i have played like 25 hours of persona 5 this week. It’s my first SMT/persona game. I like it but it is pretty bad for anime reasons. Has lots of good images because they know not to let you move the camera most of the time. It is the only game I know of with an all caps POLLEN WARNING on the hud.
i streamed dark souls 3 for 5 hours yesterday and i accomplished far more than playing solo
I actually think it’s too stylized. I am unable to navigate the menus as quickly as I’d like because of the constant jumping of the menu.
Also, who the fuck thought it’s a good idea (at least in English localization) to have such tiny fucking dialogue boxes for text. if i’m going to have to read so much garbage filler, i’d like to have it in bigger chunks.
I’ve been playing this game called Siesta Fiesta I got free with Nintendo point whatevers. It is a pretty cool Breakout thing. The interesting things is that the screen is constantly scrolling right, and the ball is effected by gravity. There’s some interesting stage variety so far, and some neat bosses. Presentation is kinda Guru Logi Champ-ish? As in it’s pretty enthusiastic, not art-style wise.
I quite like the little chunks but id like there to be an option where i didnt have to press x to continue the dialogue so i can like eat something while watching it
Just completed Dragon Quest Heroes 2. It was fairly simple mindless fun for the most part, although definitely seemed to drag on unnecessarily in the last several hours. Every time I thought I was about to arrive at the final battle the game would stretch on another few hours.
Then right near the end they decided to throw a dark souls boss in there, including a second phase where its blades catch on fire, and along with the attack buff spell manages to rip through the party and kill everyone in seconds.
The final boss was bullshit as well, since it has a move where it grabs the main character and starts healing 999 hp every second, and if you are not able to deal enough damage in time it will unleash an attack which in one case was able to wipe out my whole party in one go.
Luckily the game just straight up lets you have infinite yggdrasil leaves if you are struggling, so I finally managed to beat it thanks to that
Was playing more Agenst of Mayhem and decided to quit and uninstall the game after the umpteenth mission involving driving from one location to another to shoot endless waves of the same enemies while bad jokes are said. I really hoped better for this one but I am getting out now before I put any more time into this game.
Though I still enjoy it, the more I play Nuclear Throne the more I get annoyed by its engine. Sketchy projectile generation from your gun (you are hugging a wall? bullet may come out or may not), the maps generated are not that great and the generator has a tendency to generate really narrow corridors that are not the best suit for this game.
Still enjoying it, but unlike Downwell, I don’t feel like I can make a tight play here.
Also, it’s me or most enemies in this game have no pattern of behaviour?
My current what is even your DEAL Rudie is with KoF games for the Saturn. I have KoF95. Which is special because the ram cart has fucking animation data on it. And the cart is semi broken or something?? Like I bought some windex and cleaned it and well first a tangent.
Like the Saturn cartridge slot is notoriously easily broken. And uhhh yeah. You seriously gotta be delicate with that shit. Mine is only working sometimes at this point. So there is that issue.
But it is…well causing errors That I cant find evidence for. Everything in English says the cartridge has animation data. So When I do get it to boot the fighters are nice and fluid but the backgrounds don’t load. it is just a poorly done select-cut black void. Playable (until sometimes it crashes to a command line.)
So I just want to sell off this half-broken KoF and I know a shop that has 96 and 97 and Fatal Fury Real Bout and Real Bout Special. All games that need the normal 1mb cart. Which i got the action replay for (if the catridge slot don’t break.)
The real answer is emulate/buy on PS4/Switch you fucking nerd
The following is all dumb scrub talk:The backgrounds in 95 are really cool though! 97 is honestly too mechanically close to 98. And 96 well the backgrounds aren’t as good as 95. The specific aesthetics of Saturn 95 really appeal to me. The load screen versus are these nice pencil drawings of the contestants. Outside of Garou none of FF has held my interest. I am certain they are good games. Can’t say exactly why they are not my thing. I would rather stare at the stupidly big sprites of Art of Fighting.
All of the 1mb saturn ports are worth it for the arrange soundtracks
Did you know that MAME does not support Game Genie or Action Replay cheats for its console drivers, you have to write up some kinda hex direct injection stuff that’s for real big boys.
But wait: there are a couple apps, Game Genie Guy! seemingly the most recent that’ll just patch the codes right into the rom permanently?
Real cool.
Pulled down that Rising Thunder alpha/beta/client thing
It’s so obviously a good fightman it breaks my fucking heart
Got better at Nuclear Throne now that I have chicken and I can start with a melee weapon. Game is quite contradictory in that it doesn’t want you to play slow and deliberately like a classic roguelike, but it also doesn’t want (or let) you play like a twitchy bullet hell. The lack of invulnerability sprites once you are hit and so much bullet patterns generated randomly kinda discourage that. Also, the game is meant to be looped but from what I can see in vids loop gameplay is basically “have something to nullify enemy bullets or die because you cannot dodge this.”
Not that is that much of an issue in a “play five mins and keep with your life” game, but it doesn’t make for a game you want to get better at. Because there is only so much “better” you can get with what the games gives you.
It makes me appreciate Downwell more.
keep going
I got They Are Billions after reading this piece on Waypoint. It’s real good. I’ve lost 3 colonies within just a few days, even on a very easy setting, but I’ve finally got a working colony and things are humming along. Unfortunately I wasted a bunch of time because I did not know how to research stuff, but hopefully I can catch up before the hoards get too large. (Probably not)
I’m looking forward to getting annihilated by something more than a random zombie infecting one of my buildings!
Anyway if anyone else is playing this let me know if you have any tips. I am real bad at it.
also there’s a shit ton of games i want to play coming out all very soon or already out
Also dragon quest builders on switch and uh something else on switch, i forget.
It’s essentially keep on top of your macro until you run out of space while building large districts of housing, pushing out to chokepoints that you mass walls and a couple towers against. Once you need to start actively clearing out another section, spam about 15-20 whatever the guys with bows are called, rangers? to begin with because they’re quieter than guys with guns and set them up in clumps so they aren’t getting picked off one by one. You’ll need to be careful about the spitters because they’ll ruin your military if they’re packed in a group; move them away and focus attacks on the spitters to minimize the damage. Regardless, keep your expansions to what you can afford early on and exploit every little space you can. This is the apocalypse, you aren’t concerned about having wide avenues and looking nice.
When the zombies mass for an attack, move back inside your defenses and focus your economy on strengthening that side. Upgrade towers and walls if possible Once they’re close you’ll probably want most of your military sitting by to support. Don’t sweat losing fences too much, they’re rather cheap.
Eventually you’ll want to research up to the mech suits (chainguns better than the flamers) and use them as the bulk of your army. Once you’ve got a large enough group they can stomp around the rest of the map and smash the rest of the wandering zombies so your only worry is the called out mass attacks after that.
In my mind Nuclear Throne and Downwell are relatively similar in terms of pacing, fine controls and hard-to-react-to RNG. Downwell is just overall easier and shorter, so it’s not as punishing when a stomp turns into taking damage because of weird hitboxes or a frog jumps unexpectedly. If you’re looking for a rigorously fair action roguelike where every death feels like your own fault, I think the most successful game on that front is Necrodancer.
Staxel Grow Your Meat Farm The Villagers.
Iconoclasts is really nicely polished. I don’t know if I love it yet! but the polish is appreciated