Games You Played Today Oratorio Tangram

If the game didn’t mean for you to use the bar, they wouldn’t have built a bar into the machine


Wait you’re supposed to use the fucking bar? I thought that shit was for show.

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I think the 10s may have favored bar, but everything below that was fine without bar at least until the last one I played (DDR Extreme). For the 10s, I think it’s mostly that they threw all their usual pattern principles (around rhythm and balance transitions) out the window to just provide the craziest challenge still humanly within reach, and that happens to favor the bar.

The bar is there so you have something collapse onto when the exhaustion hits.

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Sometimes you’re too busy watching anime to brawl with your sparring partner.

Sometimes you tab into Steam and see what happens when you’re not around to take a beating.


Sometimes you get a reminder that you should never, ever play a game against random strangers.

Sometimes you realize you’re truly blessed.


I enjoy when I can clear a song without the bar, but I really appreciate it as an accessibility thing. Also, it allows for more serious charts to be “fair”. In Pump It Up, everything past level 15 basically requires the bar unless you’re fucking ripped like my local group (I’m looking at you, Jeremy). The 15+ songs basically exist for the hardcore rhythm gaming crowd more than people who like “dancing games”, and the highest level in PIU is Double 25.

PIU is really nice for having such a granular difficulty selection, and there are special charts made for freestyling so people can actually dance.

Although slower charts like this are still super fun to try and no-bar

Hobo’s just scared that I’m actually getting better at SF4, because then I’ll be better than him at every Street Fighter game we play


the bar is to jump over at the beginning of the routine

i am the best dancer

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i dunno that’s a pretty low bar



this is me playing the original Vermintide during a free weekend

I was baffled then and I’m baffled by the popularity of 2

the issue with cloning L4D and introducing elements from other genres is that L4D is unabashedly an arcade game, finely honed down to what it needs to be a functional game and only asking that you better be ready to replay the content over and over. you don’t need loot or progression systems or other nonsense to keep the player returning; the game is the draw. adding systems on top of that is missing the point.


I played L4D (and L4D2) with a group of friends in Versus Mode like every weekend for a couple years, and it took a long time to stop feeling fresh and exciting. I would’ve hated a loot or “progression” system, because it would’ve introduced a pressure on us to play more or less than we’d like individually to stay “even” with the rest of the group, rather than relying on knowing each other’s relative skill levels (and pings) and adjusting team composition to smooth things out.


Agreed, but the main problem with Vermintide is that it’s primarily meele which is dumb as hell for a L4D clone

I still find it super funny that the wood elf has an Irish accent and I will still play at least a little of the second because I am still not over Warhammer Fantasy ending ;_;

I never played it but Vermintide 2 has some beautiful environments. I was actually stunned. So I don’t get the “bland environments” criticism… maybe what I saw was the exception?

does that means 40k is their only remaining physical game?

the 4th edition of the Warhammer Fantasy RPG is scheduled to release sometime this year

Its by cubicle7 so it has about a 50/50 chance of being good

Which is about 200% more likely than if GW tried to develop a game internally.

Nah, they rebooted it into bland Anything Goes Portal Nonsense Toybox fantasy. It’s agressively uninteresting, which is why we are still get video games set in the old fantasy and none in the new :woman_shrugging:t2:

That said, they have a bunch of physical games these days. Some of them are good, even!

To be fair I only played about 90 minutes and nothing measured up to the screenshots on the steam page so maybe I just picked a boring couple of levels to wade through.

Picked up an old save of SMT4. Just ran through the reverse hills building. What a dark game! I love how they left all that stuff out of Apocalypse, leaving it as a significant plot nugget unique to 4.

Game still has dope ass music. Hoping 5 makes physical attacks relevant again.

I haven’t played Vermintided (yet) but from what I watch of it, the big draw is it has GameFeelTM. L4D put me to sleep multiple times unless I was playing as the zombies. L4D felt to much like following a script where a few select things got swapped. This made it feel like the only reason to play after a few run was to see how bad a script you could get.