Games That I Hate And Everyone Tells Me I'm Wrong

Honestly it’s more like…it thinks it’s very clever in being self-aware and guilting the player but it’s really just some stylish violence with a wrapper of slight metatextual…text, but it’s all pointed at the player in an attempt to free the developers from all guilt? It’s very “Well, you don’t HAVE to play the game if it offends you lol”

Like, you didn’t have to make the game?

And then they made a sequel to a game that tells you that you’re bad for playing it.

And it’s really gross. (Okay I never played it but why would I play the sequel to a game that told me I am bad for playing it? I took the message to heart thanks. Also the intro scene they used to reveal the game is awful and they didn’t put any CWs on it and I got in a fight with an idiot on Tumblr over this so I’m really just soured on the experience.)

Also the idea of an ‘acceptable indulgent violence fest’ is not really a thing to me. To me, if it’s a violence fest then it has extra work to do to justify its own existence. Hotline Miami actively undermines its own existence.


They added a content warning to Hotline Miami 2 by the time I played it. That intro’s a bit much but I can get behind HM1; it was very in context with the special sort of internal self-loathing dialogue I have when making games and have exported into content a few times, muxed with a violence dialogue whose guilt is omnipresent.

there’s an option to skip the rape scene if i am not mistaken.

hm2 is dope though. i prefer it over the original.

If you’re okay with this, could you expand on this? I’m curious because the only loathing I got from HM1 was towards the player

nu-doom still sucks ass. it looked bad when i first saw it and i still disliked it when i played it recently. the environment doesn’t compel, the canned glory kills will never not be a bad idea, and the music blows. i’m still confused and disoriented that everyone and their mom adores it.

that’s all i got, tho. i’m usually the person defending something that people hate


Nowadays I feel like it’s not worth the effort to put in the energy to viscerally hate a game. (That, or I’m just better at dropping games that I would end up hating. idk)

I remember really hating Iji when it came out, while it seemed like everybody in the places I was hanging around back then was hailing it as the second coming of Cave Story or something. A few years later I gave it a second chance, and found it to be passable but not great. The game’s design was just begging for a run button to flesh out the movement and combat options, imo.

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The last game I hated with real passion was Super Paper Mario.
I imagine it’s not popular here, but most people seemed to like it at the time.


Replaying Ultimate Doom is a hard task knowing that the Super Shotgun rounds-off the arsenal perfectly, and as a one-time owner of a 32X I simply never knew better.

Bangai-O is pure visual noise that denies me any sensation that doesn’t require a fistful of paracetamol.

Gunstar Heroes can never compare against the sheer heft of a single bullet in Metal Slug.

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yeah this is something i wanted to point out:
we’re talking about hating a game here, not just disliking other ppls pets.

that’s why i have been thinking for a while about this… which game do i hate?
and idk, i trashtalk some games when meeting up with pals since we all do know fully well who likes what, and the bantering about our tastes is what makes it fun, i. e. i don’t mean it.

the last game that really gotten me all riled up was the first tomb raider reboot entry, because i felt like the game enjoyed putting the player into stupid places, forcing you to get out of them, only to be dropped into the next stupid place, and after a few hours I felt like it aggressively wasted my time with this bs.
i stopped playing it at some point i forgot about, and never went back.
so… does SB like that game?

if not, still at zero games i do hate.

the tomb raider reboot is a decisively terrible game, but it wasn’t worth hating, to me at least. it just sucked and was boring

oh, and gross. it was also very gross


Sure thing, bump me if it doesn’t happen this evening.

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Y’all trying to bait me into talking about Halflife 2? Because I’m not gonna do it. Because fuck that game.


the actual secret is that every halo was only good in like one way

1: LAN deathmatches and CTF (it was amazing at this) and weighty physics that felt good on a controller, but definitely not the campaign
2: it’s online now, the other parts are slightly worse if anything but shhhhh
3: it’s HD now, the other parts are slightly worse if anything but shhhhh
Reach: the campaign is good now, does anyone still play this?


this is so wrong that only felix could have written it


Agreed. Halo was only ever good at bombast, everything else was just off-brand versions of stuff other shooters did better, earlier

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The Batman Arkham games suck but somehow everybody who ever played a PlayStation game has one or more of them on their shelf next to GTA and like, NBA2k


the hell is wrong with all of you

all video games are bad

that is why I like them


I think Asylum in the time of it release was worthy of some praise, virtual Bat mythos spread across a “step in the shoes of…” coherent game. Never touched the others. Sure detective mode and the brawl style became long imitated models but their designs were just overeffective and led to being aped all over the place.

The rest did look hella bloated afterwards.

Best thing Arkham Asylum did was prove that a 3D Metroid could actually work.

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But Mi Primo was on Gamecube like 7 years earlier~

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