Been playing a lot of different stuff while on leave from work:
Jet Lancer
I think I’ve hit a skill wall in this. It’s a great little game with some cool blue sky vibes, but the later missions just throw everything at you all at once and I don’t think I have the patience for it anymore.
Herzog Zwei
It’s funny how easy this game got once I worked out how to cheese the AI
(it mostly picks one base to try to capture at a time, so just ramp up the defenses and watch it slam itself into a wall over and over while you take the other bases)
I’ve completed a playthrough of this in the past week, I think it holds up pretty well against the Yakuza series and brings some cool new things of its own (flying around Kamurocho with a drone was cool). The detective stuff doesn’t really add much of substance though. Most of it feels kind of redundant and just ‘there’.
I kind of feel like this game has a lot more narrative padding than anything in the Yakuza series too, particularly with the mandatory side stories.
Some of these felt pretty off too, particularly the one where you convince a toxic couple to cancel their divorce because their kid is sad. It started to ramp up more towards the end though and I think conclusion made up for narrative shortcomings. Also I liked that all the cats Kiryu rescued for the Nyan Nyan cafe are still there.
Blade Runner
Just finished this right now too. It definitely feels like the best possible game that could have been made of this property, at least as far as late 90s PC game writing goes. I feel like I might have been dealt a weird hand by the plot randomisation system, I got horribly stuck in Act 3 and so went onto GameFAQs but none of the guides seem to describe anything that was happening in my playthrough. There was also a lot of suspects who just suddenly bolt and then get shot down by the other detective before I could react.
It kind of fell apart a bit in the last third as the detective stuff gave way to just running back and forth in the sewers, and the ending felt a bit limp. There seemed to be a lack of empathy all around from the characters, which is a shame since it’s basically the core theme of the book and the movie. It’s hard to sympathise with the replicants when they are massacring animals, and the humans didn’t seem to care much either. McCoy’s reaction to his dog getting blown up was more like mild irritation, and the ending was all wise cracks after watching a man die. I might try another playthrough later to see if I get a better ending.
Ring Fit Adventure
I’ve done about 10 days of this so far I think. I skipped today though. Jogging on the spot gives me weird muscle tightness and pain thanks to my flat feet. Surprising how just a tiny bit of generic Nintendo plot and JRPG trappings can trick me into developing an exercise routine.
13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim
Only really started this but so far seems pretty good at least narratively, while the gameplay is a bit slim at the moment.
Edit: forgot to mention Ys: Origin . I finished a playthrough with Yunica, this game feels really good to just move around and hit things. I was expecting it to look a bit fuzzy on switch seeing how old it is, but it’s surprisingly sharp.