Every Extend Extra! Extra! (News Thread)


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Switch pro spring 2023


Just play Switch games on PC.


well, yes, sure

just point me to a PC with the Switchā€™s form factor with the removable controllers and also I can just play online without any futzing around in case I want to do that


Crazy that the title is still officially Untitled Sequel to the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild: Shut up and Jam


bold to assume this is a functional feature of the switch


the switch usually works fine for me once I get onto a network and pay Nintendo their pound of flesh

the kids are going to have to deal with my McDā€™s wifi

weā€™ll probably have that technology by the time a typical switch game finishes loading


Iā€™ve been on solid state for what feels like ages

loading times on all systems from the last gen suck

I can watch phones and iPads load games faster than a PS4 or Xbone


I feel like I havenā€™t noticed particularly bad loading times on Switch but maybe itā€™s just a function of what Iā€™ve been playing?


Switch data access speeds are not good (itā€™s eMMC for the native storage or else microSD, both of which top out a little below 100M/s in most contexts, which is slower than a spinning disk for linear reads and somewhat better for random reads but still nowhere near the average SSD from 7 years ago, let alone NVMe), but because most Switch games only have like 2GB of assets itā€™s not a big deal

turns out hardware doesnā€™t need to move that fast!


All the stuff Iā€™ve heard about the battery life on the Steam Deck has me happy that the Switch is what it is.


has anyone checked if their distro runs powertop


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And they only have 2GB of assets in part because the rest of the hardware is weak enough that it would struggle with higher-quality assets anyway.

I think thatā€™s part of why they only made the screen shinier in the last revision. The hardware is in balance right now and the next logical equilibrium is at a much higher price.


Seems pretty unsurprising honestly


the worst part of this is a lot of people who probably wouldnā€™t normally be working your usual game industry jobs because of really disliking/feeling uncomfortable with the culture there or just not wanting to make those types of games: esp a lot of women, queer/trans people, people of color, etcā€¦ are good fodder for a company like Funomena. itā€™s easy to join up with a company like that with the belief youā€™re helping change things for the better. and then you realize the whole thing is so utterly attached to someoneā€™s cult of personality/personal brand. and you have like zero leverage and the ship will sink if that one person at the helm takes a hit. a lot of small to medium sized indie studios with one very hyped creative figure at the helm operate in a similar way.


I wrote a chunk of my thesis on this game and I really donā€™t get what the draw to play again is in 2022. Itā€™d be nice if some of the dead-ends engage with the more game-specific bumps and edges that go criminally underdiscusssed but Iā€™m guessing weā€™re just getting more wacky absurdist punchlines with no idea developed beyond a gag. Better [worse?] yet try to take the whole enterprise seriously and create LORE for consumption and explanation mediated via youtube and wikis.


hm maybe this was why i saw Davey Wreden lurking around GDC several times last week.

anyway i basically like Stanley Parable for what it is, but youā€™re right that it is very of its time and the joke is pretty one note. a lot of these developers getting big successes on stuff like this before theyā€™ve fully developed their own voice probably leads to just doubling down on the stuff that brought you success instead of trying to grow it in another direction more.

btw i would def be interested to see what ends up standing the test of time vs. what doesnā€™t from the first decade of likeā€¦ prestige indie hits. but maybe this is just me wanting to see a few games like Journey taken down a peg, and some others to get more positive attention/scrutiny they didnā€™t get at the time.