The latest Core A Gaming video touches on the playing dead games vs. playing actively patched game discourse from a few weeks back (and it’s also just great as usual)
Core-A Gaming
oh yeah, forgot i quite like this dude
i don’t really buy this honer-innovator dichotomy though, it just sounds like hardcore-casual with paint slapped on top of it. adding percentages to the spectrum does not change the false binary, and i don’t really think it’s super useful as a way to think about the question
i do think it’s objectively good to have both ‘casual’ and ‘hardcore’ gametypes in the same community though, like smash or halo etc. the question is really to what degree do the ‘hardcore’ gamers just run over all casuals with their transferable skills, and related to that, how much of a ‘casual’ fanbase is really subsidizing a few obsessives
the question to me was always, what kind of difficulty do i find worthwhile in games, what is worth honing and practicing? because every game can be honed (see speedrunning), every game can be innovated (see also speedrunning!), the question is what is worth your time as far as enjoyment. yes it can feel stupid to get on the learning train and study a dead game for years - doesn’t it also feel stupid to flit from new game to new game for the brief rush of beating up on newbies before things get too “tryhard, sweaty, etc”? ultimately you have to find a way to live in this world.
i think about this in terms of music - you could practice guitar sweep picking for the next twenty years, but is it actually what you want to do? is that what makes good music? interesting comment in the youtube comments that seems relevant:
Very interesting discussion, especially when applying it to chess, With so much of chess now being simulated through computers many simply follow what the bots say are the best openings and follow ups. Magnus Carlsen, the world chess champion for over 8 years straight, hates the current focus on memorization within chess so he actively explores openings deemed by computers to be “inferior” because he knows he’s not playing against computers. The strongest advantage you can have against someone in a fighting game is to be the one with more information for decision making. You may not be able to get anymore from them, but you can certainly decrease the amount they get from you.
It sounds like Magnus Carlsen has found something he believes is worth doing and interesting to him.
this video taught me something tho – namely i can only hit combos in games with very generous input buffer windows, and i should be double tapping/plinking/pianoing
I started with Tekken and its generous dialling input. Everything after always felt really tight and difficult by comparison. Still have fun with most but I basically can’t stand most Street Fighter input windows.
magnus carlsen, an actual low tier god
after watching some more Core-A Gaming, i am reading the Daigo book
As a youth I stumbled into an Xbox copy of MVC2 for like a week and a half, immediately loved it, and then never got to play it again. This ruined my perception of fighting games for like 10+ years.
i too despise the gifted but i am also an exceptional quitter
I have nothing cool to add to this thread of Real Fightmans other than those Diago excerpts are real cool and that I find it hilarious that Nintendo has been notoriously hands off with the Smash scene for some 20 years while Nickelodeon put up $10k for a week one tournament for their hype meme Smash clone and also streamed it on Twitch
MBTL is super fun!!! This was my first time playing a fighting game on launch day, it’s real good being on the same (poor) level as me… and then real bad having to take a week off due to deadlines and come back to C rank suddenly meaning “everyone here has combos and has some idea about their ranges” and not “idk ciel looks cool lol”
My enjoyment of MBTL feels like probably a betrayal to the classic MB die hards, but it feels really good to play! Tho I do sometimes get bored with waiting for a big old combo to finish.
I’ve come back to strive after about a month away from it and the players on 10f are really busting my ass in this new patch.
If I listed out which characters I’m having trouble with, I’d probably be mentioning half the cast, although ironically not sol. pretty wild how different everyone feels
Testing out the new Strive patch in training today. I was quite worried May was nerfed like last patch but it actually feels really good, at least against a training dummy that doesn’t 6P my dolphins. It’s more worth trying to reversal super, and I have better damage or unreactability on high/low mixups, air-to-air and ground-to-air.
Even this winds up not being as big a buff for May as the rest of the cast got, I welcome the opportunity to have a more varied gameplan. My methods of opening up defensive opponents (strike/throw and conditioning-dependent high/lows) were starting to feel stale but I was running out of ideas for anything further worth adding.
May’s low key kind of crazy. I guess everyone is now, but I had some may hit me with this super nutty wall bounce air gatling juggle combo and it was a lot cooler than infinite dolphin
Will try to host a lobby later this week
The best part of may after patch is how 5H is neutral tool now. You are literally trying to hook mooks with her anchor that try to put buttons out at bad ranges.
This May knows whats up.
I just learned my favorite silver-age fighting game got a rollback patch! Joining the positive review bomb brigade
Yeah garou has had rollback for a while. SNK is quietly putting it in most of their old games (they just put it in kof 98). I don’t even know why they’re doing it though, anyone who really wants to play these games is on fightcade. speaking of which, I’ve been having a grand time sucking at cvs2 on fightcade lately. If anyone else wants in on that let me know! I should put some time into garou there too, I like that game a lot but I don’t remember how to play it at all.
Saltmine league and Bafael stream regular Rikemansbarnet is also going to Capcom Cup! Damn, hype. He’s a Menat player. He beat Phenom in GF in the Nordic/Baltic qualifiers