game gear micro speculation thread

also in an endearingly japanese games industry turn users can opt to pay twice the price for each play in order to dock and link a secondary camera unit to the machine which enables stereoscopic VR headset output

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On the topic of ‘60th anniversary’, haven’t Sega been around as a company since the 40s, trading as ‘Service Games’? Or do they not count the period before they became a Japanese owned company?

Sega just give us VF6 and some unique arcade ports. That’s all I ask.

Yo the package design for the collector’s set is pretty hot ngl


sorry is the screen really 1.15 inches

isn’t that completely unplayable


it’s not the size that matters it’s how you use it

but actually it’s kind of baffling that Last Bible is going to be on here when the text is going to need a microscope to read

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trying to imagine playing shining force on literally a stamp

How I see your post.


Despite the tiny size, the Game Gear Micro’s 1.15-inch screen manages a 240×180 pixel resolution, which actually improves on the 160×144 pixel resolution of the original Game Gear’s 3.2-inch screen. That puts the display at roughly 260 pixels per inch, or just short of Apple’s roughly 300 dpi “retina display” standard.


that is the dumbest thing I’ve ever read and I hate this product now


It’s definitely built on LCDs made for smartphone pixel pitch. Too bad they didn’t go for a doubled pixel resoultion (320x288); they wouldn’t have needed to blur it across the screen and it would have been bigger, to boot.

I don’t know how that tech writer is capable of saying an mismatched screen resolution for fixed-resolution games is ‘an improvement over the original screen’

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i would’ve rather had a GGM that’s half the size of the OG GG but with roughly the same screen size as the OG GG. it’s too bad that’s not the case, but i can still play last bibles on my RG350, so. :man_shrugging:


Honestly it’s so small I want to receive it more like an expensive keychain toy, like the fact that I know it can play full games is an important part of the neat but it’s still not practical. Unfortunately it’s priced around $50 and that’s double what I think a cute gimmick is worth

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at that size just make them Sega-themed Tamagotchis.

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double-duty as Game Gear micros and a VMU redux

in another dimension these are actually VMUs for a mini Dreamcast – the DreamGear (project dream catcher)

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What the hell, this whole thing is hilarious

If you find the screen too small no problem. You just need to buy all 4 game gear micros and pay extra to get this thing:

I’m vaguely hoping that the GG micro runs on 6 AAA batteries and the Big Window on 4 AA batteries


in a big window
games stay in view
three AAAs
into the backside
now we can stay alive


Original plan even was that there was just going to be a single game per system:

Lots of info from an interview in that thread including how it will run on either 2 AAAs or micro USB

short version: 1960 is when the corporation(s) that became Sega Enterprises was founded, from the ashes of the liquidation and splitting of Service Games, Japan and later merger with Rosen Enterprises, with Sega becoming Sega in 1965

as noted on Sega’s 60th anniversary page, David Rosen, the one time foreign owner of Sega, is still very much alive