
I gotta say that a hybrid of Quake and Halo with a satanic skin is really not what I’m looking for out of Doom, yeah.

Doom’s one of my favorite games of all time; hardly anything in my library can claim continued play for 23 years, and this new thing is no Doom.

I don’t think I’d be excited over it as a standalone product either, it’d just come off as Yet Another Boring Modern FPS.

I don’t see how this is quake like in the least, @janitor

Level design probably is nowhere near the standards of quake (which I will controversially claim was generally better than Doom’s)

The MP. It has rocket-jumping and Quake powerups and high health as opposed to the instakills of classic DOOM.

Quake stock levels were generally a fair bit more involved and interesting to navigate, yeah, though the enemy design was kind of not great, so it was a much different experience overall.

Doom wads still hit the best of both worlds for me in the long term.

I generally feel like the weapons share Quake’s lack of oomph and feedback, especially things like the double shotty.

There’s an “Ultra-Nightmare” mode where you restart the entire game if you die. Nobody at id has beat it.

l o l

I’m all for permadeath so long as the game is, y’know, not entirely linear.


My god, it’s beautiful.

Severe PSO aura, instadownload

The DooM commercial has a better artstyle than the game and features Refused?

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Favorite fun fact: RTCW singleplayer developed by same guys who did Kingpin. Makes sense, never realized.

It goes a long way to explaining why it’s such a chore.


rtcw was good, kingpin was pretty terrible though. i liked the aesthetic and rpg bits! but the gunplay was pretty awful

I only played the demo, and all I mainly remember about that part is how enormous all the dudes were in the game, with huge meaty limbs. Still they got the urban decay look pretty good, IIRC. Seems like something Xatrix’s artists of the time were just good at, since Redneck Rampage pretty much got rural decay on the nose too.

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It was like 1950s gangsters crossed with steampunk and 90s hip hop, it was pretty bizarre but interesting.

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did the original two doom games feel this cartoony when they came out
I feel like im playing through someones adult swim pitch about a gritty space marine

They felt weirdly contemplative to me

I think their relative abstractness better communicates the awful intersection of tech and the unknowable occult than a million years of this dirty orange perk-ridden grindstep shit


They were always nerdy and adolescent but genuinely spooked people and fascinated kids back in the day.

There’s something aware in how DOOM 2016 does not ever try to be frightening.