Games You Played Today Oratorio Tangram

Glad SB seems to have the same sad feeling towards Iconoclasts and Celeste that watching the game fills me with.

Maybe if you like the action. The story is actually worse than a yoko taro game.

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I wouldn’t say that! it’s more of a pleasant ambivalence. celeste appears to be the more impressive game in many respects but I’m less interested in it (to the extent that I’m actively interested in iconoclasts) for various reasons that probably wouldn’t be too interesting to tease out.

not really in a “mounting climbing metaphor” mood for one

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Yeah, Celeste sort of feels superfluous after playing Getting Over It so recently, plus it just looks like a (much more polished) amalgam of his older freeware platformers. I’ll probably be in the mood for it at some point though!

One of the characters from Celeste has an Instagram account:

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this statement feels like it may not hold up to further examination, and it’s obviously a fairly surface assessment as I have not played celeste, but I think vis. iconoclasts it may the case that for single player stuff that is not made by bennett, these days I generally expect to appreciate what was put into a game more than I expect to get something out of it. which isn’t to say that I don’t need a certain level of friction at the same time (which iconoclasts, as I said, effectively delivers).

this is consistent with a discussion I had with michael thomsen, world’s crankiest games critic, the other day on twitter, about wolfenstein – I don’t think it’s necessarily effective as timely satire per se so much as I adore that it’s as sensible and enthusiastic and fully-realized as it is.


after watching Tim’s various videos on Celeste and Iconoclasts—all very sincere arguments for why these two games are fantastic joyous friction toys—the cynicism about them here depresses me.

I was going to buy Celeste regardless (I’m more a Mario person than a Treasure person) but I think I’ll get Iconoclasts too just to spite the bad vibes

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I am not being cynical!!!

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I think it is a good game for big boys.

large adult action platformer

large adult wonderboy

Yeah I don’t think we’re making quality judgements here (I haven’t played either, but from what I’ve seen I think I can say pretty confidently they’re both good games).

At this point in my life I can often tell if I’ll like a game, but that’s seemingly unrelated to how much I’m actually interesting in playing it. I was saying that some of it for me is timing; Foddy’s game filled the precision niche for me, but maybe in 6 months I’ll really want to play Celeste.

I was just thinking to myself again how more games should rip off Super Peach’s hill-slide momentum physics and in Iconoclasts if you butt pound onto a particularly steep slope you slip and can then use the speed to jump twice as far. I think so far I have only noticed one such capable slope in the entire game.

If you megabuster upwards during a jump you get splatted back into the ground onto your back.

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okay fair enough. just seemed like some serious picking of nits. the world would be a slightly better place if there were more vidjas with the love and care and attention to detail that those two games provide (or seem to i haven’t played myself)!

I haven’t played Getting Over It either but aside from “they are about climbing mountains” it seems like they are completely different experiences

yes and bennett’s game is meaner to you and bleaker and has more variable physics that aren’t just in the style of hyper-precise 2D games so I was way more interested in it

choose your fighter



if drakengard 1 is any sign of yoko taro’s majority of work, they’re definitely games for people who don’t prioritize comfy fun YOU FUCKING BABY. YOU CHILD.

jk but really drakengard 1 is wholly unenjoyable to play. which works for me because drakengard 1’s first and most established theme is the mundanity of killing in games. other fun themes include how fetishizing the purity of women will lead to the death of all men.

the mundanity of killing part is especially funny to me in a world where we now have a musou for every IP under the sun


Fell into Iconoclasts hell, enjoying it a lot. Stuck in Black with a bazooka right now, which in hard is a very pesky boss while you have to do a timed sequence.

Switch joycons are pretty garbage for Celeste because of all the 8-way airdashes, it’s kind of a shame. I’ve been playing with thumbstick and maybe 10% of my dashes fall into the wrong octant. The irony is Nintendo eventually gave up on notches on the thumbstick, and having no d-pad would’ve finally justified those notches’ existence.


It was not the most likeable person in Iconoclast, but it sucks I had to abandon Royal in the Moon

Nier is really, really easy.