Games You Played Today Oratorio Tangram

i tried to play baroque just now. what a sad and scary game…

the person who wrote it helped make the first puyo puyo

everyone has sad and dark times


Puzzle fighter on the phone ya know

is there some legal requirement that means companies making phone games have to hire the least talented character designers they can find?


I just failed miserably at shaking hands in Yakuza 5

yo baroque is cool. its pretty forgiving all things considered, i super dig it. don’t throw your gun in one of those teleport orbs like I did

i threw it at a fish because i thought thats how you were supposed to use it


Now i want a game where you get a gun as your weapon, but instead of firing it you throw it like it’s a boomerang

Or maybe that could be an alt-fire mode for when you’re out of ammo


Shit i need to play that like, now

Don’t forget (in the VR one at least) to use your gun also as a blocking weapon. Shit feels so awesome.

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In hardcore mode every gun breaks with one bullet impact.

Frown, but fair. How do the hammers hold up?

I wonder this as well. When I am just dicking around the city, it can be pretty fun. But every time I do a mission I turn the sound down.

I don’t know if I got to hammers? Haven’t played in a while because butt.problems but I want to say the blades still cut bullets.

After clearing all the X-1s and 1-2, I died dropping from platform to platform in 2-2. I then died at Flamelurker. Then I switched over to Final Fantasy 7 for some lighter gaming action, and it was just the worst. Bad gaming night, guys :frowning:

should have played a good ff instead

Had a half snow day tuesday and played some ffix for the first time since I played hooky from work to finish it 18 years ago.

Still quite charming!


I got an MegaEverdrive for Christmas and I’ve been playing pretty much whatever weird Megadrive/Genesis crap sounds mildly interesting.

I’ve played the good stuff like Contra Hardcorps and Castlevania Bloodlines, but I am drawn to playing weird stuff I’ve never heard of.

I’ve found myself drawn to the surprisingly neat DataEast platformer, High Seas Havoc. It’s definitely a little underbaked, I’ve still really been enjoying it?

The level design has a very sonic-sequence branching structure to it, the art direction is cute as hell, and the controls are strange but usually work?

The most notable feature of your character, besides some slippery not-quite-Sonic movement, is this weird spin attack. When you hit the jump button in mid air, you spin around and kill enemies when you run into them. In practice, this is a little too inconsistent to be truly great, but when the game clicks it’s super fun.

Really surprised I’ve never heard of it before. I like it better than Cool Spot, if that’s a measurement of value to anyone.


this is like, every Data East game on the platform

weird, janky games with charm and fine-ass music

just wait until you play Chelnov


Well you have convinced me to play every DataEast game on Megadrive now. At the very least Minnesota Fatts Pool Legend being a real thing will probably amuse my friends.

Not as much as when I show them the Saturn version is an FMV game but I need to save something for later.

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