Game music on vinyl

Even Wilmot’s Warehouse has a vinyl release now.


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Finally got the Outrun Data Discs release (they just did a reprint) and it is so good.

Also ordered Alien Soldier because I guess I collect treasure soundtracks now.


data discs just restocked Streets of Rage 3, so I ordered that.


I got my copy of this in the mail, yesterday.

I moved around some components, making room for a new cassette deck that arrived today, which I will use as a headphone amp, as I am lacking/inbetween an actual integrated amp currently.

Sitting down for some fun Elevator Action music, etc., and discover the turntable now suddenly has real weak output on the right channel. Hopefully it’s just a bad cable somewhere, the old girl had been refreshingly hassle free up to this point.

I did get a chance to listen to the Claude Lavender - Control Point tape. What a tape, great tape Claude, pound for pound and dollar for dollar a great tape.


Not sure if this qualifies as game or non-game, but the first Chip Tanaka album is up on Fangamer on vinyl, so yeah, worth getting.

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That “Definitive KoF 98 Soundtrack” that just came out uses the version of the intro without the “play that shit like you just got your motherfuck” sample at the top.

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i don’t have a record player but i do have the ff vii ost on vinyl
bummed ab sotc and flOw being sold out tho



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I don’t know why I keep buying this stuff but I just ordered River City Ransom’s soundtrack from limited run this morning. There’s like three songs in that game and one of them is the Double Dragon theme.


I’ve played these games a hundred times and…music?

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idk how you could just block out the intensity of the Sega sound in these games. the bass… the keys… undeniable.

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Apparently we all missed out on Silent Hill 3 and 4 on vinyl.

wow i didn’t hear about this at all, and it was back in August.

Iam8bit is gonna do a 500 limited print of 3 for black friday at least?

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Data Discs is doing a print run of SH3 as well up for pre-order tomorrow at some point.

Lol, SH3 sold out while i was entering my credit card, ugh.


Spooky trip hop videogame soundtracks rule