
i legit should have saved all of Diamond-Friendly’s bizarre Xbox Live mass-messages. some of them were really creepy and totally fucked up, but some of them were also pretty damn interesting. in a creepy and fucked up way, of course, but still.

I saved a sampling of them.

I want a videogame about gun control where you shoot dudes with guns to keep them from shooting other people, because they have guns. At the end you gather all the guns on the ground and shoot them all to stop the senseless carnage for good.

The last shot (yes) reveals that you were really a gun all along, so with vindictive finality you shoot yourself in your gun-face and the ejected baby bullet that kills you is your own son, and he rolls away on the ground, spent and unloved.


You forgot Hail On Earth.


Wait, am I supposed to be playing old Doom with a mouse+keyboard or just keyboard? I’ve been playing only keyboard this entire time and it just occurred to me that Ancient Aliens would be a lot easier if I used a mouse. I’m not sure which control method most things are designed around.

The original Doom episodes should be played with a keyboard, they’re too easy with KBM. Doom II is kind of debatable, I don’t feel it’s necessarily too easy with a mouse but it was probably designed with keyboard in mind as well. I think modern WADs are generally designed around KBM unless otherwise stated.

yeah totally do keyboard+mouse for anything made in the past 15 years.

note that even the official demos in doom 1/2 are done on kb+mouse

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The secret answer is to play them with a modern controller.


I been KBM’ing since Wolfenstein. Didn’t adopt WADS until Quake though. Hell, I didn’t even use the strafe key, dodging via quick turns and backpedaling.

I wouldn’t say OG Doom should be played with a keyboard, but it is definitely something that can be done, Knee Deep in the Dead in particular. That’s how I actually had to do it since the original shareware I had was version 1.2 and it had some bug that made Doomguy flip out and spin around shooting non stop when I used the mouse.

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Wolfenstein is completely broken by using a mouse; if you have basic FPS mouse handling skills, it almost amounts to playing the game in god mode. The way Wolf3d is supposed to play out that you cautiously peek around corners and not run recklessly into open spaces, since you turn so slow that enemies will have time to damage you if you do. Its basic gameplay principle is sort of comparable to Counterstrike, except with like 20 times slower reaction times.

Atari Battlezone 1980 is the preferred FPS control scheme

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so this will be the first time i’m loading up DOOM WADS

what do I need to know / what is this ZDOOM thing

drag and drop is sufficient

use gzdoom if you want 3d support instead

or be a dork like me and use prboom-plus for a more classic style of play

doom.exe can’t run most modern wads very well, they’re usually made for boom-compatible engines which is basically anything not super vanilla

hey did you guys know Ella Guro founded a massive Doom WAD project that got finished last year

What was this? I might have missed it.

Oh I might have heard about this, I’m not sure. The concept is neat though, so I’ll check it out.

I’m sure the naming scheme came from The Way id Did series, which is pretty solid:

You know what other WAD has a dedicated website?! Plutonia 2!

My memories, which may well be fuzzy after over 20 years, disagree. Though I’m not ruling out the possibility that I just sucked.

It should be noted that having g/zdoom both in addition to whatever else one might prefer is handy since there’s a fair amount of good stuff that requires one of those specifically.

I use this to juggle various source ports.

Doom really hasn’t been a thing in a long time, it’s many different things.

Even the original DOS game with a keyboard, was split three ways between people who thought of it as a single player game, people who thought of it as a multiplayer game, and people who saw it as both.
Add in that some people mostly played the original while others primarily played mods.
Then add in source ports, and mouse aiming.

I love Doom.
For me, I love the original Doom as a single player game the best.
I recognize it’s been different things at different times. When the series was still current, I remember liking Doom.
Playing through addon levels and mods with my highschool friends was great too.
I remember playing Doom II because my friends preferred it. The modding community also preferred it.
I remember playing Final Doom and Doom 64, and having my friends think my love of Doom was kinda weird.
'You bought the new Doom? Doom is like so old, man’
At some point I played through it while thinking of it as an authored work, and fell really hard in love with Romero’s levels.
Later I played and enjoyed Brutal Doom, although I don’t remember the version (and yes that absolutely is important, because that too was many different things). I occasionally dipped into the multiplayer, and it is fantastic and frantic. Doom Guy’s run speed is nuts, the rockets are a solid choice, the double barrel is great, and the bfg lives up to it’s name.
I love Doom, and Romero making new levels is a fantastic treat.
The game whatever it is, has an absurdly huge modding and mapping community. It’s a game that has had and will continue to have thousands of designers swap in and out. It’s playable in countless versions and iterations.

doom 2 in name only was very well known and kind of resented by the doom community

because it really doesn’t play very well, especially early on, but got a lot of media coverage

a friend told me to try it, i went in blind, had no idea who was behind it or any of the coverage, and got fed up with the gimmicks and uninteresting map design around map10

doom the way id did is a very solid series, though. d2twid is a favorite, although fuck map19