is wourme and i’m not quite as good as wourme)

I played Nier Automata without having played Nier first and I loved it. It seemed to me that there were only a few limited parts of the game that were informed by the first game, and I still got a LOT out of it without any prior knowledge.

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My playthrough of DS1 is starting to hit the usual snags, namely the asylum demon (which I know is completely optional) and the motherfucking tomb of motherfucking giants. Still haven’t even gotten around to blighttown yet though so I still have stuff to do, which is what frustrated me in 3 because there was literally nothing else to do but beat the boss I couldn’t beat.

In other news, the missus has begun the winter of year 4 in stardew valley as a millionaire with a sprawling, partially automated mega farm. I’m glad I bought this because even though it didn’t click with me it’s become her favorite game since terraria


Have you ever played Dark 1 before? If not I could give you a potential spoiler re: dealing with Tomb of Giants

I have! In fact, I think I may have used that trick on a previous playthrough. But it’s been years and those neurons have been slaughtered by chemical abuse so please do