I thought Hogwarts Legacy was by Avalanche Studios but it’s by Avalanche Software. People really want absolutions so they can play the next game from the developers of Disney Infinity lmao
I saw some footage from it a few days ago and was shocked at how bad the game feel looked, especially the combat. I chalked it up to AAA game design sensibilities, but now knowing it’s by the Disney Infinity people maybe it’s more a lack of experience in this type of game. It still retroactively improved my impression of Forspoken though, another game about magic based combat that seems to have way more creativity than whatever Hogwarts is doing, the latter of which legitimately looks like the looping combat animations in a KOTOR game while you’re choosing your commands.
Jason Schreier reported that you can play as a trans character, which here means that form of address, voice, and body are independent binary character creation options. I’m glad more games are achieving the standard of Saints Row The Third (2011).
It’s apparently set during the 19th century goblin revolt so I’m sure the rest of the package is on the up-and-up.
unrelatedly, I just discovered this tremendous footnote URL
it looks like dragon age inquisition for people who got mad when krem showed up
When we were helping them out, they were in the middle of an overcomplicated magic combat system experiment. It…wasn’t great, very fiddly.
They were laser-targeting their pitch at “Skyrim for Harry Potter” and even at that point their reference was 8 years old.
Skyrim’s magic presentation being lifted from BioShock and critically defaulting to first person to hide the seams
we hope you like kit dungeons scattered about for ~content~
They also announced PC/PS cross netplay at Arc Revo!
insert post
scythe nb best character
This is really stealing the NonBinary Gourd’s thunder.
i want to hide in the forest of demons too
Jin: Orijins