Fi-i-re E-mbu-lem

Moody boys for the arena.

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im still playing FE Heroes and it still rules so hard

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i can’t believed I ever stopped playing this to play real videogames

Now I’m not saying you should play this game but the next big voting gauntlet event they’re having will be
Short-Haired Ladies

Long-Haired Dudes

Yes, that is the literal names they gave the two teams.

Also, some of the new art in this game has been pretty great.

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I see you @u_u. Post your arena team now.

horse emblem ride or die

Horse Lyn

my latest tempest trials team is lightly less cheesy

spear lucina
festival dancer olivia

All of the focuses that have been happening make me want to come back to this game

I was so happy that they did Dancer Inigo! If that was a thing in Awakening I might have liked it

I’ve been trying to avoid the toxic allure of the horse brigade but recently summoned a +Atk/-Spd Reinhardt and, well…
I really didn’t have a choice but to make him THE Reinhardt.

Coupled with the absurdly powerful Bow Lyn (I was real close to picking Brave Lucina) all I really need to do is to 5-star Xander and/or Camus and the transformation will be complete.

Using them both in my Arena team but for the current season I’m doing alright with the OG Hector

and newcomer Arvis who gets to tag along for the bonus points.
Not sure if I actually want to invest in him yet. Kind of lacking a good rec mage currently.

For the current Tempest trial it’s Blyn along with Black Knight to tank ALL physical damage

Deidre to tank ALL magic damage

and Shigure to sing a song or two. Usually have him equipped with both the Breath of Life skill and Seal which along with his weapon let’s him heal a total of 17 HP with every attack. It’s can be tricky to set up sometimes but a huge help in the trials.

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So there was basically a Nintendo Direct on Heroes and just going to sum up the stuff because it has me excited.

  • First off some new guys from the GBA-era games
  • Staff users are getting buffed across the board with everyone getting upgraded skills which might finally make them somewhat viable? Dagger peeps could probably use some similar help considering how they’re pretty much just worse Archers in most situations right now.

  • All the special skills that nobody ever used (the AoE ones, Astra/Glimmer, healing ones) are also getting reduced cooldowns. At 4 that means you can now trigger the AoE ones after a single enemy phase of taking 2 hits while striking back with Quick Riposte. Might be workable?

  • Free barracks expansion as well as reduced Stamina cost for story missions. Kind of swimming in Stamina Potions myself though?

  • Weapon Upgrades can be added to to all non-exclusive weapons except for Brave weapons and Blade- and Raventomes. Sword Lyn, Ephraim, Eldigan, Eliwood, Julia, Seliph, Jaffar, Michalis, Minerva, Takumi, Linde and Merric’s special weapons can also be upgraded to not suck quite as much any more too. All require a new material that may or may not be a real pain to grind out.
    2017-11-15 (1)

  • New banner bringing back some classics with a hefty rate up (is a lie).

  • The mystery character above is the newest OC who will be given out for free by completing the upcoming story chapters.

  • And finally: Like all big gacha games they’re making a parody-style comic.

dorcas is more than a little of a meme character jp-side so i’m absolutely not surprised he showed up

i know someone who should be very happy about lute though

Saw a version of the stream with overlayed NND comments and there sure was a lot of wwwwwwwwwws when Dorcas came up.

hope there was some ・・・まあまあだ。 too.

Haven’t watched the video yet, is there a timeline for rolling out all this hot content or is it just “coming soon”

The three newcomers are out right now in a banner focus. They’ll also have a new Tempest Trial event to go along with them that stars this Monday.

The rest of the stuff is coming all at once whenever this update hits. My guess would probably be either as the Tempest Trial begins (Monday) or ends (December 4?)

I do not comprehend but it would seem so.

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heck yeah.

okay for some context on that one, dorcas is an utterly forgettable, unremarkable character in his source game. he’s the first Axe Guy you get in FE7 and frankly axe guys not named Hector are trash in FE7, and he in particular ends up not getting any good stat growths beyond Strength, Forever. not even skill so he ends up not being able to hit anything. (ironically, if you actually want to use him in the late game, your best bet is to go all-in on the warrior’s bow skill and dump all the really heavy bows on him! he’s actually kind of amazing with the Brave Bow.)

many years ago, there was a very popular JP LP from a particularly not-bright player who somehow kept ending up having dorcas in his party because he got everyone else killed a lot. eventually he went nuts on one mission and dumped all his remaining stat-up items and the “use this on your favorite character!” item on dorcas.

if you mark someone as your favorite character, they show up on your final ranking screen at the end of the game. and so, there, on the ranking screen, was dorcas, in all his muscley glory, saying “・・・まあまあだ。” (tl: “…So-so.”)

that LPer’s fans never let him live that down

edit: oh my god the nico wiki page has moji art of him


Dorcas is also a woman’s name but I guess that is probably unrelated to the FE character’s popularity

Wow. Guess that makes sense then! IS seems to be more then aware of it too considering how one of his spoken lines is the “…so-so” one

The ENG community seems more into the fact that he talks about some real bad mutton.

That’s from a weird tv commercial

Learning a lot about weird fandom lore today

oh my god, that is a really good callback