Games You Played Today: Actress Again: Current Code (Part 1)

Okay I played some K&L Dead Men last night and I immediately think it’s a really interesting game because it’s so clearly derived from the aesthetics of a genre based in another medium, heist and gritty crime movies. I guess just the aesthetic of Mann, but idk personally. It doesn’t feel exactly like the third-person shooters of that console generation, it’s in some ways slower and seems to have different priorities like storytelling, presenting the environment. Most of all I think it has a really cool dedication to a pace that’s filmic in the sense that there’s minimal down time. Like even when you die there is still story and presentation holding your attention, it’s not dead air where you move through a menu or spend time reloading the game, and even the load screens are ways that move the story along. When K&L talk in a loadscreen about having to go to Tokyo, and then seconds later you’re in Tokyo it’s like a very felt thing to me, idk.

I started with the first game instead of the second and I am glad because of this focus I’m noticing on story and presentation all seems to serve the development of these two characters. I love the conceit they have for working together at all, it’s so twisted and just the perfect reason to have two nasty dudes stick to each other. All the cop shooting and exploding marble columns and close escapes just seem in service of telling the story of these two dudes. It’s kind of exceptional for video game storytelling imo. I think starting with 1 is gonna prove worthwhile when I get to 2.

Also the game is buggy as fuck. The chase scene after this bank heist felt faked like that famous Fallout 3 train-head NPC, something hacky done behind the scenes. When I found Lynch going through one of his moments and shooting hostages in the bank lobby, everyone was stuck in this pose.


oh god factorio again


I love kane and lynch 1 just as much as 2


i love factorio, i love hearing the inside of my eyelids scraping my eyeballs at 3 AM

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Romancing Saga 3 is so fucking cryptic and it owns


In the third mission of Death of the Outsider something kept putting the guards on high alert and I’m certain it was nothing of my doing. Normally I wouldn’t have cared because this expansion made the wise choice to abandon the pointless morality system of the mainline games and is better for it so I wasn’t concerned with ghosting missions much. But I was trying to complete a lucrative side quest which required ghosting, so the AI deciding it wanted to be omniscient was really aggravating.

I glanced out my window, saw it was getting dark, and somehow this was all I needed to convince me that I felt like I was wasting my time. I’m moving on to something else.

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I finished RS3 a couple weeks ago and I’m trying so hard not to start a new playthrough until the new year


for some reason I never really took to it on snes (maybe the machine translation?) but fuckin’ devoured the remaster last year

love how the weirder characters like lobster man, ganesh and visual kei vampire are also some of the most interesting and best mechanically

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idk how many of you have tried one hour one life but it’s fun to hop in every once in a while
it seems like i joined this village at a good time, they were setting up a thanksgiving feast, it probably took several generations of people to get all of this set up
here’s me as a young adult visiting the spread

and towards my autumn years

for the uninitiated there is so much time and effort that went into making such a diverse spread of foods available

also heres another pic, the developer added trucks at some point which is nice


That game sounded so cool to me. I haven’t got to play it yet. Really should check it out. Jason Rohrer is interesting, to say the least.

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if he has seen further,

it is by standing two heads taller than everyone else in the room

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The remaster adds a ton of polish. The RS games tend to have some fugly backgrounds, and the fan translations used weird fonts. Now that that element of shabby-ness is gone, the game’s eccentricities seem as such, instead of being weird half-assed flaws.

I started the RS3 remaster recently and really dig it but my only issues are the phone port looking font/text boxes and inability to speed through dialogue in general. It’s really cool though.

Cozy town:


putting my new rtx 3080 to good use by finally playing through No One Lives Forever


dark souls: which button is the fast travel??

You unlock fast travel in DkS1 after beating a major boss in the midgame.


Is Jason Rohrer 10 feet tall?

Lol oh shit, I was joking

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Had the best run of Delver im ever gonna have, got all the way to ruins 1 while finding extremely good shit.
I really like the texture work in that game, really good art direction


It’s kind of an impossible task to follow, but damn do the dual Eivors sound boring as hell compared to Kassandra from Odyssey.

I do appreciate Valhalla’s approach to side quests, though. I don’t think I’ve come up on one that takes longer than ten minutes to see through.

Speaking of voice actors I guess - that DLC that lets you swap in the movie counterparts for Raiden, Sonya and Johnny Cage is pretty good!

Bridgette Wilson is stuck with all of Sonya’s awful lines, but is a considerable improvement over Ronda Rousey.

And Christopher Lambert? Croaky as ever. So, y’know, good!

Well, y’know. If you’ve got nostalgia for Paul WS Anderson’s one good (“good”) movie.