Games You Played Today: Actress Again: Current Code (Part 1)

After only a few minutes I feel comfortable telling you that Jay and Silent Bob’s Mall Brawl is not worth your time


IT gets…kinda better as you unlock stuff. I had a pretty good character by the end IMHO

looks like i didn’t upload any of the screenshots though, so i’ll have to get 'em later


dear me from yesterday,

while laying in bed, you realized you can just jump over the attack

you are an idiot

it’s okay though, you have more bullshit coming your way

sincerely you,

future you


I’m a fool and trying to make myself finish AC Odyssey. The Fate of Atlantis DLCs and the little extra Tales of Greece or whatever they called the additional missions.

It is…folks, look. Kassandra is a fun character. Maybe one of my favorites of this generation. Fun to run around with for 80 hours or so.

At nearly 180 hours…look I was a fool and bought the $100 edition. I’m gonna rub my nose in the mess I’ve made. But holy moly that’s just so much fucking Assassin’s Creed.

But damn if I don’t wanna see it through before I free up a huge chunk of my hard drive.


I’m right there with you. I also don’t like to start a new AssCreed without finishing the current one first and I also buy the version that comes with all the stuff. I think I’ve unfogged the whole map in Odyssey but I’m still dozens of hours away from finishing the main story.

It kind of helps that the games are so similar to each other because I know I’m just working toward getting the same thing with a different coat of paint so there’s less of an urgent feeling to get to the newest one.

The main story in Odyssey is honestly kinda the worst part! The “best” ending is so damn goofy that it just feels…I dunno!

That said, I generally love the side stories, but when the tasks for them are almost all the same, it’s just kinda hard to work up the motivation to keep doing them.

(It doesn’t help that between Origins and Odyssey I played Yakuza Zero, a game where both the main story and most especially the side missions were amazing, and I still have [counting FOTNS and Judgment, and, to be generous, Dead Souls], uh, six of those I could be playing instead! Seven after next month!)

All of that said.

Love me a good photo mode, and the AC games have been real good for 'em since Origins. So I’ll probably fall in the same trap with Valhalla, even if I don’t wind up playing it til a year from now.


Yeah I’ve kind of put the story in odyssey on the back burner because I want to track down all the cultists first lol.

It’s not a bad way to go about it. Once you start gettin’ that inner circle of cultists, the ringleader of the group becomes painfully obvious.

(Also the [bad] first set of DLC just throws a whole new set of cultists at you, in case there weren’t enough of them to hunt down the first time around)

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Nobody told me how amazing/expensive the DLC for DARUISBURST Chronicle Saviours is.


one of these days i will put time into a game that isnt minecraft or genshin impact


I bought Infernium on sale a few weeks ago, I like it so far. I just reached the permadeath state, it’s not really permadeath, but I’m going to start a new game anyway because gaining extra lives seems like a sunk cost. I don’t know about the Pac-Man comparisons, but the blinking ability feels like lock picking. My favorite thing so far has been boundary breaking, but I wonder how much of it was anticipated or will be useful. There’s a cluster of rocks in a chasm that allow you to look at the map from the outside and there’s this texture floating nearby that looks like a safe lock.

what is notable about it

Oh hey two weeks ago I played Zero Mission on my Retroid. I liked it moment to moment more than Super Metroid and noticed at all points it was a worse game.

Shaving off every corner possible from the Metroid format and then putting in some real stupid ridiculous garbage regarding charge dashes if you want all the items is the exact thing I do not like in these games. It’s Fun Coming Soon + This Will Be Difficult And the Reward unsatisfying.

The rules are so codified that when it presents one of Metroid’s Fake Floors it illicits no emotion. Metroid 1 is so creepy and with no rules. It tries it’s best to encourage you to try everything and no advancement really feels right. Super Metroid has baffling barriers that a lot of people seem to like. This makes sure you’re always on the right path except for one environmental moment that really doesn’t work by the rules of the game.

The callbacks to Super Metroid are also weird as heck.

The so called story. The so called Zero Mission with it’s interstials SOMETHING IS HAPPENING and text boxes of Samus writing in her diary don’t work either. You get so much text and then the ending is just…The End. There isn’t any closing words. I guess Samus just talked about going up and down the same shaft 10 times. Haha sex joke.

The bonus end game 30 minutes are not what some other people were talking about it was more Benny Hill than anything as you try to stealth get found and then run as fast as you can for the next save point. Then you get the ultimate upgrade and and super bombs to use on two spots. Then you fight Robo-Ridley which is this sad dragging monstrosity that really just makes the space pirates make no sense. Feel like the only feminist theme is the developers wanted to see more of Samus’s Butt. Let’s give a whole section to Justin Bailey.

Feel like any positive themes in Metroid were an accident because every-time they’ve expanded Samus’s so-called character it has sucked shit.

I keep using “so-called” because the opening narration has Samus goes “my so-called ‘Zero Mission’ .” Nintendo named the damn game! Don’t make fun of the stupid name that even the main character The Only Voice In The Game thinks is stupid or unworthy or something. No idea why it’s called Zero Mission!

That’s my so-called Post about the so-called Metroid: Zero Mission. Think my favorite Metroid remains Prime or Fusion.

Prime is a good game to play the first 5 hours of and never finish.


in the middle of playing that metal slug 6 romhack and I feel like the only way to consider this the best one is if you like metal slug sprites but hate playing the games, but I love playing metal slug so this doesn’t work for me


As far as voting goes, I’d be in favour of lumping X and 3 in with Fake Metal Slug 6 cuz yeah, those are the real deal four-course meals for me, as fun/ny as the hack might be.

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I think the best Metal Slugs are 1 and 2.
X and 3 quickly become unplayable and don’t really reward skills after some point.


On a different note, I am more than half way in Bloodborne, and it’s madness. Initially I approached it with a critical mind set, not going to readily accept it as something universally better than Dark Souls only become it’s considered so… But it has conquered me. Initially it’s like a dexterity version of Dark souls, and not even so special looking in comparison. But as I kept traveling, it’s become amazing. There so many unforgettable places, and Nightmare Frontier is on top of them. When I reached that place, it was the turning point where I said “this game is madness, it’s sublime”, and where I recognize that I am loving it even more than Dark Souls.
The level design is great.
Initially the game forces you to level up to manage to beat the 2nd and 3rd bosses. At that point you are so strong that, for some time, the regular enemies are a breeze, and you are left wondering if you broke the game. And then, suddenly, it becomes challenging again, not by making each enemy that strong, but because of the level design and how they are placed.

Story wise, until now, I am not really caring of what’s being “told”. But it’s not the point. The story is what you see in your journey, and this atmosphere, these landscapes and these monsters make for an amazing story.


It looks and plays like Warcraft 1 but has a lot of Warcraft 2 mechanics.

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There are a whole lot of 2010-vintage (+/- 3-5 years) that are really mediocre, I tell ya what.

i played some aladdin and earthworm jim for megadrive, just checking out some old dave perry stuff. i wonder if these games would benefit from being able to see more than a few feet ahead of you what with the large sprites and labyrinthine levels.

they are really pretty with the spritework and animations and stuff, and the music in aladdin is pretty great, but i can’t help feeling like these games are kinda bad. i mean… they are kinda bad. i’m just having a hard time finding the exact line of how bad they are lol. something like earthworm jim is bad in very different ways than something like alex kidd in the enchanted castle