Vandals doesn’t really add enough to the Hitman/Lara Croft Go mold to make it worthwhile if you’ve played those already.
So if I just want a few more LC Go levels, it’s the right choice?
Yeah I’d say if you just want a level pack it’ll do just fine. For me the experience of the other games is still too fresh for this not to come off as a stale in comparison
I was adding 1k+ ducats a month from dominating South American trade and 50%+ trade power in the Philippines. Bengal and Bahmanis sucked some of that out along the way which I could fix by fighting them or running more trade fleets but I got lazy.
I also ripped Australia away from Portugal during a fight with Makassar. The European countries’ colonies were reduced to a broad section of eastern North America split between Britain and France and then a scattering of islands from Portugal. Oh and Russia had a SINGLE island that wasn’t from the Siberian Frontier gimmick.
You ever try for a WC? Seems like you could do it if you put your mind to it. I know it’s kind of a grind for no reason, but.
I keep forgetting to add that I’m enjoying playing Xenoblade Chronicles 2 on Switch. I play it and watch Persona on Hulu.
When did they adapt the best Persona game aka Persona 1?
No it is the third best Persona game. Persona 5 the anime cartoon fan service extravaganza.
I’ve been playing Dark Fall because I have the strangest compulsion to indulge in a 7/10 first person Adventure game.
It’s actually kinda good? Like the visuals are the most bog standard video game horror filtered through mid range 2003 CGI. It actually is a bit creepy despite all that.
I really like the structure of the puzzles, After a brief guided sequence, you’re dropped off at abandoned hotel. The game is composed of a bunch of small puzzle chains, rather than one big one, which is nice. Both Dark Fall sequels are much more constrained, and not nearly and interesting because of it.
It’s probably worth the two dollars it costs whenever it goes on sale.
The quality of a Persona anime is judged solely and exclusively on its OP/ED songs, and that is why Persona 4 the Animation (NOT GOLDEN) is the best Persona anime. Beauty of Destiny rules forever, that’s just facts
i’m… not sure so far
it looks and sounds really fuckin’ nice, at least
Sometimes! I find it hellaciously intense trying to keep on top of everything and I start letting things slide. On the other hand, these other achievements I’ve done and posted about here are doing a fine job of streamlining the process so it’ll be be easier the next time I seriously go at it. Like this Kongo game I didn’t feel strained for time and I had a pretty clear picture of my progression.
only 2 races to win in the Diable GP in Rage Racer and then I’ll officially be a Rage Racer.
I’m going to assume they’re Prefab Sprout fans
My entire fortress in Gnomoria died of thirst because they refused to build the distillery I commissioned
Update on Dark Fall.
Ok, I think this game is better than 7/10 for me. It’s not Myst good, but it’s scratching the ‘weird logic first person Adventure’ itch a lot better than I had thought it would.
It’s really cool how each puzzle may have only one solution, but a surprising number of them have multiple chains of hints that you can find in different ways to work out the soloutions.
And now that I’m in the endgame, it’s still really bonlinear. You can complete most of the objectives of the game in any order.
It does have a bit too much pixel hunting, although I kind of like how you can piece together likely places to pixel hunt from clues.
While the creepy atmosphere has worn off, until it did the game was pretty creepy. No jump scares, just pervading unsettling effects and sound design. It’s pretty effective until you’ve traversed every screen ten times trying to work out a puzzle.
It might actually be worth the full six dollars it costs on GOG, it certainly would be for me.
if you’re looking for a myst-like, check out Quern. It’s pretty decent
I gave Absolver some time last night, since it’s free on PSN+ and I have 0 interest in ever playing even a minute of Heavy Rain. It’s not Quite God Hand so I don’t feel like that’s a comparison that’s really fair. Absolver is something kind of particular, janky and unique I think.
This may be one of those games that becomes my hill to die on.
I used my fancy new computer to replay Max Payne 3, since the only time I ever played it before it was all low res and choppy. I beat it on Hard since I guess I didn’t do that last time. It can be occasionally frustrating, and it’s still the weirdest-feeling THIRPS of all time that still actually works, but once you get into a groove it is incredible.