Games You Played Today Oratorio Tangram

this has been bugging me ever since I read it but I don’t feel like thinking up a response better than “NUH UH”

“sloppy” is not the word I would use to describe it. there’s… a learning curve and then it’s like mouse aiming

I played some Black Desert Online. it is a good character creator attached to a bad game and I’m not dropping 10 bucks for the best dress-up simulator on the market because then I would have to play the game part of it.

I also finished Heretic II, which is what happens when you take popular fantasy-inspired shootman from the Doom engine and make it into a third-person action game except you don’t buy into Tomb Raider’s schtick


i haven’t played splat 1 but the motion controls in 2, at least, are magnificent

The only bad thing about Splatoon motion controls is that I find myself instinctively trying to use them in other games that don’t have motion controls

I’ve had similar issues after playing Warframe too much

Me and my girlfriend have been hooked on South Park Phone Destroyer for the last couple of days. It’s a free to play game with microtransactions and it’s very upfront about it. Like literally. There’s a warning screen at the beginning of the game telling you this and all the ways in which it is bad and that it shouldn’t be played by anyone.

But you know how it goes. These games are so popular for a reason. They sometimes really scratch an itch and this one in particular is really, really good. I love the gameplay and the game doesn’t put any restrictions on how much you can play. You cash just play it. Whenever you want. It’s a sad thing that in 2018 that’s a thing you have to laud a game for and that so many get it wrong.

I’d be really interested to know if anyone on sb is also playing South Park Phone Destroyer

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Ace Attorney has had some dumb stupid stuff in the series course but a TV Producer reposesses their office because of a fake contract while two lawyers go WHAT SHOULD WE DO OH NO!! is by far the dumbest and that’s including all the terrible gimmicks.

Don’t play Spirits of Justice y’all.

Black Desert Online is a slice of life game. You have to play it as such to have fun. That said, I haven’t played it much…

I got a box of the new Nintendo Cereal System and the ratio of soggy chaff to marshmallows is about the ratio of filler to killer in Odyssey. Highly representative of the game experience.


I see Dissidia got a quality dub.



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Are we all quietly agreed that Odyssey is kind of tedious and underwhelming then, or is there anyone still going to bat with the idea that this delivered the ultimate open Mario they were hoping for?

The pendulum of “general consensus it’s mediocre” to “rediscovered and appreciated for the unique value it does have” begins swinging now


It’s me I’m the one who has fun


As someone who has not played Odyssey I’m under the impression that M64:Odyssey :: SMB:SMB3… OR SMW, unsure. Regardless, the QED is M64 is the greatest, so like whatever I’m OK with that.

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I’m in the club of “it’s beyond mediocre and delivered to me some of 2017’s only joy though I don’t think it truly revolutionizes anything but I deeply respect it’s commitment to remaining accessible while also catering to enthusiasts and experts”

Is that a club?


It got boring after a bit think

I only found it got tedious after Darker Side while trying to 100% complete it. Everything up to the end credits and bonus post game worlds was totally fine I think.
It definitely didn’t really need to have 900 moons or however many, maybe they should have made the really trivial ones a different type of collectible like the Korok seeds or something.

Seems like the consensus in the thread was that it was one of the best Mario games in ages… I loved it. Though I never finished the final stage cuz I kept dying and dying in Mario makes me more angry than dying in any other game, for some reason…

how can it be bad it’s got moai walking around wearing sunglasses and their special ability is that they can see invisible things and their name is Moe-Eye

also uproots are adorable

i will admit that i never finished the game (tho i intend to, when, i actually have it, and, my own switch lmao) but i feel these two points are important to the discussion



Like you run around as a dinosaur and it feels really cool to jump off tall things and the only bad land is pepto-bismal land.

Like maybe Mario 64 is better but I played that when I was 12.

Aimming for the best is fucking stupid. It is great fun and i recommend everyone should play it. You can do as little or as much as you like and there are such surprises to discover.

The real question is Nintendo ever going to understand a sell isn’t 20% off. Guess the answer is no. There is really no difference in my mind between 40 dollars and 29 dollars. Like one number is lower but it isn’t gonna get me to open up my wallet anymore than i was before.