Games You Played Today Classic Mini

idk maybe i imprinted on some weird pc version of tetris when i was young and have been broken since


finally rolled my sleeves up and setup cemu

botw runs fuckin’ sweet, i guess i really should sell that wiiu i’ve had boxed up for 18 months


Booted up FH4 last night after not playing it for almost a week. Felt a little listless after I lost my momentum, but saw that the Peel P50 I found in a barn was ready to drive.

Scooted around a little bit, but kinda wasn’t feeling it. I was idling around the main hub area when a lambo honked at me. A little popup said “Wanna drag race?” I putted over to the starting line, waited for a few seconds and floored it. This ridiculous supercar took off beside me at about… 25MPH, and followed slowly behind me for the whole drag strip. At the end they emoted “Great race!” as the car drove off. I never saw it again, but I’m still smiling about it.


What an unusually positive online gaming experience


Liking Super Metroid, even if I feel like it kinda has a bad flow to it?

I know comparing it to Symphony is tired (and kinda unfair, since it came later), but the (first) castle by nature kinda makes sense. The castle keep is high up, so you’re gonna need the bat to traverse up there. You’ll need an item to get underwater in the caverns. Stuff like that.

Super Metroid does all this, but kinda haphazardly. It really requires a lot of map memorization, which, hey, fair enough! It’s pretty obvious when your map has a big patch of blue in a given area, meaning you probably need an ability to pass it. But a lot of times it still mostly comes down to me running around, pixel hunting or trying to remember where I last saw a grapple point.

I guess the alternative is the first half of Metroid Fusion, where it just beelines you to where it wants you to go.

Also I never beat that damn spider boss in that game so I guess Super Metroid is all right.


I got married in Dragon Quest 5 and a game I was enjoying just got 300% better.


It turns out I decided to hate Dungeon Crawl before so that it didn’t devour all my attention.

That was a smart thing I did.

Now you’re going to have to win all classes with one species or vice versa to break its hold on you. Or at least 15 rune and complete a ziggurat.

resident evil 4 is so cool

just perfect action-thriller of a game

the ultimate hd edition sucks though; i had to fiddle with all sorts of bullshit to solve slow-motion and crashes in my three hours of playing

love to see a game bastardizing an european country too, even if not comparably to what is usually done to the rest of the world


Finally got Gits Sac and Red Ninja on ps2. It’s great knowing what the text boxes say


Only a little ways into the second chapter of Red Dead Redemption II, but the constant stream of cheap deaths, questionable design decisions, and general tedium have already managed to exhaust what little patience I still have for Rockstar’s nonsense.


RDR2: hater’d


Finally back home and playing stuff that ain’t on a tiny micro console.

Tetris Effect: hmm sure wish I didn’t panic on the last phase of the second set of stages! 35/36 lines and I failed. Ah well. Gorgeous game, probably pretty fun in VR I would guess?

My Hero One’s Justice: It’s One Of Those Anime Games, i.e. it looks great but hoo boy it just ain’t much to play. Not to mention Bandai Namco just kinda did the bare minimum and just translated the menus and block text, so there’s no subtitles for anything anyone is saying otherwise. Even if it’s just generic anime hollerin’, it would’ve been nice :confused: I should know better than to jump on random anime fighters anyhow but here I am yet again.

Hitman 2: Is pretty much just more Hitman, which ain’t a bad thing. The opening stage is genuinely stunning! But so far all my old strategies are still working here, so it’s very much more a Season Two than a full fledged new thing.

Honestly kinda wish the level importing function was working (I guess it’ll go up when the sensible normal priced edition drops on Tuesday), since I wanna see how (or even if) they spruced up the old levels, and to see if I can still knock out Paris with a Silent Assassin Suit Only run in under 10 minutes.

Oh, and they dropped the fully animated CG cutscenes in this game in favor of, uh, static character renders in slightly animated backgrounds/environments. It doesn’t look bad, necessarily, I just gotta guess it’s a holdover from them nearly getting axed when the whole Square Enix fallout happened.

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the base assumption at Bamco is that things that aren’t Dragon Ball aren’t worth the money; the survey they sent out after SAO:Fatal Bullet came out this year where one of the questions was “hey did you guys want these dumb games dubbed” was especially telling

it’s still a step up from a few years ago, where Bamco dumped a dubious English script from an Asian version of a game and called it a day


the moment this song kicks in…

AWW YEAH 90s!!!

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Yeah, that makes a lot of sense, actually. DBZ and Naruto games tend to pull out all the stops.

Well, I dunno how far I am into The Quiet Man but it’s one of the most astonishing games I’ve ever played. Everything about it looks incredibly expensive, and then you actually play it and holy shit. I can’t recall the last time I played a beat-'em-up this bad. Someone at Human Head, some day, needs to do a tell-all post-mortem on this thing.


I like to compare it to The Crow (the terrible game). It fits in more ways than one of you play through it

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I’ve been playing, very slowly, Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions. My reaction, ever since MGS2, to seeing the guy from madtv’s name pop up on screen in a video game is always, “yo, that’s the guy from madtv!”. it works out pretty well because ramza consequently doesn’t sound like the middle child from a 90s family sitcom.

near the beginning of the game, there’s a scene where Delita’s sister is described as “almost bursting with pride”, and then she appears with this adorable line:

i ditched the garbage with low faith and/or brave and now my party is filled with virgos. i never really bothered to look into what the zodiac signs do in this game, so i guess that doesn’t matter.

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Phil Lamarr is in eeeeeeverything. He’s also Samurai Jack, Hermes from Futurama, and that guy who gets shot in the face by John Travolta in Pulp Fiction

I tried Cities Skylines and I couldn’t figure out how to make water go to the houses.