Every Extend Extra! Extra! (News Thread)

i’m actually excited by triple a stuff shown in state of play but i def need to get my ps4 repaired because idk if my lappy can handle all this stuff. i’m not mad @ se right now even tho they made all these new games but still haven’t released ff tactics remake

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Truly never would have thought this game would get a sequel, I didn’t realize the first game made much of a splash


Which of the futuristic racer clones is this one?

It’s the most like Wipeout that’s not like, a very small indie team.

Not to be confused with Fatal Inertia which is more futuristic racing planes than antigravity cars

Are there any retro racing planes games? I’ve been hankering for biplanes that race instead of dogfight for a little while now?

edit: I mean the planes ae retro not the gameplay. maybe I do. I don’t know.


Nothing I can think of the top of my head though I’m sure something must exist

racing aces is both kinds of retro

i think maybe also plane crazy on ps1, but i haven’t played that.

and if you want a more general non-violent biplane experience, rather than specifically racing, the ps2’s sky odyssey is an all time classic Lonely Game™



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they made him take out his headphones D:


i think this shows that he loves his friends and wants to signal his full attention to them which i’m ok with


Freaky Flyers comes to mind although it’s tone is a bit all over the place

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I don’t get it.

I guess it’s cool they could license a Scott Shaw movie for Twitch.

In a perfect world I’d be streaming Rollerblade 7 to the world every night.

There’s a party game called ‘What the Dub’

The game blanks out a line in a movie clip
everyone writes their own joke line
it plays via speech to text
then everyone votes on the best line

this is that same game by the same developer
with the added option to choose a pre-recorded RiffTrax line instead of writing your own
there would be almost no reason to use this feature

but the reason it exists is pretty simple
the game devs think their game would appeal to a lot of the same people who like Rifftrax
and that it would benefit from attention from the Rifftrax audience
which they get by making a Rifftrax game with the Rifftrax name on it
and Rifftrax agreed to it because they also like money


I think the reasons behind the game make sense but the thing I don’t get (which is maybe the same as LaurelSoup) is: why would anyone pay for this, shouting at the tv is free


Not being familiar with What the Dub I honestly didn’t realize this was gameified. If everyone’s voting on the funniest line Jack Box style I guess I can kind of see it. I thought it was just type to speeching jokes to your friends.

But yeah it seems like it’s way easier to just do this unstructured (which is something I’ve been doing in an over complicated way by streaming my VCR over discord with my friends a lot in COVID times), and the only appeal of the game is it becomes a mixtape of a bunch of clips from cult movies and industrial films if you don’t have shelves of that already.

I feel like one of those people complaining that Rock Band isn’t real music.


How does the combat in this look even clunkier in third person lol

Character designs are still great though


I’m glad ACE are still at it even though I haven’t played a game of theirs in ten years.


Everyone should play Eternal Cylinder, it’s my favorite ACE game and one of the best in the Tail of the Sun / Cubivore / Tokyo Jungle / Ancestors: Humankind Odyssey ‘generational survival’ micro-theme.