Games You Played Today Oratorio Tangram

I still can’t decide whether yoko taro is the Go Nagai of videogames, or the Yoshiyuki Tomino

Interesting. I don’t think (most of) Drakengard was difficult, but it is monotonous.

Oh. Well, many people think Nier is monotonous. In general I don’t think it is, but a few of the sidequests inarguably are.

I liked the place so much I did them all anyway.

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I’m no stranger to tuning out and doing videogame busywork, and I think Drakengard paid off in spades as an art-type substance, so I’m looking forward to Nier!

I’ve been playing using a Gamecube controller to play using this exact rationale. It works great!

Yoko Taro loves to punish completionists in a variety of ways. Life In The Sands is one such construct. Nier: Automata allowing you to literally purchase achievements is another.

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Celeste is, in a way, comfort food. I’m really enjoying it but it’s not challenging me in any particular way, other than killing me a lot. The pixel art is fantastic, and the music is really good. It’s obvious that every piece of this game was lavished with love and care. The characters are charming, even though they are few and far between.

The second level’s supernatural elements and interesting neon dream aesthetic is a real surprise given how concretely defined the first level was. I was hoping the game would be braver and continue to switch things up a bunch but so far the third level isn’t nearly as aesthetically different or interesting.

The joycons are indeed garbage for this game! It becomes really apparent during the Pico8 demake of the game in the third level which requires much more precision in your diagonal boosts. I found myself screwing it up maybe 30% of the time, which is partially me, but partially the controller.

I’m not usually into detailed pixel art platformer games but this one is holding my attention, at least for now.

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I encountered what appeared to be a color based logic puzzle early on but I had no idea how to go about solving it.

I’m on the second level where Celeste meets her shadow which then follows you through the level mirroring every move you take but you have to be careful not to run into it at the same time since touching her shadow kills her. I like the game so far. I also encountered the fellow climber who hailed from the exotic land of Seattle and went through the entire conversation with him. I also found all but six of the strawberries in the first level. I like how those are usually hidden off to the side of the main path and often give you a bit more of a platforming challenge to try to collect them.

I’ve also been playing a bit of Iconoclasts but I’m not very far yet. I only have the wrench and have started pushing out into the world beyond the starting area. That one’s a real looker too and a lot more of a puzzler than I was expecting it to be, which is nice.

yakuza 5 convenience store radio plays dreams dreams


There is a ton of challenge in Celeste, but it’s backloaded onto optional content. I finished the game with 1400 deaths (this is with not going for any strawberries in the second half), then after that the Stage 6 B-side alone took 1000 deaths. One piece of advice: the B-sides are not short and you cannot exit them once started without losing your progress, so start them only when you feel ready for an hour or five of gauntlet.

I’m still using the Joycons but switch to the arrow buttons when I have a tricky series of airdashes to do. Hurts my fingers but otherwise OK I guess.

is no one else using the Pro controller? the vibrations are slightly distracting, but no way would I want to play this thing with a joycon

Right now I’m playing with Joy-Con in portable mode bc I don’t have a HDTV, and I don’t really like the “prop switch up on the tiny stand and use a Pro Controller” setup… screen 2 tiny. As such i’ve been Joyconning it 100% and I don’t totally agree with the criticisms. I’ve been using the directional buttons the whole time, and have had little to no issues controlling the game, BUT it does do a number on both my left thumb and my right hand in general (bc of having to claw at ZR, plus the game is tense). Physical pain I can deal with tho–if control was a more serious issue I certainly woulda switched to Pro.

Just beat the game last night! I liked the writing, but kinda wish the story had gone a little deeper… it made its metaphor clear very early on and then didn’t develop it much more beyond that. Still, the characters are super charming, and I like how they openly acknowledge that the metaphors are metaphors. I finished with literally one more than half the strawberries!

The game feels so damn good to play and the level design is so smart–I’ll definitely want to 100% it, though I may put it down until I have a tv.

Like, from NiGHTS? Shit, that’s a game changer

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I guess when I saw “challenge” I’m unfairly comparing it to Getting Over It, which is a challenging game on a couple of levels. This game is pretty hard! But it’s a comforting sort of hard.

it’s the adult version

true ending


Started getting into Dragon’s Dogma again beyond the first few hours…

But Munster Haunter flew into my PS4. Uh oh


dragon ball z fighters z is rocking my world. everyone is playing as the canonically most powerful characters though and it’s a little annoying

the one captain ginyu i fought fucked me up because of the body switching move. its like a marvel vs capcom game but good and not dreadful

ArcSys games are always too busy for my old brain but I am definitely looking forward to some lowly support character/villain turning out to be S-tier because of frame advantage on a couple normals or something

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Right now I’m rocking Android 16 as my lead character. Command throws for dayz

that one-hit KO super is amazinggggg