Games You Played Today Classic Mini

Maybe that came with the new forum update some days ago?

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Been messing with ALttP randomizer this week. My first two runs were 5 and 4 hours, and I just finished one that was a little less than 3! There’s still a lot of things I could improve on (lots of routing where I doubled back, died on Ganon a few times, accidentally did a dungeon that wasn’t required because I read the map wrong). Not sure why I find it so compelling. The repetition is sort of relaxing for me I think.

Would recommend using a map tracker if you want to get into it. It’s hard to keep all the locations and item gates in your head without it, although I’m starting to get a feel for it now and I might be able to ween myself off of it soon.

I wanna play the lttp/super metroid randomizer tbh


I didn’t have Super Metroid as a kid, so the knowledge burden for that game is waaay higher for me than Zelda so I’m scared to try it. Routing with limited power bombs stresses me out, too.

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if I were to play it I wouldn’t speedrun it

I’d just have an experience


I don’t know either of those games very well, but watching people race the LTTP/Super Metroid randomizer is (generally) pretty entertaining. I hope it leads the way for more weird randomizer fusions.

Yeah, it’s gonna be difficult either way I think; for sure use a map tracker. You’ll have a miserable time if you miss a location and that ends up gating progress (or not knowing where to go next).

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captain toad is a good ass game


My Weekend: A Picture Essay






I just got Polybius’ version of BIG which apparently only 6% of players have done even though it seemed like a certain mid game level was really set up to help you get that bonus

Strongly recommend this game if you want to play a tube shooter where every now and then there will be a level that inverts your controls for no reason and starts pulsing the word SPECTRUM on your screen while making screeching modem noises at you

I beat the level and the words “RESIST CHEESE” popped up on my screen for less than a second

Currently at 26 of 50


I joined 1 or 2 years ago

finally my work opened the firewall to this site

I might post about Project 1999 does anyone play Blue? I’m a level 20 halfling druid with 200 points in nostalgia

I also play “the worst realistic simulators” I think Felix calls them. DayZ. Arma 3 (first person only).

I didn’t know where to post because when I log in it says I have 5-6000 unread posts that would take 200 minutes to read in every thread.

Hi everybody, hope you are well.



hi there!!

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This little magic witch pseudoplatformer/shooter where you control your floating with your bullets is really cool. It’s a demo for a little commercial dojin game that’s under development and I kinda love everything about it. (No Japanese required to play!)

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You know when you have an ability in a game that won’t work in certain contexts for obvious physical reasons, and the game needs to know how to handle it if you’re dumb enough to try? The Frog For Whom the Bell Tolls has a very charming way of handling this.

In this game, you can eat an egg to turn into a snake, and eat a fruit to turn back into a man. When you’re a snake, you can crouch down and slither through tiny openings that a human can’t fit into.

As a snake, without even realizing what I was doing, I tried to eat a fruit to turn back into a human while I was slithering in a tiny hole that a human would never fit in. Here’s what the game did in response:

I got scolded… But I deserved it.




So you mean like, any tube shooter?

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From the vantage of 2019 I suppose Minter has made the bulk of them in history


The Stories in The Messenger are a real treat! I beat it which well I do think quiting once it becomes a search action game is the way to play it. The search action parts are all backtracking (with a walkthrough open because fuck that). I can see maybe why people who have never read a book thought the last bits were good. There is like 5 minutes of exposition that seems real misplaced along with the music.

Sorry 8 minutes??

I am shocked how few enemy types there are? And they do very very little with the “switch”. But also never gives you a higher jump, or a slide or a run powerup. You get like one new verb an hour in and that’s it. Everything else is a key. That’s really good. And it made me do some cool stuff to stretch that move set.

Compared to Iconoclasts I come out of it with a much more positive experience. I immediately tried new game + which ah yes the beginning dialog does not give the best first impression.

being blown away by the opening of Prey and stopped to appreciate how the developers are mature and sophisticated enough to recognize Super Mario Sunshine as the best 3D Mario game (the Dark Souls 2 of Mario)

(don’t mind me just tryna get banned)


I’m playing Prey on Nightmare w/ Survival modifiers on and someone please tell me, without spoilers or details, that the uncapped 1 HP restoration from drinking fountains stops being relevant somehow soon (like there aren’t drinking fountains elsewhere on the station or something).

I’m half-dead and rejuvenating myself by chugging from 3 sinks and 2 drinking fountains alternatingly at the bathroom for a solid minute because other health items are scarce and it feels Very Dumb.

edit: I think I’m just gonna start over with a No Drinking Water restriction because I can’t abide by this

edit 2: I think this is a deliberate design choice to give the player a humiliating fallback in case they squander all their health items otherwise, so they can still finish the game, but if that’s the case they need to keep the funny long drinking sound effect and 10 second cooldown per 1 HP but disallow chain sipping multiple fountains which actually makes it egregiously effective. They should also have the player character piss themselves if you drink morbid quantities.