Discourse/SB2 Protips

damn at this rate I’m gonna give the site back to you


I also made the button have slightly more padding on mobile. please let me know if that causes problems for anyone

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i don’t think the Undo Delete button works (at least if you’re not a mod or w/e)

you can undo delete as a user?

seems to be working for mods at least

my normal browser is loading a black screen when i come here, i had to open a private window to come here. what’s that about, just something on my end?

gonna try clear the cache or smth

Yo fuck this unequivocally why can’t I quote a whole post especially if it’s like, 4 words

Posts aren’t getting marked as read for me, is anyone else having this

A number of people have reported that in the past week and while usually that just means the server is busy or you haven’t refreshed the tab in a while, I can bump the app tonight to rule it out

this annoys me too. I get that it’s a UX thing like trying to remove redundancy but let me have redundancy!!

there is a config flag to turn off this behavior – does anyone object to disabling it?

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site bumped

And toups, go for it

post can’t be empty




ok wise guy now let’s see you quarantine the past

you can never do that

I can though


What happens when we install sb to our device

no idea, I think it just creates native shortcuts and whatnot

Uboa will appear at random in photos you take


A post was merged into an existing topic: posts are now being marked as read on mobile… OR ARE THEY???

hey i don’t know where to put this, but it some images are not appearing in this thread:

i don’t know if they are actually disappearing from the server or what/how

Yeah been seeing a lot of this when reading posts that are like 2+ years old. Lot of images just disappeared randomly. Is this some sort of server setting that auto deletes them?

there were a few that got caught in an early migration before I had the images on S3 and the site on digitalocean and I was just running this 100% on EC2 for the first several months, but I’ve migrated all the ones I’ve caught. that post seems to be different from those, let me know if you find others.