FGC##201Xrd Reload[st] - Now on Steam! (Part 1)

Does Fightcade run the Ultimate/Unlimited Match versions of KOF98 and 02 though? All of those arcade games SNK made for various less popular arcade boards like Taito X after Neo Geo. I thought that was what made those rollback updates so notable.

They are not on Fightcade, only the vanilla Neo Geo versions. I don’t think this is hugely significant for 98, but 02UM is a significant rebalance.

The games Code Mystics added rollback to prior to 98UMFE also have such limited lobby functionality that it’s not possible to spectate and therefore complicates streaming tournaments greatly. This mostly seems to upset the 02UM players because there’s no other way to play it with rollback.

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Post-patch Strive in real matches played out differently than I thought, but it’s way more fun than before just like everyone says.

The new universal defensive tools make everything so much more dynamic. Nobody’s fully internalized this yet, but Faultless Defense is really good now, the pushback often lets me take my turn back when I remember it exists. I still can’t ever ground-to-air in time but I can see it will let me survive much better in air-happy matchups when I learn to. But one thing I do always remember is the much easier reversal supers: I’ve turned back into Orca May, which as much as the dolphins was the thing that made me pick May as my main at the beginning, before my opponents learned to block and I matured into a joyless Roman Cancel-only player.

Put together it means “turn off your brain and do/react to blockstrings” is not as common anymore in Strive. It’s a 2-player game most of the time during pressure now, it’s not just little windows of interactivity whenever someone needs to reset, and there is this new sense that anything can happen and you can’t take the outcome of the match for granted.


speaking of post-patch strive, I couldn’t stop laughing at this

hello everyone! i am new to the site but very much want to be involved in Fighting Game Community stuff. i have most games on ps4, my psn is Shellzy-Fronks, and i am a C+ level fighting game enthusiast. i have uhhh

blazblue cf
granblue fantasy versus
guilty gear strive
samurai shodown
mortal kombat 11
injustice 2
street fighter collection
street fighter 4
street fighter 5
dragonball fighterz
undernight inbirth

probably missed something but yes sorry i am excited about finding more people to play with!


join my server I play fighting games every day compulsively


Lately I’ve been sinking hours into X-Men vs. Street Fighter, one of my secret Favorite Games of All Time and one into which I’ve put maybe (?) 200 hours just practicing shit? I love this game to death. It’s extremely flavorful and surprisingly well balanced. It has 17 characters for a total of 272 possible teams, each with its own suite of infinite combos and game breaking tech. Despite the mechanics being unhinged (to put it lightly), the damage values are high, throws are extremely valuable, and the input system is lenient. This may be one of the best introductions to Marvel vs. Capcom games for newcomers due to its general ease of play. I highly recommend others play it on Fightcade with me.



So this one doesn’t have the like…shadow characters like MvC1?

not that I know of. Akuma is the 17th character hidden at the top of the select screen, but this is a superficial nod to his inclusion in SSF2X

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vampire savior rules so hard i like being the frankenstein guy and grabbing people with his butt


It’s so fucking good. Long time Gallon, OK Lei-Lei, but working on my Bulleta stuff.


i was on a hot streak last night, so i thought i would try marvel 2 online. i got immediately destroyed by a team that had roll and servbot on it. taking this as a sign from god to not play marvel 2 anymore.


I changed my steam name to “bgs enthusiast” and spent about 2 hours getting dodged after one match in MBTL today… I didn’t even switch my gameplan up that much from like last week

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Very specific feeling #481: when my opponent gets a good hit, and I coolly decide I’m not going to Burst because it’s early in the set and I’m so far ahead in health I don’t need to use resources to seal this win. Then my confidence starts to crack the longer my opponent’s combo continues

I thought I understood the Nagoriyuki matchup but after running into a Nago in park yesterday who instantly obliterated me as if I were a training dummy for 10 matches in a row, I’m reconsidering that

I’d already watched a few YouTube guides on Nago and know the basic tips like “when his blood rage gauge is high, he’s going to go for a throw”, but it’s not enough anymore. It’s probably time to study his options in detail and add some real meat to my counterplay flowchart. I was at the same point with Ky last month and that’s what helped me break through and start beating Kys again.

It’s worth it to blow burst early in strive. It builds relatively fast compared to past games and builds faster at lower life so if a match drags on you might get a second burst or at the very least have it read for the second round.


my strategy in ACPR is to burst the first time I get hit. use it or lose it, gotta go for as many bursts as u can

it’s always gonna be on the ground and it’ll always get blocked so it’s very unlikely to get throw punished

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