Games You Played Today Oratorio Tangram

Well i added the opening to the post so there!

Already had it on repeat m8.

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My first encounter with CLAMP was watching the X movie in a theater and having no idea what was going on. I was more OK with this than the people I saw the movie with.


my ex had me watch Chobits once. i should have known right then that it wasnt gonna work out

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One of my favorite CLAMP things is how they got their JoJoā€™s OC animated in part of a music video once.


I watched the X TV series after seeing the movie (it aired years after the movieā€™s debut) and brother, the exposition doesnā€™t make it any better.

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This is more a consequence of the movie being directed by rintaro than it being a clamp thing

Anyway cardcaptor sakura is good and rayearth is cute


I wouldnā€™t know the difference, as my other CLAMP experience has been minimal, but man that movie was weird. I got nothing against them, and Rayearth sounds alright. That song is legit fun.

If youā€™ve ever seen dagger of kamui or the metropolis anime, you would find rintaroā€™s particular aversion to normal plotting very recognizable


Oh hey, I have seen Metropolis, but I didnā€™t remember enough of X at the time to connect it, or really have much issue with the plot of it specifically.

Me: I didnā€™t like Ys 7 combat at all and it ruined the game for me
Ys 8: We didnā€™t change anything about it
Me: is there anything new
Ys 8: We added a jump button, blue skies, and a Suikoden castle-like thing
Me: Iā€™m in, and paying full price

I donā€™t like this new trend of instant healing in action games by going into a menu and eating berries. Ys bosses used to be the real deal, now I just win on the first try by getting hit a lot and instant-healing a lot. Every victory is hollow


Iā€™ve played very little of BotW but this is pretty much the first thing that bothers me every time I see someone playing it.


This is also one of the many things MonHun nails so perfectly. No menu gonna save you.


yeah itā€™s like such a bad design compromise

I get that you want to make your game easy for people but society would fall apart if we didnā€™t all make an effort, ya know


shadow tower you heal in a menu but any time you use a consumable the game instantly unpauses

i love that. decent compromise in my estimation


are you then unable to pause for the next several seconds???

As I recall, every Igavania does it. That was my first/main experience of the mechanic. I donā€™t remember anybody slamming them for it at the time because thereā€™s werenā€™t especially examples of better balanced item-healing in action games.

This comment kind of belongs in the monhun thread but I was just thinking about the tradeoff in MHWā€™s potion/meat consumption. Pre-MHW you were forced to stand still (and then flex) and therefore had to plan exactly when to heal, while MHW doesnā€™t freeze you, but it does make you walk instead of run, and youā€™re allowed to dodge out of the way of an attack, but it cancels the consumption. I really like the older way of doing things aesthetically, but itā€™s a very fair trade that keeps pace with modern action games without sacrificing the point.


the game does not pause instantly no matter what. you can do it within a few frames (so, no pure frame buffering with pauses).

they were aware that this could seem cheesy to some people, so they also have paralysis.

in ST, paralysis has two stages of affliction. in the first, you are simply restricted from moving (you can pan your perspective extremely slowly) or swinging any weapon. you may still use spells or open the menu, change your equipment, etc.

in the second stage, you may not perform any action whatsoever, including using spells or opening the menu.

there is a consumable which cures paralysis, but can only be used in the first stage. you must have a paralysis spell cast on you a second time before the first one wears off (variable, but can be 5 or more seconds) in order to reach the second stage, and the consumables are very, very limited (as is everything in ST). iā€™m sure you can suss the risk-reward implications there.

itā€™s rather brilliant!